Ladies and gentlemen, regai Mukanya Mapfumo vakaimba kuti nyika yataichemera yaita mamvemve shuwa vakanga vaonera zviri kumberi nekuti we are simply heading towards disaster with this driver webhazi vaMamvura. Shame nezvinotaurwa kuti uti kunoda kunzi kudii haayas, regai vanhu vachiti kana munhu okura dzinodzoka kuita dzemucheche pfungwa I am just beginning to realize the meaning of that now nezvimadhara zviri in charge of the national train. Hanzi kana mukadzi asina kuvhota usanwa tea, saka varume voinda here paHunger strike because their women would not have voted haa hazviko izvi vechizvino zvino vachiti kudhara uko. These men dzinenge dzakasirawo kutamba nepwere tsvee kuita semuranda nemuapostora Ezekiel uyo akapinda muzana. Asi Panganayi chiporofita chake chakaoma hameno ndimi munoziva kuti ndechechokwadi here or kunyepa or else it is just a sign of disrespect from that young man. Why has death’s sacredness become so easy for him to pronounce it over another human being and yet he purports to be a man of God? Haa chete Chiwenga mazuva ano wanyararisawo iye Talent anombovepikoo maybe angagona kutonhodza chauruka Panganayi uyo odai kutanda serunyemba kunge arikutanda botso.
The dust now seems to have settled and it was another routine ploy by the authorities in Harare to just fake the freeze of the Gold Mafia assets temporarily so that they deceive people and think there was some sort of action against the criminals. There was no way Uebert’s assets were to be frozen leaving out those of his partners in crime, the First ‘nhingirikini’ sorry First Family of looters nhasi zvangu ndichazviparira naVarakashi avo kkkkkk. Ndogara pazasi paChitima apoo ende ndatoti pwee. Mapombi ndigendruman haavanzi. The game is that of ‘catch and release’ tototi mbavha dzabatwa wanikwe manatsamukanwa. How can a person who openly spoke to Aljazeera of his criminal activities be regarded as innocent if it is not a matter of acting in complicit with those in power? Time time these people vanotijairira chaiko. Kutiita mabharanzi. Nyika maitadza varume, nekuti madiro amunoita upfumi nechikorokoza akanyanya zvinopa kuti mufukidzire mbavha mumapapiro enyu nekuti munozviti hamubvunzwi. Denga muchaita rekugoogler, Dhuterere akaimba. Shame on you. Had people known, they wouldn’t have joined masoja in the streets of Harare in 2017, taiziveikoo kufarira n’anga inobata mai. But it’s not your fault, even vanaFadzi Mahere vaakunzi neiyo Second Desperation maenemies of the state also posed nawo masoja pamatank.
But honestly, that Financial Intelligence Unit is another shame and chigezero chembavha because they have failed the nation at large and one wonders if ever they are there to serve the nation or they are there to protect the interests of this bunch of looting elites masquerading as government. How on earth can a whole government institution declare there is no good cause for the freezing order to remain in place? kkkk haaya chinyika chekufanana neTeapot ichi zvakachiomera. But sooka, some of the things that happen in this country zvinosetsa mbavha yakavanda. When you released that kamutemo meant to hide government thievery mukachibvisa faster faster what had happened nhai? Kkkkkkk, ahhh, heya munotombosvodawo nhai. Ndavanhiki akamhanya mhanya kuita dispel the release of that SI, like the house was on fire. Hokoyo nenhamo! Journalists were in for a high jump if that law saw the light of day because haa, what then was ever going to be investigated ne the Fourth and most important Estate? But imi, why was Parliament blocked from carrying out an investigation into the ‘Gold Mafia’ scandal and kana ari Jamwanda kutoita nemathreats kuti any journalist anotaura nezveGold Mafia will follow Sikhala kuChikurubi. Haaaya but is security at the High Court that porous to the extent that the walls can be sprayed with messages of freedom for Shumba yaNgwena Wiwa, kkk of course one munhu anopetesa garwe renyu muswe ndiye Job.
Vuno Masvingo a ‘Lithium Mafia’ was unearthed and authorities vakaita faster faster imposing a temporary closure of Bikita Minerals pending investigations into the rampant looting and smuggling of the ‘White Gold’ where our all-weather ‘looters’ are making a fortune and driving it out of Zimbabwe. The truth is it’s just a mandatory and routine exercise which the nation has slowly gotten used to knowing that the criminals will gain freedom sooner than later and no one seems to care. Hakasi kekutanga vanhu vapara mhosva vachingosungwa zvenhando voregedzwa zvavo pasina kuinda kwavanokodzera mushure mekuba zvakakomba kudaro. I wonder what the roles of all such establishments like ZRP, CIO, ZACC and Parliament are, when criminals just do and act like they please while the whole nation suffers from their actions. ZACC kunyanya is now well-known for its notoriety for catching and releasing criminals either on bail or even dropping the charges for good. Shoes Lambada naMichael Mabwe vakamboita detembo ravo reiwo makomishoni namaoperation iwaya that are just spending huge sums of money from State coffers for no apparent reason as they are doing nothing other than propagating and creating a conducive environment for corruption and looting. No conviction, just investigating, bring someone to court and lastly fail to provide incriminating evidence against the criminal, where are we going as a nation kana ndimiwo? Coming to the issue of Chinese nationals abusing the locals, haaa any investigation at this juncture ladies and gentlemen sounds to be an act of madness to those who feel it must be done because it’s long overdue and where have these authorities been all along. Abuse yevana vevhu yakabvira kudhara nguva yaigadzirwa maBooster nemaChina aya and to them it’s more of a culture to ill-treat the defenseless locals because the Chinese dine and wine with the top brass of this country.
Ko nyaya yaBona naSimba yakazopera Seiko nhaimi? Just hope ivhu richagoverwa zvakanaka murudo and each one of the couple get a fair share of the land and properties isu vana vevanyai tichitambura nekunanzva miromo yatsemuka nenhamo. Ko chikomana Jaison chekufamba chichipfura vanhu nyaya yacho yava papi? Just heard kuti chaakunyepera kudzungaira chichiti chorwara njere haaa hazviko izvozvo, just go and join ana Chigudo gudo at Chikurubhi umbonzwawo zvakuri kuti ndizvo zvainzwawo vawaisunga uchiri muPolice. I just hope and trust kuti avo varikupukutana misodzi pamatama kuma sero kuya kwakasimbira musangano usati waonzwa neFAZ, process yavo ikufamba zvakanaka chose because kuno kuChitima ndakanzwa vaipfuura nenzira vachitaura kuti kune vamwe varambira nyaradzo. Kkkkk mapundu ari mumoyo yavanhu after parting ways with huge sums of their cash campaigning, haaa nemapiwirwo akaitwa vanhu mipunga nana Big now Small Deal, FAZ youya yotiza nechinhu pedzezvo wonzi bvuma chete kuti wakakundwa chero nenzira ipi, haaaya zvakaoma asika Zanu chiwororo. Ko ivo vaShe ngavachingotauraka zuva reElection kuti ndirini tikwanise kuita count down yemaperero aDhagi and hameno kuti next year akafunga marecalls anenge oaita sei hake. Zvichida Dhagi akamirira zuva resarudzo kuti agoita maPrimary elections kwakewo kuAlliance of which I strongly doubt if ever he is going to have candidates because no sane person would want to stand the humiliation associated with the now so unpopular brand he fronts. Dhagi, Chinotimba, Wadyajena, nechedu chepaChegutu ichi Nduna next year kunochera mbeva, paramende muchaionera kuhope sabhinya. Maboke hatizivi kuti zvichadii but mamiriro azvo ndaona zvakona. I heard kuti hurumende yakatenga bhero rendege kkkkk. I even saw Zanu folks bragging hanzi you will now be airlifted mukarwara, mosvika kuchibhedhlera kusina kana paracet apa maburuka ndege. Haa varume munodhakwa nengozi chete imi. And did you see the amounts akataurwapo? Shuwa denga muchaita rekugoogler. Ndava nezvimazuva since I last heard from Nero, chichiri kukanda here maverse chikomana? But I saw Hwende mocking Chinoz kuparliament recently, tambai mushe munokuvadzana vakomana, nyika ndeyedu tose iyi. Ndisati ndanokanga maputi angu for lunch zvangu, where is Marry waJenarari? Ndichambomubatira muziro nenguva dzepfumbamwe. Ko Fidza nespoiled nejaya rake zvakazodiikowo? Asi mapengero akaita Fidza unoona kuti hakuna munhu anorwadziwa nekubirwa sembavha shuwa. Yaaa kuno kuChitima kwakuita temperature dzichidzikira vane zvipfeko zvimwe zvavakaisa mupillow munokurudzirwa kurangarirawo Mapombi. Mboko imboko!!!
Yet another catch and release
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