Mapombi has 92 good reasons for gogo Mahofa not to attend the conference which ends next week.
Asi vanhu chiiko nemi kungonzwa angoti 92 motofunga makore? mapombi never said 92 years but 92 reasons manje izvo zvekugwegura zvamava kutaura zvabva kupi? Haa tibvirei apa muchiti nemi hamuchagweguriwo here? Tikwanirei apa!
Mapombi said she has 92 reasons why Shuvai Mahofa the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs for Masvingo should not attend the Zanu PF conference.
Are you forgetting that she almost died last year at Zanu PF Congress as a result of food poisoning? Or was it BP after TellZim News broke the story that she was alleged to have stolen Bona’s gifts which had been donated from the Low veld?
Whatever the case maybe, whether she was poisoned or she succumbed to high blood pressure; still both should make her worry of attending the conference.
Mahofa is at catch 22 situation on whether to attend the conference or not. She is the Minister of State for Masvingo and is supposed to welcome delegates to the province and the same time attending increases her chances of being posioned again or kukwidziwa BP futi. Handditi you all know futi kuti kune nyaya yeminda yenzimbe iri kupisa iye?
And Mahofa is at the middle of the battle apa hanzi akaita kuti Team Lacoste yega ingopiwa sugarcane farms – apa Mombeshora has since withdrew the offer letters. Tichaonesa chete zvedu isu vana Mapombi this conference.
But Mapombi has 92 reasons why Mahofa should not dare attend the conference.
Are you aware that Mahofa almost died achishandira chigaro ichi? Kkkkk anyone who remembers pastor Charles Charamba’s song yekuti ‘kana ndotamba sudurukai kani ndoda kutamba sezvakaita David. . .mambo akatamba nezuva riye… akatamba kusvika mai vapopota…’
Mahofa danced until she collapsed during the women’s league conference. She later regained consciousness and picked up from where she had left, and she danced until she passed out again. Mahofa’s dancing prowess impressed Marujata who then immediately recommended to mudhara kuti aiitiwe Minister of State for Masvingo replacing Kudakwashe Bhasikiti who was being accused of being in the wrong basket. In fact Bhasikiti was indeed in the wrong basket as you are all aware that he has since joined Joice Mujuru to form ZimPF. Kkkkkk hakuna chisingabhadhare kuZanu PF, one can even be rewarded for fuelling political violence. That’s Zanu PF for you!
Anyway, let me try to rush otherwise I might fail to articulate all the 92 reasons why Mahofa should not attend the Zanu PF conference at Masvingo Provincial Agricultural Show Grounds this week. The first point is that , if Mahofa was really poisoned last year and survived then this time the perpetrators will make sure zvekuti kana uri mushonga wamakonzo vanodira masatchets gumi chaiwo. And mind you tsuro haipone rutsva kaviri.
Secondly, Mahofa openly defied President Mugabe after he pledged 300 cattle to AU and told the 92 year-old to go hang saying there was no way Masvingo would donate cattle when people were dying of starvation. Mahofa publicly condemned Mugabe’s call for each province to donate cattle so that he could honour his pledge to the AU and Mahofa publicly shot down the idea which Mapombi is very sure irked Gushungo. And the old man is likely to use the conference opportunity to hit back at Mahofa – thus the reason Mapombi wants gogo Mahofa not to attend the conference.
Kkkkk mashamiswa nekuti ndati gogo Mahofa? Imika itai mushe hamuzvioni here kuti makore awanda apa munoti 75 ndeekutamba nawo here? Nhasi zvangu koi mi zvekuti tichitaura munhu ane makore 75 imi mototi uyu uri nani pane ane 92 zviri kubva nekupiko? Muchandinyimisa mabonzo imi paConference netunyaya twenyu twekuchembera kwevanhu twusina maturo utwu.
Anyway, the third reason is that Mapombi heard that the reports that Mahofa stole donations that were meant for Bona baffles Dr Gire and as you are all aware that an investigation team was immediately sent to the Lowveld to do investigations and the findings were still withheld. Mapombi is not that well connected but she only has one advantage; that is, people freely discuss their issues even when she is around because they think she is a mad person. I am not crazy!
But this is how I get information most of the time. And on this one I heard the findings of the investigation team yakaenda kuChiredzi uko achataurwa ipapa and Mahofa will be crucified. Worse that gogo Mahofa supports Ngwena to take over from President Mugabe which our good Doctor Amai is totally against. Hameno. Kkkkk iyo yehu Doctor iyi haa zvakaoma.
Can you imagine a Dr (PhD) who can’t even spell a simple word like remittance? Kkkkkk Zanu PF inozozvinyanyawo akomana kuchipisa huDr kusvika pakadaro. Even Grade 7 dropouts are now Dr courtesy of Zanu PF. Iyezvino munhu kana akati I am a Dr then first ask which political party do you support before asking the person kuti makariitira kupi doctorate renyu. Ukanzwa angoti I support Zanu PF then don’t waste your time asking kuti makaitira kupi PhD yenyu.
Anyway, let us not waste time talking about these dubious doctorates and concentrate on the reasons why Dr Mahofa should find excuses not to attend the conference. Aah hezvo she is not yet a Dr by the way I wanted to say gogo Mahofa. But who knows with her knitting certificate anongomuka ava Dr rakacheka nyika and hapana unomboti pwee.
It’s almost lunch time guys before I complete the 92 reasons. Let me go ndindokanga maputi angu for lunch and then resume soon after lunch time. But before I go, please tell Mphoko kuti Masvingo ichakuvavira iyi. Honestly how dare he declared while addressing a rally in Chiweshe early this year that Makaranga will never rule this country?Kutoimbawo wena kutu Mazezuru unconquerable baba vangu kusaziva kuti zundu kugara mundove hazvireve kuti ratovawo mombe. Anyway welcome to the Makaranga stronghold little known Mphoko – we want you to withdraw that statement during the conference or else. Mboko imboko!