kana zvakadaro maPhD acho itai mega ini zvangu Mapombi ndombomira. I don’t envy
to be a doctor (PhD) anymore. At first Mapombi thought chinongoriwo chirimi
zvacho which makes him fail to pronounce certain words properly. Saying Regacy
instead of Legacy, Racto pachinhambo chaLacto, it wasn’t really an issue for me
to be honest. But Mapombi now doubts Kedha after he failed to construct a
meaningful sentence recently kkkkk kuseka nhamo serugare. Kuzoita serious kani
hanzi, We won’t…we will make sure it will work, will not work. No it will work,
you will not work. Simple. Kwakubva dzatoturika hadzo magirazi adzo kuita
sedzaseva kkkk nhamo.
kana zvakadaro maPhD acho itai mega ini zvangu Mapombi ndombomira. I don’t envy
to be a doctor (PhD) anymore. At first Mapombi thought chinongoriwo chirimi
zvacho which makes him fail to pronounce certain words properly. Saying Regacy
instead of Legacy, Racto pachinhambo chaLacto, it wasn’t really an issue for me
to be honest. But Mapombi now doubts Kedha after he failed to construct a
meaningful sentence recently kkkkk kuseka nhamo serugare. Kuzoita serious kani
hanzi, We won’t…we will make sure it will work, will not work. No it will work,
you will not work. Simple. Kwakubva dzatoturika hadzo magirazi adzo kuita
sedzaseva kkkk nhamo.
Haaa Mapombi is of course a Grade 7 dropout
thanks to Zanu PF yakatsakatisa penjeni yababa vangu mugore ra2008, but
handisati ndakambonzwa chirungu chakadai ini upenyu hwangu hwese. Even my
English teachers vekuPrimary ikoko vaChihabu naMugabe they were far much better
than Kedha.
thanks to Zanu PF yakatsakatisa penjeni yababa vangu mugore ra2008, but
handisati ndakambonzwa chirungu chakadai ini upenyu hwangu hwese. Even my
English teachers vekuPrimary ikoko vaChihabu naMugabe they were far much better
than Kedha.
Mapombi thinks Kedha is not so educated and is lucky to have graduated with a
doctorate from a reputable university in South Africa. Of course the
qualification can be contested after Prof Jonso claimed that mukuru waiitirwa
PhD. Kkkkk but those who care to remember can testify that the draft pages
which Jonso leaked on social media of Kedha’s thesis were very telling kuti
pari kuitwa nedofo . There were a lot of serious and silly grammatical
Mapombi thinks Kedha is not so educated and is lucky to have graduated with a
doctorate from a reputable university in South Africa. Of course the
qualification can be contested after Prof Jonso claimed that mukuru waiitirwa
PhD. Kkkkk but those who care to remember can testify that the draft pages
which Jonso leaked on social media of Kedha’s thesis were very telling kuti
pari kuitwa nedofo . There were a lot of serious and silly grammatical
English cannot be used to measure one’ intelligence but zvimwe zvinozonyanya
so. But I want to advice Kedha that economy haide hasha iyi. There is no need
to be emotional about the economy. All that is needed are policies that are
investor friendly not ma it will not work, it will work aya.
English cannot be used to measure one’ intelligence but zvimwe zvinozonyanya
so. But I want to advice Kedha that economy haide hasha iyi. There is no need
to be emotional about the economy. All that is needed are policies that are
investor friendly not ma it will not work, it will work aya.
chakasiya chakuudzai kuti you can rig the elections but you cannot rig the
economy. Nhasi chionai patava varume. All they are good at is issuing threats
knowing that the people are not happy. Kamfana Chamisa munokashora henyu but I
think if we give him a chance that little man has the potential to make us
dream again. Nyika inodirwa sugar iyi varume and Mapombi can tell you that
tinomuka takarohwa nembovha yemufaro mangwanani –ngwanani. Tinenge torova
reverse jive nekunakirwa nenyika iyi varume.
chakasiya chakuudzai kuti you can rig the elections but you cannot rig the
economy. Nhasi chionai patava varume. All they are good at is issuing threats
knowing that the people are not happy. Kamfana Chamisa munokashora henyu but I
think if we give him a chance that little man has the potential to make us
dream again. Nyika inodirwa sugar iyi varume and Mapombi can tell you that
tinomuka takarohwa nembovha yemufaro mangwanani –ngwanani. Tinenge torova
reverse jive nekunakirwa nenyika iyi varume.
is nothing we can expect from this rivhorusheni gentlemen. We are in serious
trouble. Ukaona kuno kuChitima ndakushaiwa chero mabanana akaora it means
things are not well. We are being led by blind people and they are taking us
into the abyss. We have reached a point of no return and I feel sorry for the
younger generation because as long as Zanu PF remains in power, they will grow
grey hair without even touching a pay slip.
is nothing we can expect from this rivhorusheni gentlemen. We are in serious
trouble. Ukaona kuno kuChitima ndakushaiwa chero mabanana akaora it means
things are not well. We are being led by blind people and they are taking us
into the abyss. We have reached a point of no return and I feel sorry for the
younger generation because as long as Zanu PF remains in power, they will grow
grey hair without even touching a pay slip.
wish I had the power to tell President Trump to remove the so called sanctions
for a month timboona kuti zvinodii. Hakuna masanctions atiri kunyeperwa nezvawo
aya varume, tiri kubatwa kumeso. They just want to justify their failures by
hiding behind sanctions. Kana akambobviswa zvingatifadza timbobata matofo edu.
wish I had the power to tell President Trump to remove the so called sanctions
for a month timboona kuti zvinodii. Hakuna masanctions atiri kunyeperwa nezvawo
aya varume, tiri kubatwa kumeso. They just want to justify their failures by
hiding behind sanctions. Kana akambobviswa zvingatifadza timbobata matofo edu.
Mr Ibu unoona kutokaka tsinga nedzekugotsi heeee America has to remove
sanctions heee every patriotic person should call for the removal of sanctions
heee let’s go and camp at the American embassy kkkk zvakaoma. Tell the people
the truth please Mr Ibu. Sanctions have set conditions for them to be removed.
Address those and we will see from there. America does not need us but we need
them so we have to play by their rules. Mr Ibu should be telling President
Mnangagwa and Kheda to make the necessary reforms otherwise it will work will
not work. No. It will work, you will not work. Simple.
Mr Ibu unoona kutokaka tsinga nedzekugotsi heeee America has to remove
sanctions heee every patriotic person should call for the removal of sanctions
heee let’s go and camp at the American embassy kkkk zvakaoma. Tell the people
the truth please Mr Ibu. Sanctions have set conditions for them to be removed.
Address those and we will see from there. America does not need us but we need
them so we have to play by their rules. Mr Ibu should be telling President
Mnangagwa and Kheda to make the necessary reforms otherwise it will work will
not work. No. It will work, you will not work. Simple.
kuroora mwana mudiki time time hakuna kunaka kkkkk. Kheda ndakaona zvino musoro
waiswa dye hameno hanzi zvidii. A whole Vice President to be made to look like
a clown like that, but why Mary. Mwari ave newe mwana iwe.
kuroora mwana mudiki time time hakuna kunaka kkkkk. Kheda ndakaona zvino musoro
waiswa dye hameno hanzi zvidii. A whole Vice President to be made to look like
a clown like that, but why Mary. Mwari ave newe mwana iwe.
I have said a lot but I heard ZCTU and Chamisa are promising demonstrations and
I support them completely. I don’t want a demonstration where we will go home
at the end of the day. I want a sit-in like they are doing in Sudan. We will
not go anywhere until we achieve our goals. The voice of the people is the
voice of God and that voice will soon be loud enough.
I have said a lot but I heard ZCTU and Chamisa are promising demonstrations and
I support them completely. I don’t want a demonstration where we will go home
at the end of the day. I want a sit-in like they are doing in Sudan. We will
not go anywhere until we achieve our goals. The voice of the people is the
voice of God and that voice will soon be loud enough.
ndinokanga zvangu maputi angu for lunch before ndanzi ndotaurisa. Ngatisangane
muchikamu chinotevera but always remember, It will work, will not work. Simpuru
kkkkk. Mboko imboko.
ndinokanga zvangu maputi angu for lunch before ndanzi ndotaurisa. Ngatisangane
muchikamu chinotevera but always remember, It will work, will not work. Simpuru
kkkkk. Mboko imboko.