Now I am not going to wait for any university to give me a PhD because I discovered kuti mavakungopanana pahukama. Kana usiri mukuwasha hauna chako pa airport. Today Dr Simba is enjoying at the air Simbabwe and everyone is very happy that at least the regime has managed to create one job out of the promised 2,2 million jobs. How about Bona, makamugadzirira papiko kana apedza kuyamwisa muzukuru, kkk kuseka nhamo serugare. I can as well call myself Dr Mapombi … mungandidii? Hapana akati babavaTencen! But ladies and gentlemen, you know very well that Dr Mapombi is a gentleman havanyari munhu, I can just tell you things as they are , this country has gone to the dogs takatarisa. Look at the corruption and nepotism levels, look closely how sometimes we are told what is happening and because they know kuti vanhu vacho vane chibharanzi, they continue urinating on our heads and they do that without any shame. In fact thus what they enjoy most. Inhundiramutsime vanhu ava! And what do we do as Zimbabweans? Ziiiiiiiiiii zvedu expecting one Morgan to do everything for us. Since the Cuthbert cum Cashbert Dube stories upto this Robbing Moyo’s latest scandal makahwa ani akasungwa? From Goodwills masimirembwa to Saviour Kasukuwere ndiyani akambosungwa? Unosungwa wabuda muZanu PF kwete urimo. Never! When you see that old man talking about corruption you must know that he is just joking. Corruption inobata chete those who are anti Mugabe not from the royal Zanu PF family. Look at how Kasukuwere has abused state land, converting that land to be party land! Ungavadii hapana! When you see Mugabe praising that young boy, ibva waziva kuti parikudyiwa mari haikona zvekutamba, and don’t ask me kuti whose money because I will tell you kuti vakomana tax payer’s money irikuitwa kunonzi kushagadwa nemakoronyera.
But Robbing Jonathan Moyo haungadaro? Dr Mapombi will never doubt your professorship, I know you worked for it although you are now allowing anyone to be called Dr mai nhingi just because they are married to Cde so and so. Ko Simbabwe makatomupawo here? Please do it fast so that when we finally get his CV, we should be convinced kuti mkuwasha akazvidyira zvake mabook ake – ibvai mamurova nehu professor chaihwo from our beloved UZ kkk.
But Jonzo ndakakutsamwira, how can you be that childish? In fact someone said to say childish would insulting children so we would rather say how can you be that stupid – stealing and continue to shamelessly defend yourself. Nyarawo shamwari, how can you abuse public funds just like that? In other countries, this is the time for someone to do the honorary thing and resign from the ministerial post. Don’t try to play factional or tribal politics here, the fact is wakanyadzisa, you are a thief and you must do the right thing called resigning rather than trying to defend yourself. I know that you will never be arrested because hantie mamwe masirivha wakadya na Mhamha here, and of course mudhara will protect you the way he has been protecting thieves and crooks since then but honestly a real professor would call it a day. Your party has been exposed, you have been reduced and this is the time to say goodbye Jonathan, but knowing you as I do together with your Gandawa, muchangoti hatiendi but vakomana nyika iyi mauraya moga. Let me not even suspect that you two guys were getting some bribes from universities, colleges and even schools. Munenge murikudya imi… I really wish I had a journalism background, I would do some investigations and I bet you that you guys might have done even worse things than what we are knowing so far. I find it very difficult to call you a stupid professor at least for now but I hope and pray that you will prove me otherwise. Iye Mboko haanyare akaita seiko, a man who lived in a hotel for three years is the first one to defend your actions… what more do you expect from Dr Mboko. Aizve I am now thinking that everyone is now a Dr of some form. I think it’s now wise for everyone to declare themselves Doctors from UZ or China. If they ask just tell them kuti ipapo pakapbva ramhamha ndopakabva rangu… mukoto wacho takazouwana kkk.
Dr Mapombi vafa nenzara now, let me look for some rotten bananas zvangu. Kana zvaramba ndondokanga hangu maputi angu for lunch. Mukadarika nekwa Chirimudombo movaudza kuti Dr Mapombi takavaona but ava kukanga waya!!
Mboko imboko.mapombi