Ladies and gentlemen, recent happenings in the country have been both giving the citizenry shivers, imi mati kubirana nekuitirana marobbery ndokuita seiko nhaimi? We all know things are not ok in this country economically,, but that is no excuse to brutalize vamweka kunge zviri kuitika pamhiri paLimpopo apa where the sanctity of life is not even taken serious at all. Bva vanogooneswa chamutavanhava neCID Mutorashanga, kkkkk. Unodura nezvakaitwa nematateguru usati wavapo. Well done to our police, chokwadi pamwe tingararawo hope. What saddens me however is the number of former security personnel who become perpetrators of these robberies apa isu tichiti masoja nemapurisa ndoanotichengeta. Wonzwazve kuti rimwe gurusvusvu remaofficer are in court for corruption yematraffic fines wotoshaya kuti zvinhu zvacho zviri kumbofamba sei.
Eheka, maisiirwa Yero yenyuka naNero, kkkk, seka hako Mapombi, kuseka nhamo serugare. Hanzi zveyellow ndezvemudumbu izvi naNero saka sarai henyu nechinhu chenyu chekutoireti ichi. Mapombi once said some people vanoita senge vachatonomumanikidza kuti adzoke vawane wekupomera masanction neeconomic decay because ikozvino kuti vachati pasi neTripo C iyo iri project yavo hazvichaita. Tshabangu must be depressed right now because unenge uchiti wabvuta chinhu wanike muridzi oti take everything plus mbasera. Mapombi however is worried about what will happen to those who remain in parliament under CCC. Eeeh, Honorable Fadzi uko, hanzi mava waTshabangu saka motodzikama nhaika. You know, I feel like those who were recalled have better social capital to the masses and to opposition politics than those who remained in parliament. I say this because unotaura sei uchidya? Unodzipwazve zvikashaya basa because haungati on one hand you are getting allowances and other perks as an MP who got in under CCC and on another hand woda kurasa rasa muswe. Those ones have been neutralized I tell you. Vari kunze have nothing to lose kusara kwekungotya havo kuzoitwa zvaSikhala kuvharirwa mujere for that long. Isu hedu vakaropafadzwa are in for a long haul yekuramba tichinzwa tuchirungu twaOstallos twuya ladies and gentlemen, zvikagoti mabhii akaraviwawo paya stereki, ko tati tadii hedu. Nhaka tichazvimba makumbo nekufambira nyaya dzacho because panenge pava kuda kunakidza. Chokwadi thank you Nero for giving us some excitement in Zim politics. Chero zvazvo aita concede defeat mukomana, we know that he is their nightmare kwese kwese, including kune the so called other opposition political parties vePolad-lite ava veNERA. Mapombi is told vakati Nero bodo, hatimudi ngaagare arega hake kuuya kuno because he will cause chaos. Ivowo baba vaya vane kahumain actor syndrome saka NERA iyoyo inopedzisira yakunzi Nero, yotoita slogan yekunzi NERA naNero, ngaapinde hake mukomana tichingopedzerwa nguva nezvinhu zvisina basa. This should be a lesson to him that some people do not endorse nonsense. What he has been doing over the years mukomana wenyu uyu is to push away people who have the struggle at heart, vakabva kare vachida change, but achidazve kuti vamuite endorse. Ehezve imi munoti zvanagenerational consensus zviya zvaiva zvei? Ndikoko kuda kuitisa vanhu kuti vamuite endorse through an alliance of political parties, MDC-Alliance, ndokuunganidza vose paya pana 2018, wanike dololo. Zvaramba paya akati I will go to the citizens, since he had the charisma and in most cases the right words to convince them, ruzhinji rukati paYeropo. Manatsamukamwa chinawovo chiyazve, do you remember gore riya achiti “Patakasangana naTrump, akati nhai vakomana, munoda marii?….” imika, muchapatisiwa takatarisa, kkkkk. Charisma on its own, iri yega without proper strategies does not get you anywhere near State House. Vanhu vanogona kuridza mhururu vagopfichuka at your rally but if you do not have a good strategy haulumi.Zvino vanga vakatenga MaYero regaria matsva muchaita sei nawo. Kana iwo masharu acho muchaita sei nhaimi. But Nero usadaro sure. Saka Mango strategy yodii nhai. Ko zvino Zanu pamaRally ichati pasi nei? Kkkk asi ED anorotomoka wani in front of you but munenge matozvinzwa, and zviri zvestrategy don’t even go there. November 2017 will tell you kuti Baba Matuwinzi hamuna zera navo. Bhobho did not see it coming audzwa zvake kuti ndiri kudzoka naBaba Matuwi. Ahhh, saka imi munoti strategic ambiguity istrategy here iyo iya yekuti chidhelele chakaita saTshabangu can just come otobvanyangura zvototi pasi ngondongondo?
But you people are not nice people, Tshabangu momuiteikoo,kkkk. News reaching me kuno kuChitima hanzi Tshabangu vakaenda vakarodza bhilo to sign kuti ajoine that NERA thing kwanaMwonzora namabiyangu venyaya dzebhavhu ava Linda vakasvikonzi endai munouya napresident weparty yenyu ndiye bwai bwai, kkkkk. Zvimwe zvacho zvinosetsa chero mbavaha yakavanda. Munoramba henyu when I tell you that Tshabangu and his cronies have some unresolved bitterness issues personally, which have been taken advantage of by some selfish elements within the opposition but ndotozviona ini. Ini ndiri gentleman handivanzi, maface aya anogona akabulliwa kuprimary or kumba pane zvirikuitika.
Zvino manje vasara mumacouncil nemuparamende zvadzava nherera, apa zuro uno Bernic wedu rasta councillor was busy begging Chitando not to sign recall letters nekutozoda kuwedzerwa maallowances, ko mukanzi muende kumba nhai? Murombo haarovi chinenguwo chokwadi. On councillors swearing in day, you promised to fix residents’ service delivery issues, speaking with palpable convictions that all those listening, nesuwo kuno kuChitima we thought nhamo iya yazodzokera kwaChirimudombo, but ndimi zvenyu Councilor Bernic makutoudza minister kuti if you don’t increase allowances toita corruption, as if you were threatening him. Chii ichocho chinenge ngozi yedatya rinojamba pasina gomba? Politics of the stomach ndodzatiurayira this our beloved country. Everyone just wants to fatten his or her pocket wherever they are. Munosvodesa henyu imi. Saka imi, mati regalia yeYellow yoitwa sei zviya kkk. I will ask this question countless times.
But vakomana vekugovernment imimi bhadharai zvikwereti. The masses keep on being burdened nezvikwereti zvezvinhu zvekuzviparira. Border Timbers irikuda mari yayo, and sometimes you need to realize that no amount of politicking will save you from paying what you owe. You breached a law and broke a law, bhadharai. Haasi macivil servants zveaya amunobatirira mozovapa nzungu makuda kuvashandisa. Nyaya dzehondo yeminda dzava kunetsa manje. A lot of mistakes were made, and I am very sure because of some people’s stupid egos and foolishness veiled in selfishness, it was deliberately ignored zvichiita fester semamota, now you have to fork out US$125 million. Apa nekuside you are busy arresting harahwa dzevanhu masabhuku for parcelling out land. Imi maiti zvinopera sei? Gore riya kuChilonga you all heard that all communal land belongs to the president, vanhu vachitonzi ibvai tirime sora remombe, imi vanamusorobhangu busy buying stands kumamisha, hanzi “sabhuku deals”. Sabhuku venyika ino ndiED nevana vake, all of you do not have that power, you do not matter nhaika, ngatitenderane ipapo. If you bought those “sabhuku deals” stands, I am sorry to bring you the bad news that you happily invested in tears. Kana makasiya maroya vamwe muchitama going to a piece of land or stand yamakatengeserwa nasabhuku hameno henyu. Who would have thought kuti those masabhuku ainzi aifanirwa kuwedzerwa maallowances gore rapera naJuly Moyo paya are the same people who are being targeted by the operation iriko iyi, kkkk. Kana mazita atochinja they are now being called land barons. Chisingaperi chinoshura.
Let’s just wait for the new colour yeNero party, Mapombi once said vachatipedzera all the colours dzemureza. One piece of advice to Chamisa that I have however is that zvekuda kushandisa vanhu making yourself a dictator will come back to bite you, ugobaika nekuzvitiza uchinotanga something new time and again. Yes, you are simply running away from your own shadow, you are the architect of your own problems. There is no way you will continue doing the same thing expecting the same results, hakuna zvakadaro. But pachokwadi zvapo Nero akanda joker, not to so many outside CCC but kune team ranga risina kuitwa recalled riya, hanzi ndakukudhonetai kunaTshabangu, kkkk. Apa no one knows what his next move is going to be, talk about kukanda nyoka mubhazi kkkkk.
Let me go ndinokanga maputi angu for lunch, mabanana mazuvano haupedzi. But before I go, nhasi before we sleep tiisirewo VaSikhala munamato, tisakanganwawo vaya vaitengesa regalia yeYellow. Until next week, mboko imboko!
So long “Yero naNero”
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