Ladies and gentlemen I hope you are keeping hydrated in this scotching heat, and Mapombi is praying for some rain because mmm, tatsva veduwe. Izvozvi I’m nursing sunburns that I sustained kurally kuMushagashe kwatakaswera takasasikwa muchamunyenga chezuva, even kutoilet you wouldn’t go, imiwee, urombo uroyi chokwadi unoita seuchavigwa usina kufa kkkkk. Mapombi was privileged to find a seat in one of the Zupco buses aitakura vanhu at Chitima ndikati ndosarirei hangu kumafidhlongo. True to their word, uchipinda muground you were greeted with a box of chicken slice, mvura yako neiwo mapepsi, ihhh, ndakafara veduwe because for the first time this year I had something else other than mabanana akaora nemaputi. Ko ndaizivei kuti ndaifarira n’anga inobata mai? I ate my heart away, you know zvinoita mombe yabva kusina uswa, ko kutozogashira nechandaipihwa nevamwe, dumbu kuti tashu. Bva ndakagovata here when I came back kuChitima? Ndakavata mushanga maMucheke umu ndichidurura. I heard even some of madzimai mabiyangu emumusika umu they had the same fate. Ko taitika tazviwanirapo wanei iiihh. Some of my new friends who recently joined me after they demolished their homes around the province who also went kurally just to get a free meal tese takavata tichingopesana mugwizi imomu. Hondo yeMurombo naChinenguvo hamungaipedzi, kkkkk. But I doubt that everyone suffered what we suffered because I saw some eating zvakavhenekwa, which is quite obvious because zvoto zvine mazera, imi chenyu kuvhotera vanodya vodya havo. All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.
But the whole scenario really got me thinking about how much Masvingo province keeps being played as pawn in the big Zimbabwean political picture. Today I will not speak about how Masvingo never had problems with ballots last year musi wa23 August and how the province had 100 percent of its polling stations opening on time. I will not dwell on that because kurovera mbambo pachitehwe cheshindi. What you only need to know is that Masvingo is like second born yepaden, anozongorangarirwa for certain things that he or she only can do, otherwise all year round anenge achipfeka zvekukumurirwa nedangwe. Mapombi has lost faith in the belief that Masvingo is the kingmaker province in Zimbabwean politics, because if you really look at it kuitisana kwega kwega. In light of the recent evictions and demolitions, Masvingo is the most affected, and vakuru venyu never uttered a word about it kuMushagashe apa ndizvo zvamanga mafambira. Zhara kwakanaya chaiyo, because that was the biggest bluetick of the year. And then you come back and say musangano wakasimba kumasero senge mazungairwa, haa imika. I hope it is a lesson learnt for you, because time and again munovingwa kunoku and you make sure you are praised, nekuwanzirwa maminister from the province muCabinet, but what exactly is in it for the common person anenge ini hangu? Kupakanura nyama yadyiwa panext door ndokwenyu kuMasvingo.
Kuopposition chaiko, game rese rinotambiwa between Harare and Bulawayo, imi chenyu zero, hapana chembwa vatenzi vararira mangai. I am reminded of yesteryear opposition stalwarts from the province who vibrantly stood for MDC kubva Tsvangison achipo, but ikozvino angova mazuru akapinda nyoka, hakuna uchaziva kuti vaimbovako vanaGumbi, Mureyi etc kkk kanJohn Cena, chedu Matutu, he was used and dumped. I remember Matutu was allowed to speak at every rally ahead of even the provincial chairperson, after maelections, kana kuzomunzwa futi kkk. Now unongonzwa zvichinzi dzinofonwa dzichibva Harare vanhu vachidzimikirwa kunoku kuMasvingo, like here there are no people who really understand party dynamics here. I agree, the soul of the country’s politics itself is rotten to the core, but the real dilemma is no one is willing to do better. We have a huge leadership crisis kwese kumisangano inovhoterwa nevanhu, maybe save for vanaElisabeth Valerio vatisati tanyatsoziva ava. Masvingo inoitwa dambiro rematsvinyu but where it matters it is the first to be affected.
Ukanzwa ED achiti pasi neregionalism netribalism unoti ndizvo. It is only bad when it does not work for him neteam rake. Masvingo is ridiculed and is laughing stock across the country, uone kuwanda kwakaita maminister ekwaGutu mucabinet—the very same people who approve programs that leave povho destitute vaputsirwa dzimba. Tell me, what nonsense is that? I heard ED thanking vanhu veMasvingo kurally kwake kuMushagashe uko because anoziva kuti basa rakabatwa zveshuwa, apa futi youth yekuno ndoyakatanga neslogan that is building momentum for him to be endorsed for another term. Even ED Pfee started in Masvingo kkk. Kungokwamatata muchishandiswa sezvikorobho to deliver another term for him, but ndimi makatangwa nemurambatsvina wakauya uyu. It is so sad mufunge. Zuro ndizuro kwakanzi takuvhura CSC neMashava muna2018, asi chakazarako angori mazai emazizi nematoto ezviremwaremwa. Tokwe Mukosi nanhasi harina waramboti ranyatsobenefitter, asi chinongozikanirwa Masvingo ndiko kusimbisa musangano kumasero. Masvingo was blessed with the largest water bodies in the country but they are not being used. I recently saw vakutombora tombora pamain bridge redu paMucheke apo, hopefully they finish the construction of the bridge they promised eons ago. Chimusana nanhasi pakangova pasi, kuita sekuti nyaya yacho haina kumbotaurwa. If you go to rural schools in this province unoti shuwa in which era are we because of the dilapidation, iko kwakatodzidza amwe maminister enyu iwaya kwanaRafomoyo uko, VaMurwira heeyy apo. Muri muMwenezi nemuChiredzi hatichatauri, mateacher anorara akatsamira nyoka mudzimba dzisina mawindow. Ehe kuconstituency kwavo the new deputy minister manyama Chikomo ikoko.
The major issue that pained me recently is the audacity of Zanu to choose to celebrate youth day at a place which a stone’s throw away from where people demolished their homes, and their decision to not even utter a single word about the issue, as if nothing is happening. Ko vanorwadziwa nei zvavo ivo mapurazi vanawo hobho hobho, dzimba vanawo mamansion, that is why vakaudza poor villagers kucourt uko kuti dzidzai kunovaka maupstairs. 2028 is coming, and chandinoziva ndechekuti Masvingo people as usual vanenge vatokanganwa zvavo, votopa Zanu ose maconstituency 26. My sincere prayers is for the two opposition MPs we have in the province not to succumb to the nonsense of resigning from parliament. Chokwadi Mapombi angakurembedzai nzeve every week about the issue kusvika mati eke, this is the mandate you were given by the electorate not naChamisa so please respect the voice of the people, hanzi naED it is the voice of God.
I hope councillors and village heads took heed to ED’s threats panyaya yekunyima vamwe mainputs handitika, hanzi tokusvasvangai mukanyima vamwe. Haa mazuvano chakachaya kumatraditional leaders, kkkk. Maishandiswaka kuvictimiza vanhu nhai vana vaShe ikozvino moswera muchindenderedzwa kumacourts hanzi muri maland baron, ehe that is what Zanu does. Musangano uyu chiororo. Huchi murume uyu, kkkkk.
KuCCC nyuwani uko, zviri kufamba sei sei? Chete it is now confusing because tsva dzawandisa, Mapombi has lost count kuchingonzi Behold the new. Mapower hungry cronies are on the loose, ndopaunoona kuti we do not have an alternative, we might be stuck with Zanu forever, kuda kana kusada. Hanzi neZanu asvotwa ngaarutse, bva nyika yose tichaita nyon’go because tirikusvotwa every day.
Before I go kunokanga maputi angu for lunch, I hope tsamba yangu to Sir Wicknell yakasvika, but semunhu akuti zikanwei kudai regai ndigare ndakageza maybe ndingangonzi ndimhanye kunoona Victor. Ko mukomana wekutumwa kuRussia ati adzoka here Dr Chandaizment? But veduwe mukaonawo VaMphoko tell him kuti endorsements dzakutanga, his skills are now required zvavakaita paStar Rally iya munaNovember 2017 kunaDR Gire paHarare apo then lastly please Mukaona John Cena Matutu muti hanzi neni ndeip kkk. Otherwise, mboko imboko!
Masvingo where exactly are you in the equation?
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