Clever Taperamoyo
Mucheke High is fast moving from being an ordinary school trailing behind everybody else to become an attractive centre of learning with all the trappings expected of a modern school.
The school, situated at the centre of Mucheke High density suburb, is currently constructing a precast wall to catch up with current trends.
Mucheke High School head, Vincent Mawene told TellZim News that the school saw it critical to replace the old dilapidated security wall as a way of improving security.
“The durahall was old and had multiple defects. It gave us a challenge with regards to enforcing discipline. We are also planning to revamp our buildings so that they accommodate more people since we do not have adequate space to build new ones,” Mawene said.
He said plans were there to build an ‘A’ level science block at the school, which is one of the oldest in the city.
The school’s ‘A’ level pass rate rose from 71 percent in 2016 to 88 percent for the 2017 classes.
“We are working hard for the best results and we have our children who have done us proud by obtaining up to 20 points over the years. This time we have one pupil who managed 20 points so our goal is to make more pupils achieve that every year,” Mawene