Zaka DSI Beaula Shambambeva
Brighton Chiseva
ZAKA – There has been a sharp decrease in the enrolment of grade one pupils at Nhema Primary amid claims that the school head is asking for full fees before a child is accepted, TellZim News can reveal.
Close sources claimed the school had enrolled not more than 30 grade one pupils for two classes as of Tuesday this week, saying by this time last year when the new full fees rule had not been put in place, the school had enrolled 108 pupils.
No comment could be obtained from the head Georgina Mushauri since she kept on saying she was busy.
Zaka DSI Beaula Shambambeva played down the low enrollment rate, saying it was usually the case with rural grade one pupils at the start of first term.
“We normally see an increase in the number of children coming to school later on. The first week of the term presents many challenges because parents do not send their children to school as early as the term begins,” said Shambambeva.
However, parents who spoke to TellZim News said rural schools usually allow grade one pupils to enroll even with zero fees, meaning their parents would be expected to pay later.
“We all know that it is difficult to raise full fees at once in rural areas due to economic hardships and the month of January is worse,” said one parent.
Mushauri was last year reported to have clashed with the School Development Committee (SDC) over alleged abuse of school funds and resources but was reportedly being protected by Shambambeva.local