Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you this; power inonaka vakomana. Anyone who has tasted power agrees with me, and to me it doesn’t come as a surprise kuti our dear leader Baba Two still wants to cling to power beyond 2028. Makafarira n’anga inobata mai ka? Yes, that’s what Zanu does. Chiororo musangano uyu. We have seen these tactics across Africa, that’s the modus operandi of our leaders. Zuro uno mumwe won elections neover 99 percent, kkkkk. It’s all in black and white how democracy is viewed kwaKagame uko. I don’t disagree that a leader can so be loved by his or her people, but even in countries where things are almost perfect, not everyone will love them to such an extent. KwaM7 paUganda apo we see the comics daily of him and his supporters trying to legitimize his stay in power. Even Ruto himself fired his whole cabinet the other day, just to cling to power. Inonaka power varume. And it also needs tactic to retain, that’s why you see these people create demigods of themselves so that their followers, who by any description are the delusional type can armtwist the narrative and demand for their longer stay in power. Masvingo ndobasa rayozve iroro, kuzhambatata kutaura zvisina basa, ugonzwa hee Masvingo is the kingmaker, munopenga chete. What fascinates me though is how these people can’t see that they do not matter in things that matter. Development chaiyo yamungati irimo muMasvingo that is reflective of what the province is on the political spectrum ndeipi chaiyo? Kungoshandiswa to push narratives chabuda hapana. CSC pakangova pasi, but gore riya ED and his deputies came vakaratidzwa mombe hanzi taakuvhura. Tokwe Mukosi hakuna any meaningful development, with all its potential to turn around people’s livelihoods. Hamudzidzi makaita sei? Have you seen the state of rural schools in Masvingo? Zvinopisa tsitsi imi, in some areas mombe inotopinda nepakatsemuka on a classroom block yotonanzva board vana vachiri kunyora kkkkk. I find it very ironic that with all that underdevelopment the only thing maZanu in Masvingo can spend their time on is endorsing Baba Two. Speaking of schools, you wouldn’t think with all the poor infrastructure they are being forced by government to raise money through Civies Days. Mapombi heard ndirikuno kuChitima kuti hanzi the money paid by pupils on civies day goes straight kuBSPZ, vozvidyira havo. Hanzi vanotonzi pamhai futi yamakaraiser ishoma. Zvakaoma hazvo. Before that they had been forced to pay for Nhanga Gota kwa First Lady Auxillia uko where they are ‘taught’ to cook traditional food, the very same one that they grew up cooking and eating. Kurovana homwe ferere ferere. Ikoko the things they had brought like maturi nehari they had brought for the so called training zvonzi endesai kuCulture Centre, next thing we hear, kozonzi hakuna kana one chinhu. Kusvika 2030 haa munenge manzwa bhata. I also urge you to go through the AG’s reports, munotongoona kuti ndeyevene iyi. We will see how the 2030 vanenge vachipo agenda will work though, also how they are going to violate the constitution like they always do. As it stands, there is no constitutional leverage to that agenda, bva miraika muone ichishonyororwa takatarisa. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Pamainzwa vachiti ‘the voice of the people is the voice of God’ you thought it was all in vain? It is the voice of the people that ED will use to retain power, although there is talk that he relinquish party leadership and remain country president. Let’s wait and see how it all plays out.
Ko My Son wekuchibata kuti dzvii has been running wild with Men of the Cloth’s wives? He is a true son of his father chokwadi, kkkk. Kutoti I love you kumukadzi waPapa really? Haa Chifuta ane zvivindi, nekumwana waDJ Biscuit ikoko kwakabva nevamwe. But izvo zviya zvekuti a car is bought youya like a surprise ndozvatinongoitwawo wani senyika? Tese naProphet Branson tirikungojutwa zvakafanana hedu. Tazongosiyana pekuti ava ndiPapa who failed to get a message when he was in the realm of the spirit kuti his wife aitoyemera hake Wikinero. But looking at the whole scenario, I think these could be Chimombe’s allies who may have hacked Chivhayo so that they expose him and strip him of any dignity he has left. Madonhere akaita Chimombe on that prison truck aya, chero ndirini I would have found a way to retaliate. We saw the gospel clown Java standing in solidarity with Chimombe, and with his history, he may be the one who did Chifuta dirty. Regai zvipondane ikoko, ndozvimwe. The friends ED keeps around him, ivo vanoita kumarana pamari dzekulooter ivavo. Haa panosvika 2030 tinenge tamboonerera.
Chete I have lost all trust in this government, maybe all these scandals are a diversion of some looting that went on or is going on somewhere. Ko makatowana pekubatirwaka maZimbo, you are fed chaff online so that you concentrate on the minor while the major is happening. I feel like we have been studied tikatoonekwa kuti for us not to concentrate on the important issues like cost of living we should have at least some scandal that doesn’t concern us to be talking about for days on end. They know what the Gen Z did in Kenya using the very same platforms akazara zvemijolo dzanaDzambarafuta, so they have to get you hooked. Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever but ini ndiri gentleman handivanzi.
Let me go ndinokanga maputi angu zvangu for lunch, mazuvano mabanana akuita achiora kwaakuti dziyei. Plus these days ndinopota ndichikwesha man’a in anticipation of SADC passing through vuno kwedu, though the chances are a wild reach. Vane yavo migwagwa yavakagadzirirwa Harare uko.
I’ve been missing hama yangu Kiritsopfaa Mutsvangwa, Mama Mai Baby Boy was here the other day vachivhura musika I saw varibho chose. Izvozviso Baby Boy Nevy akatodzokera to some illegal dealing so, handina hangu umbowo but team iri ndomaitiro aro iri. If you see VaMphoko please tell him that I miss him plus I think it’s time we hear about his experiences ekuChitepo School of Ideology sevamwe. I saw Mama Gire looking like an Instagram baddie kucricket, and thought haa daiso tina president manyama. By the way how is cde Mandiitawepi Chimene kwavari ikoko.
Until next week, mboko imboko!
Agenda ‘2030 vanenge vachipo’ in Motion

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