…Mohadi claims to have been sent by Mnangagwa to foster unity
Precila Takabvirakare
Former vice President and Zanu PF second secretary Kembo Mohadi made sensational claims that he was sent by party president Emmerson Mnangagwa to promote unity in Masvingo province by riding off divisive tendencies and factionalism that has been rocking the party.
Speaking to Gutu district party and traditional leaders at Paradise Hotel grounds in Gutu on June 13, Mohadi said Mnangagwa had sent him to bring an end to factionalism in the province which has become a usual boiling pot of political changes.
“I have been sent here by the President to come and address the issue of factionalism that is here in Masvingo. We do not want what is happening.
“We hear some saying they are for Mavhenyengwa (current provincial chairperson) and some saying we are for Chadzamira (former chairperson and resident minister), hakuna munhu wemunhu vanhu ndevemadzishe (no person belongs to a particular individual, people belong to Chiefs). If you win, it is Zanu PF that has won and not you. A winner has nothing, everything belongs to the party, so do not fight,” said Mohadi.
Mohadi’s meeting with the traditional leadership (which was part of his week and half tour of Masvingo province from June 6-14) was meant to find ways on how the ruling party and traditional leaders can work together to meet the 5 million votes target in the upcoming 2023 elections.
Giving statistical evidence he encouraged the District Coordinating Committee (DCC) leadership to work hand in hand with traditional leaders whom he said are the ones who can provide the party with 5 million votes or even more.
“Having realized that we can win if we can work together with our traditional leaders, I therefore encourage the DCC and traditional leaders to work together and have cells according to the village heads. So from today if the DCC leadership comes to you asking you for permission to meet your people, help them and come up with real cells because those people listen to you than the DCCs.
“We should have our 5 million votes here in rural areas because we are not certain if we may have more votes in urban areas. People should register to vote, so let us go and work because we have a lot to do,” he added.
Reports of factional warring in Zanu PF have been ongoing dating back to the time before November provincial party leadership elections with the contesting candidates Masvingo Minister for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Ezra Chadzamira allegedly aligned to Mnangagwa while the incumbent provincial chair Robson Mavhenyengwa is aligned to Vice president Constantino Chiwenga.
Mavhenyengwa is alleged to be leading a faction affectionately known as “Zvazara” in short for Zvazara kuti Chadzamira Imbavha while Chadzamira’s faction is called team Bolato.
Soon after the elections, the two alleged factions took to the turf their wars as the eventual winners tried to eliminate Provincial Coordinating Committee (PCC) election winners aligned to Chadzamira.
At one point police details had to be called to ensure order prevailed during a PCC meeting convened as the two factions sought to settle their scores.