Ladies and gentlemen hear me out when I say that the regime is becoming more and more dangerous by the day. I am having nightmares here at Chitima everyday kuti ndokaruka ndanzi dzvii, because unlike many, Mapombi is known for running her mouth and calling out Baba Two and crew’s nonsense. Iyo SADC summit yakati kuuya iyi yakatiparira, nekuti zvokwadi haa arikusonwa masaga mumusangano wokusimba kumasero uyu. It also does not help that it’s coming at a time when Kenya is still reeling from protests—protests that could not be attributed to any political party nor a tribe. The jitters are all glaring for us to see, with arbitrary arrests of dissenting voices increasing. KuShona kune tsumo inoti ‘mombe yokuronza igama wakaringa zhira’. Kudya zvavo mafuta ayo nyika asi rugare havana varume vaya. The 79 political prisoners are not yet free, towedzerazve vanaKwekweza nanaRobson Chere? What exactly is happening kumusoro uko, because in my wisdom, nothing is more dangerous than a wounded animal. Why are you so jittery zvekusvika kunovhomora mahuman rights defenders mundege if everything is in control? Hamuoni kuti you’re exposing your weakness here nhai varume? Ko Chitepo School of Ideology haidzidzisi political strategy here zvamuri kusvodesa kudai? Paranoia yacho unotongoona wega kuti haa is not make sure. Again, the resources that were used to prepare for SADC summit, if really Zimbabwe had the leverage it claims to have, why try so hard to impress people who are already in your corner? Handiti hanzi naMasomere Baba Two ndoHeadboy weSADC, woshaya kuti tiri kutambudzirwei nekukwesha man’a for vaenzi vatinongoziva kuti ndevedu. Pano tsvai tsvai, pano kweshe, kkkkk, seka hako Mapombi. Ndozvajairwa zvekungofaker faker, that’s why we are in this mess. And some of the brand marketing being done for Zimbabwe is as ridiculous as it comes, kuita senge zvemaGrade 2B, as I risk insulting the infants. I bet you the Dr. Nevers Mumba debacle left the regime quacking in its boots, and realising that things may not be always as they seem. Ibata wabata zvokwadi. Mazuvano Zanu is not taking any prisoners, takanzwa mumwe murimi wepaChiredzi apa ogwesha asking for forgiveness for just taking a picture with MP Ropa Makumire. It shows kuti screws are tightening, and getting in bed with the opposition is no longer taken lightly. If only our opposition knew how to do that, they could get somewhere, zvino manyana eshiri, kungoshamira zvese zvese nezvinoruma. Get me right, I believe political tolerance is important, and politics should not divide people to that extent, but the way Zanu is doing things shows that it’s a battlefield, no rules apply. Hanzi nemurimi Morris Mhlanga tisu tingatotenga Ropa, which says a lot about how the opposition is vulnerable to Zanu’s scheming and plotting. Zvisineyi hazvo, arresting citizens for simply exercising their rights is going to rather give you adverse results imi vanhu veZanu imi nemastate apparatus enyu. Since when does attending court in solidarity with political prisoners become a crime? Gore riya pakazara wani paRottenrow Evan Mawarire asungwa. Munosvodesa mhani vanhu veZanu nechitororo chenyu. You are building resilience that people never knew they needed, and mind you the tension is already high, maronda aAugust 2023 are still fresh apa nhamo yakabaya mwana wevhu, ZiG harisi kubatika zvekumhanya. There are so many things to be angry about in this country, please just don’t add to them. The Summit will come and go, tozviziva hedu kuti you don’t care about the citizenry but a little shame will go a long way. Kutovasunga kutovapa relevance they didn’t realize they still had, which is basically shooting yourself in the foot.
I heard Genarari Chandaizment vakuda kurira paMatabeleland apa, hanzi Mukwenyana anenge akagona ku impressa vakarabwa vake. But before I dig into that, nhai Mai Guvheya, ko kutisvodesa paWorld stage muchiita littering kuParis, pared carpet for that matter ndokudiikowo nhai Sisi Minie? Huye takasvoda very wero. Dzimwe etiquette dzodawo kudzidzirwa because it’s not everywhere that they tolerate nonsense dzekuZanu dzekuuchirira zvisina basa, handitika Mhamha? Zivai kuti you may wake up mava Mhamha venyika in the near future, musazoita sevatinavo ava who we have already given up on vanongobikisa madzimai rupiza everyday—haa moti taisvikepi nadzo nharo navo ivo vachiti nhasi vapfeka yeHwisiri uniform, mangwana Zion, swerazuro Savadha, vhiki inouya postori, apa vemuchurch dzacho vanotopinda katikasi makore kuti vazopfekedzwa uniform dzacho. Ko iyo makeup? Uku futi ndine chigumbu navo nenyaya yekushunamidza shiri dzenyika pamadress avo nguva zhinji. That is a national fabric for goodness’ sake, and Mapombi is not being petty! Ngavaudze matailor avo aite zvinhu kwazvo. It’s the small things that show kushaya order mubrain chaimo, saizvozvi zvekunzwisa Hungwe dzenyika dzungu vachingotyora muzura pese pese. Speaking of, nhaimi Josaya mupenyu here kumbaiti dii kudaro? Psychomotor warova veduwee, kkkk, asi Mugabe kaa, wherever you are Mwari ave newe. I last heard kuti ariko hake kuCouncil of Elders kwavo uko.
Anyway, back to General Bae, hanzi the chorus is getting louder by the day kwavakaroorera, and we all know that hakusiko kwega kwavanodiwa. A lot of Zimbabweans see him as a better devil, and may support his bid to lead this wrecked ship. Zimbos have been so abused by the system to a point where they see anyone who may challenge ED as a saviour. Handinyepi, Kasukuwere chaiye wani who at some point was one of the most hated Zanu leaders is now being seen in some quarters as an option. Kana icho Nero chaicho, a chameleon of note, chichingokanda maverse got lots of support, some who even behave like cultists. But guys, sometimes ndombofunga kuti Nero chinonyorerwa zvachinoposta on social media nemaAI vanaChatGPT vaya because kungodai, hee freedom is coming, hee behold Zimbabwe is free, hee the new is here. Kujairira vanhu chaiko. People had so much hope, and expected some leadership from him, wanike izai muzana zvaro, hakuna chembwa tenzi vararira mangai. Kutozonzi naHopewero musi uno, hevo, chimbotauraiwo zvanaTimba nevamwe vakasungwa, hezvo nhai president in waiting, kkk. But you know what irks me also about opposition figures condemning these arrests? You can actually read from the tone kuti it’s just grandstanding, kuti tinzi tataurawo vanaHwende. Type dzacho ndivana Cherozvazvaita bhurugwa rebhinya. Using other people’s torture for political mileage, regerai vakomana. History will judge you harshly. What baffles me however is how Nero failed to see these people for who they are over the years. Gore riya Mai Kore signed Mai Muchuchuti’s nomination papers ekuward 4 uko, causing a contentious double candidate issue, which was ignored nayo executive yacho. You all deserve what happened to you vanhu veCCC, chero isu hedu tisingadeserve Zanu.
Asi Bishop Wutawunashe if you find a few seconds from your busy bootlicking schedule mukwane handitika. Zvimwe zvacho munozoti Mapombi anotaurisa murimi munotanga. For context, hanzi naWutawunashe Zimbabwe haisi kutambura, you just don’t have the exposure of traveling to other countries dzemuSadc chete. I just said to myself nezvinopawo offering, imba yose yakasimuka nemapango zvokwadi. Vadzvova tsvii nemari dzeoffering vorotomoka zvavo muRevhi. Our religious leaders unoshaya kuti vanoverenga same bible rinaana Jeremiah, Hosea nanaAmos here ivava, ugozonzwa hanzi Christian nation, muchibira varombo? Never standing up for the oppressed, asi kuendorser zvisina basa, hanzi touch not the anointed. Chimbavha mbavha ichocho chaita nyika iore kudai.
Anyway, let me go ndinokanga maputi angu zvangu for lunch, mabanana akaora mashoma mazuvano kune svichando. But before I go, makatozoti Jonono cannot be a returnee for ED sevamwe? Zhuwawo chava kuita hacho zvemabook chikati zvekuita nyika dambiro rekwaMugabe zvakakona. Ivo vana vaBhobho vacho haa unongoona kuti zvakaoma, vose ungati vari kutanda botso, kunge vane zviri kuvahaunter. Chatunga kuita sesvimudhara, uya mukuru Robert anongorebenukawo nekoko. Ko nhai, mai vaya vekuclaimer kuti vakawisa ndege muhondo varipiko, last heard vachiita zvegym. If you see my good friend Mphoko ask him about his stance on Mkwenyana, asazongomufurira kugara mumahotera chete. Otherwise, mboko imboko!
Zanu PF grasping at straws
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