Ladies and gentlemen, I can’t stop wondering how we ended up having two cyclones hitting our country at the same time, what coincidence it is, having cyclone Chamisa and the Yellow fever at the same time we are having cyclone Ana. I used to hear sekuru vangu kwachiri Mudombo vachiti paifamba Masvikiro kana varidzi venyika vaiperekedzwa netumvura. Could this be what is happening? Honestly if you look at the calmness of Ana mmm, you will be tempted to believe it. I know it is a bit harsh in some areas, but I know hakusi kuzama kutyisa vanhu but kungotiwo zvityise kkkk. But mukati mufana haana kuromba iyeyu, I hear Mazoe, maBanana and other yellow things are disappearing in shop shelves only two days after the announcement of the new party name and colours. KKK we have crazy people in Zimbabwe. Apawo maZanu are busy throwing away anything that is yellow. Yes yellow is the colour in town. I am also looking for a yellow something even a yellow paperbag rekuisa some rotten bananas, iwo ari kuora sei nemvura iyi.
Thumbs up to the young man, launching a new party is the only meaningful thing you have done for some time now, other than moving around the country exposing Zanu PF’s violent character when it comes to the opposition kkk. Not ana Khupe or Mwonzora, I mean the real opposition. You exposed them paya though they don’t learn, Zanu PF haina matyira when dealing with something that threatens their stay in power. The only way to deal with Zanu so far is voting zvine mutsindo so that rigging will be hard for them. Tikasadaro sure sadza reYellow munoridyira mahara kkkk. Yes people have gone back to the 2006-08 era where the whole country was surviving on yellow mealie meal from CARE. Business tip, vanobika sadza itai reYellow mufe nemari. Munhu wese akudya yellow except Mapombi, ini hangu handiudi hunondirangaridza chegore riya kkk.
Provebs 23:13-14 says, ‘Do not withhold discipline from a Child; if you punish him with a rod, he will not die. Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death. So today I am not sparing the rod on the new baby CCC. I like the new baby, who else doesn’t like mwana mutsva, chero varoyi vanongotiwo makorokoto wani. I like the way people are embracing the new party name, slogan, symbol and colours though it is a bit late, nhasi zvangu nemachinja, I know they say touch not the anointed kkk. Imi its true this has been long overdue, ah aidai akangozviita kudhara izvi hapana hapana apa. Ah ko moti zvaienda nepi, the party name and slogan should have time to percolate into the people’s minds. Don’t underestimate the name MDC, range rapinda muvanhu chero imi you know it that is why maiita ana MDC-T, MDC-N, MDC-199, MDC-Renewal and lastly MDC-Alliance kkkk. It was done to try not to do away with the MDC name kkk. Others are still saying pamberi naMugabe wani. I hope we won’t have that confusion pamarally vamwe voti hezvoko bwaa. Zvekuti hee chigunwe ndeche ISIS haa inziyo tichishanda dziya hapana hapana, be rest assured, this will not change anything muBallot, people will be very cautious of that pakunovhota. Vanhu vanoziva zvavanoda, imi Zimbabweans are educated, I mean literate enough that they cannot be confused zvekutadza kuona panaChamisa.
The name sounds good to me though some are saying its personalising the name to Chamisa Chete Chete, my worry is on the CHANGE aspect, ko kana mapinda would you still need change here ladies and gentlemen. I know you will accuse me of yep yeping too much so I will not touch the anointed.
But machinja should stop majoring on the minor and concentrate on big issues, Mwonzora and Khupe are not the enemy here, the real enemy is Zanu PF and it is very powerful and well-oiled. Don’t celebrate. Kushaya macandidates kwana naDhagi means they are politically a spent force, Khupe announced the official split from MDC–T and she is only a threat to Mwonzora. If you want to know the real enemy, just look at the results of the nomination court, its Zanu PF and CCC with candidates in all the respective areas, this should tell you the real enemy.
I used to think Mwonzora and Komichi were responsible for but double allocation of candidates in 2018 but I was wrong. Another culprit is in CCC because the system is still repeating in the party. How can CCC field double candidates in three wards? Three ese ayo really, what’s wrong with this party ladies and gentlemen. I thought it was a thing of the past but I can see zviri muropa. I thought as a new party, we will see new ways of doing things but alas vaakutoita semaWarrios. Tsvangirai once said it paMucheke hall apa, hanzi the then MDC party he was leading was just like Zanu PF. Doing it the ZANU PF way kkk. We are yet to see real democracy in the party. Kuramba maprimary elections and resorted to public consultations kunge budget. Kuenda paSisk pamashop voti uyu momuda here vanhu voti eeeeeeh kkkk, who is still doing that mukore uno, vanhu ngavapinde mugango adyiwa adyiwa that’s democracy, kukundwa neZanu sure. Someone is sabotaging the party kuHarare uko, who signed for the two candidates in the wards, heee? I thought factionalism is Zanu PF thing, I was wrong again.
Before I go for lunch, let me remind CCC leadership that we want primary elections. As a woman, Mapombi is behind Mai Muchuchuti kuWard 4 uko kwaMucheke. She is popular and proved it in 2018 pavakadashura Godfrey Kurauone and you went on to deny her the chance hiding behind the youth banter, isu semamai hatisi kuzodzokera sure, we are calling for our VP Mai Kore to push women agenda in the presidium that’s why she was elected there. Plz madam Kore, knock some sense in these male chauvinists who want to supress our voices.
Mapombi just heard that the clown Joseph Chinotimba from Buhera kumusha kwaSAVE rwizi rukuru, landed a top post in the war veterans association recently kkkk. Hanzi ndivo vava Commissar. He will work to lure investors in the country apa he recently won the Human Rights People’s Choice award kkk. He is the same guy who led the human rights violations in 2002 which saw a number of white farmers fleeing Zimbabwe. Now you expect that same guy to lure investors? Zvimwe itai muchiti tinotamba, anyway, nhamo yagara ine nharo kkk. Mboko imboko!!!!
Yellow fever hitting Zim hard but …
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