Let me tell you the bitter truth that I know most of you don’t want to hear, our problem is not Mnangagwa, I repeat, Ba 2 is not our problem; the real problem in Zimbabwe is the system. I know most of you will not agree with me but I am used to it, I know mofunga ndinopenga but let me tell you, ini ndinoonera manje and let’s not be tempted to do a repeat of the 2017 situation. I see most of you were celebrating statements by Chiwenga castigating corruption and mbingas etc. I saw a small fraction of people singing ‘siyanai naye Chiwenga’ ndikati zvataaangaaaa! On the other hand, Minister of ICT Hon Mavetera was also singing ‘mupanduki’ what what ndikati hokoyo, zvaakuda kunakidza. Let’s witness the drama hedu isu vana Mapombi tichiti regai zvibayane ikoko. History is repeating itself ladies and gentlemen, the script is developing everyday kkkk. Remember Dickson Mafios in 2017 praising Uncle Bob for chasing Ba 2 and making him a boarder jumper. Hanzi makagona president you fired Dambudzo, Dambudziko anga achiuraya nyika. Institute investigations into command agriculture and arrest him and other ministers involved ndikati right! ‘Fast forward to 2025, we have a new Mafios in the name of Minister of Looting Daniel Garwe. I am saying Minister of Looting because his ministry is the most corrupt one, he presides over rotten councils who are involved in scamming residents buying luxury cars at the expense of service delivery. They do tenders and flout charges to get kickbacks. In Masvingo we have the Mucheke trunk sewer project yakadyirwa mari kudhara and up to now nothing has materialized. The roads are full of potholes and the Mucheke Bridge which links Zimbabwe and Southern Africa is always congested. Chichadonha before Masimba comes back to finish off the bridge in 2030. The bridge was designed for moving traffic not still vehicles. I am not an engineer zvangu but I know the basics. Apart from approving the corruption in local government, Garwe also presides over the traditional leaders who are used as Zanu PF campaigning machinery. He is the one with power to appoint and disappoint kkk. Machiefs anobuda mari veduwe and I wonder why Garwe is so slim, haasimbi kunge munhu akamedza waya. Hanzi naGarwe all those war vets calling against 2030 are demons. I liked it even more when he said before the glory of God is seen, madhimoni anotanga abuda so don’t be surprised when you see all those talking against the 2030 agenda, they are like demons and Mnangagwa will take this country to 2030, ini ndikati heya, regai tione.
Ladies and gentlemen, let me warn you, against denigrating ana Papa imi, nhasi I am more biblical, remember the story of Elisha and the kids who laughed at his bald head, hoo, sekai henyu mhanza yemunhu waMwari. Iyo UNISA yacho inazvowo, nhaimi zvayava kupedza Papa Magaya shuwa. Everything about him becoming fake. Chasara kunzwa kuti he never went to Israel and the pic which showed him with a bag was actually taken somewhere in Mutoko there not Israel, after that tichanzwa kuti chiporofita chese ndechenhema. I think Magaya has learnt his lesson, munhu ngaiite chimwe. Kana munhu ada zvekuprofita ngaagumire ikoko, philathropism and sponsoring football is not a problem as well, izvi zvekuzoti munhu is founder of PHD then you want to use a fake PHD to get another post outside basa rako izvi siyanai nazvo, look now what it has caused apa worse he lost the ZIFA case. Ngaasiyane nezve O’ level and concentrate on the Spirit Level kkkk. I want to urge Magaya to continue sponsoring our football, that’s all we want from him, zveZIFA presidency regai zviende ikoko kuTeam riri paSanction list. Yes hamusi kuziva kuti the new president is on the sanction list? Ee I mean Magwizi, aripo pamasanctions and he is part of Vene. Muchanzwa manje manje kana zvaakudhakwa ikoko they will start saying hee things are not working well because the president is on sanctions.
Right, I am sure you heard what the trumpet said, I mean Trump, he decided to take off USA from funding WHO, the same way Uncle Bob took away Zim out of Commonwealth. Trump is doing what Bush failed to do, keeping his America while we keep our Zimbabwe kkkk. People are crying in many circles over Trump’s decisions. I just want to warn my fellow Zimbabweans that even though some of the decisions are being reversed especially on health, please play wisely, maARVs anogona kungoita mashoma anytime as well as some essentials like condoms and contraceptives. I know some will say hee Mapombi aakutaura zvebonde, but vakuru vakati akuruma nzeve ndewako. I wonder varakashi who were supporting Trump vari kutii. But I am sure you all agree with me, we have our own mbingas formerly called Zvigananda during the war times, we have the likes of Chivhayo, Scott, Passion Java, Tagwirei among others, ah not forgetting vanaPapa, all of them Zvigananda, talk of Herbet Mudzanire aka Angels, look at Makandiwa and Freddy, they all have money to splash and if we channel that towards health and other things we won’t need America I tell you. Without looking at the mineral resources we have in this country, we are already set and if they are accounted for, we will reach vision 2030 of making Zimbabwe an upper middle income economy by June this year. If our leaders account for everything, Zimbabwe would be filthy rich soon and would not rely on America to pay nurses, like what tsikombi yenyika always says, we need new leadership. When I say we need new leadership, I am not referring to Kedha. Yes, I have seen some people in some sections of the opposition pinning hopes on Chiwenga kkk nhamo. Ko vodii ivo vari makwai asina mufudzi? The only hope people had was the young man Nero but he deserted the masses and was unapologetic about it. Now he is just full of bible verses kuto darika vana Magaya. Ndonzwa zvichinzi naJelousy Mawarire paya paakarobwa kuairport during Tsvangirai’s time it was a deal gone wrong nemagoons aRex Nhongo. Moitaneikowo kupolitics uko, kkkkkk. Leave Mukomana to preach in peace. Haa zveZimbabwe zvandikona, no one wants to be confined in their space. Pamwe vana Magaya came to football politics after facing competition from him panyaya dze Bible kkkk, who knows. The army is supporting Kedha and the opposition is doing the same but let me warn you ladies and gentlemen, Zanu PF infighting is like a fight between your parents, stay out of it, never get involved unozonyara manheru vava musame blanket. Let’s not lose focus on Zanu PF factions, it’s their game and they have been there since the war of liberation that’s why some nationalists failed to get into the new Zimbabwe that is what keeps the party strong. Siyai zvakadaro, we all supported Ba2 in 2017 and now people want to repeat the same mistake.
The war vets led by this Gezi guy are crazy, I know they are telling people what they want to hear but I don’t think they are sincere, they are just bitter since they thought the so called Second Republic would give them another 50k kkkk. Why are they seeing that Ba2 is doing chaibva mumba now, where were they all along when people complained? They are just after their pockets, they are part of the system that authored our suffering and Kedha who they want to propel is the one who led us into removing uncle Bob and replaced him with the guy they are now condemning. War vets should know that this country belongs to Zimbabweans not them. If they are sincere they should simply make sure that we go for elections in 2028, people are free to choose whom they want to represent the party not hand picking like they are doing now. The same applies to the opposition, we have a problem of leaders who do not want to leave power. But on another note, Aluta Continua Cde Gezi kkk, we cannot allow someone to break the constitution, 2028 we need elections simple!!!
Before I go hangu kunokanga maputi angu for lunch, mange makanzwa here about the presidential pasture scheme kkk. Scheme yemafuro ladies and gentlemen haa our President is the best kkkk. Busy kuita zvemafuro emombe whilst inflation and unemployment is rocking the country, shops are closing and someone is busy with pastures, ufuro hwemombe dzakapera neJanuary disease, nxaaa!