My avid readers, I am happy ladies and gentlemen as I pen your favourite piece. I am smelling fresh air owing to the rains we have received this week and last week. I want to praise God for that, tiri kutonhorerwa and tanga taanzwa nemaSewage ari munaMucheke. Iyo Mucheke trunk sewer ichapera riiniko maybe these sewer bursts maybe reduced coz tanzwa nesewage munaMucheke. I heard the President is back from the summit where he had gone, takavaona vakapfeka black specs kunge aya anopfekwa neboyz remasuit case and cheap nylon suits raanofamba naro riya. I am sure zvaadzoka things will improve.
But nhai ladies and gentlemen, ED anodarireiko, I used to read about factions ndichifunga kuti pamwe inhema but I have heard that he deliberately forgot the name of the provincial chairperson wemusangano uri kutonga. Mashamisikawoka, Yes I did the same pandakazvinzwawo. He was reading the names of dignitaries paivhurwa Simon Mazorodze School of nursing. Hanzi dzakati the Provincial Chairman, pause… zvikanzi anonzi ani kkkk. Vanhu vakadeedzera Kuti Robby Robby kkkk, hanzi bva Mukuru vati ehe iyeye. Kuramba kudoma zita rachairperson. Kunyepera kusariziva apa rakanyorwa paSpeech. Iwe Emmerson usadaro iwe kkkk woda kupamha zvawakaita paEaster paya here kuti Good Friday inorangarirwei. Ungatadza kuziva Robby chakaonesa your blue eyed boy Chadzamira moto kudaro kkkk.
Chiwenga was beaten at his game aripo kkkk. Haa now ED is leading, vaya vanoti hee Chiwenga ane power, haaa, hapana zviripo apo he is just a clueless coward, hapana zvozikanwa paya. Apa Kembo is busy parading his ambitions in front of Chiwenga. Hanzi ndini ndiri kutevera kutora chimuti idzo dzakangoti vavava, I heard kuCongress he is the one who went to the podium and said the people have spoken and we know no other candidate except Mnangagwa, nxaa ndakabhoekana pandakazvinzwa. It’s not like I want Chiwenga to rule but I want kuti vachinjane faster faster coz this guy has proven kuti economics dzaramba. Worse now that Mthuli has joined Zanu PF FULL TIME haa pakaipa.
But iyo nyaya yeEndorsement yakazombobvepi iyoyo. Congress handiti ndeyekunosarudza anodiwa nevanhu here. Zvino kuZanu if anyone tries to contest anobva anzi Mutengesi. That system was supposed to be kuZanu Chete manje ey, they newly formed party yakatopinda nayo kudhara, and anyone who wants to challenge Nero is labelled a sell-out. Ko ndozvakaitwa Dhagi mazuva aya kkkk. I hear a lot of people saying CCC is now a one man band ivo vachiti kutya penetration, hameno no one knows the truth but as it stands, Mukomana wields power over political life and death of all members of the party. I know Dhagi is useless and is wasting time contesting the presidential elections but I think he is better than Zanu and CCC as it stands. I hear vana Noel Marara and Komichi want to contest the party presidency at the congress but I have never heard anyone labelling them sell-outs. Regai vanoda kucontester vapinde vodyiwa mushe, izvi zvekugara mavharira vamwe panze proves noting than just kuti we have dictators. Imbokopaiwo kuMDC, they are campaigning hapana zvatati tambonzwa. Heard Marara has the TSVANGIRAI ANNOINTING SINCE HE MANAGED TO WHISK HIM AWAY AT ONE POINT WHEN Zanu PF was baying for his heard.
But some people have nine lives like a cat, ah Mangwana survived another kick to the dustbin of political history kkk. Haa anga abaya mukomana but he found favour in the eyes of the President kkk. Anonyatsogona chii chaizvo muface uya zvekuti anonhongwa kudust bin achidzoserwa muCentral committee. But I doubt it’s about capability but ED wanted to strengthen his ticket to State House, next year kana apinda I am sure he will deal with them, garai mapabata ipapo musazoti Mapombi haana kumbotiudza. Chete kana ndichitaura munoti ndonyepa henyu. Last time ndakambokuudzai kuti muchaona the first lady is more than Dr Stop it vamwe vakati Dr Gire set a bar too high zvekuti hapana anorisvika but haa, amai vari kumhanya zvakaoma. She is now in the central committee, muchavaona vapiwa portfolio mupolitiburo then mozonzwa ah, munhu atova minister kkkk.
Haaa guys when fame knocks at one’s door, he/she becomes a born again who would like to change everything from the past towards a new life is it so? Yaaa mamanje vagari veku Ward 4 vanenge vasisina councillor anogara munzvimbo mavo nekuti I heard the new councillor has found a safe haven kuRujeko uko kwaMusekiwa zvakaoma. Ko Progress Chipfumo paakaimba kuti wakatiza musha ndiweee, what had really inspired him? I am beginning to get the sense behind his social commentary now that the act is being played from the musical script he wrote. Of course many would ask kuti Mapombi anozviwana kupi iye ari kuChitima, but ndine njumba yemasource of truthful information ka inini, I am not bragging about but trust me it’s happening in Rujeko. Asi Alec wakadyirei Mai Muchuchuti our political drama queen kana waida zvekuRujeko amana. Don’t tell me you were just residing in ward 4 so that you could be an eligible candidate yet knowing that you would desert the people. Let me warn you, 2023 is too near for you to play such games. Yaaa Kanzuru vava kugara neChihwitsimoyo chavo kumaraini ekuShakashe uko icho chichiita bhizimisi racho panzvimbo imwe navaMusekiwa sahwira mukuru waAlec omungane womukhulu, yaaa zviriko chere Macheso akambotiza Nyadzisai anakirwa nemujolo naTafadzwa nyarara asi ndiye akazonyarara hake mukuru weSungura. Yaaa polygamy might be the way to go in this modern age for Masvingo yakanzi madzimai takawandisa kupinda varume so we need to share and councillor has played a leading role. Anyway mujolo is real chero kuno kuChitima. Maybe sekusheedza kwaakuitwa Musekiwa nanaRoki kuti honourable, maybe Alec is preparing to fit into his shoes and become ward 7 councillor iye achiita MP pamwe ndozviripo chete hatisati taudzwa but anything is possible. Ko paThank You rally Nero akakutsiurai wani kuti hatidi vamiririri venzvimbo vanotiza nharaunda mushure mekuvhoterwa, haaa zvazvakanganwika riini ipapa?
Asiwo nemi maTraders vavakidzani vangu pano paChitima kana mukarwa maBANANA ndozoawanepizve musadaro chengetedzai runyararo veduwee mari yechema hairwirwi sezvamakange moita kupera kweMwedzi wadarika. Haaa ndakashaya kana pekunyarira neniwo muvakidzani wenyu kuti ko drama nemvongamupopoto zvobvepi ini ndichitarisira kuti murongeke sekuti ini sahwira wenyu ndichinzi Musvodazvaitwa haaa ndongodura kuruzhinji kuti ndozvakaitika kana mukandidenha sezviya. Anyway, I am happy mari yakazopiwa zvayo vaifanira kubetserekana nayo chero yakati nonokei kuuya asi chivimbo change chiri chekuti musazvipamhidze.
Pliz mbeu ngaipiwe vanhu vese kana ichibva kuhurumende ndapota izvi zverusarura zvinofamba Seiko hazvina kunaka nekuti tese tiri vana vevhu. Zvekupanana pahombe moga moga cherai chikomba pasi mupfire kuratidza mapfidzo nemuitiro wakaipa iwoyo. Amana ko kuCongress vamwe vese vakaita bounce back, but handina kana kumbonzwa nyaya kana guhwa zvaro pamusoro paDidymus akaindepiko musharukwa asika Zanu PF Mwari ave nemi nekusingaperi koi ye Mphoko hamumutsvakiriwo pekupinza mhino pega here aitewo sekuita kukuita Kembo ava kutoita First Secretary weZanu PF. But wakashinga Kembo ndatenda hangu, after that entire scandalous act, you still have ambitions to lead the nation.
Before I go kunokanga maputi angu let me express my hope that the views of school heads expressed in Victoria Falls would be given serious consideration and something be done on this huge elephant in the room –CALA. Yaaa mhuka yashupa iyi bvunza mubereki wese ane mwana arikuchikoro anokupa testimony chaiyo kuti haiite haiite.
Mboko imboko!!!
Zanu PF, CCC should borrow something from MDC-T
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