For the first time the biggest opposition party in Zimbabwe led by the young man has come up with a good catch phrase or maybe it’s the new slogan hameno. NGAAPINDE HAKE MUKOMANA. Today I am not going to beat about the bush, I will go straight to the point. Kana neni I want kuti mukomana apinde and NGAAPINDE HAKE MUKOMANA is a good slogan but let me tell you this guys, Mukomana hapinzwe nekutaura paSocial media but through voting. Trending on tweeter haipinze mukomna, chinopinza munhu iVote. I see a lot of tweets and retweets of ngaapinde ngaapinde, Social media is good but not kana iriyo strategy yega because kwedu kwaChimudombo hakuna izvi. The rural folk haizvizive izvi and I hope Dr Chidzarikire vari kupabatisisa apa. Kana muchiti ndonyepa Go to Chiredzi North and see kana vachiiziva new slogan. Mukagumira kungoti NGAAPINDE NGAAPINDE on social media musingapinde pamaregistration centres nekuzopinda muballot box naiye haapinde, hezvino ndiri pano ini. We need action; words alone cannot do it kkkk. But akafunga ichi is a genius not zvimwe zvamaiita paya, Zanu yoti bhora Mugedhi imi moti bhora musango, Iteam ipi yakambohwina nekuisa bhora musango kkkk. That is why makarowhwa clean sheet 2013 hapana kana rigging paya. Last time maiti Chamisa Chete Chete haa whats that, sometimes you need to learn even from your enemy. Zanu Yakamboti vaMugabe Chete Chete paya kuma 08 but it went on to ban that slogan before elections vaona hachiite imi ndoyomotora and expect to win kkkk. Hanzi na Jonso its all froth hapana kana doro kkkk, usaiita iyoyo Jonso plz kkkk.
This time pakaipa ladies and gentlemen, maHashtags ungapedza here kkkk, #EDTGameChanger and #NgaapindeHakeMukomana kkkk ini zvangu ini. Lets wait and see zvedu isu vana Mapombi. I hope these ones will not fade away soon. Kwaimbova nana#thisflag yakamboita mbiri but its nowhere to be found kkk. These Politicians of ours are clowns regai ndikuudzei kkk, ED tongombeya is moving around officially opening useless things while Nero is busy buying mabhisvo on the road side kkk. Tosvikep with this kind of leaders’ nhai. We need action from both, less talk and action, less drama and action. If there is no action then one party will be buried in 2023, I am not sure which but will tell you soon. But chikomana chakamakwa guys. Zanu PF nedivi, MDC-T paside, then CCC ndokuuya nekupedzera kkk. Kubvutira Chamisa Zita pamuromo kkkk.
But Nero kana une strategy, please keep it close to your chete because mmm, what is happening sure is extreme. But I mean kana unayo because surely handisati ndaiona. Maybe it’s there but your fear is as good as mine. The comrades are heartless. But I once told you need to change the name of the party before it’s too late but people thought I am mad, I am not mad and ndoonera and you don’t listen. People were happy about CCC, tikati since Dhagi is eyeing the MDC alliance name that’s the best way to go, manje what are you going to do wakakomberanwa kudaro. What are you going to do nhai Nero. If you and your boys have plans of changing the party name do it now before it’s too late because 2023 paseri apo. But don’t disclose it before the renaming is ready. You can only share it with me you sister, after all kwaChirimudombo pedo nekwaGutu. I can be your advisor wena, why not, ED had hobo wani though most of them were useless. You need a strong advisor who tells you what is right not those who tell you what you want to hear kkkk. Ini ndri gentrumen handikuvanziri Nero. Be serious guys and mind you Malaba is back in office, you don’t want to go the ConCourt way.
What is it with this guy called Malaba, I used to hear people saying beauty without brains but mmmm pana Malaba, zvese hapana. Sure you can’t be so ugly and be so arrogant, who in his right mind would go to Supreme Court only to stay at work nezerea riya. Why can’t you just retire and go home to play with grandchildren iwe Malaba. No wonder why vana vemazuvano vaakungoita zvemutoriro, they have no time with their grandparents to teach them about life because they are busy in courts kuda kuchemberera pabasa. This shows one thing, they do corruption and eat the money without investing. Mari yese yavakaita sure if they had invested it properly handii dai vaakunogara kumusha vakazorora vachiita mudya ndiegre. That old man kuda kufa munhu amire sechibhorani, hee. Chete that the kind of system we have in Zimbabwe, everyone needs kutanga ambogarisa pachigaro, why not retire in time and allow others to take over and bring new ideas. This is why takasara senyika, we do not allow new and young leaders tongoda edu madara with the 1970 mind-set kkkk. Zvitori nani Kuvaraidza Musungo zvedu tichivavarira kuti Mukomana apinde kkkk.
Before I go zvangu kunokanga maputi angu for lunch, let me warn anyone who I hear saying elections are rigged. Sure ndikanzwa anodaro kwedu kuchitima uku I will bite you nemuromo chaiwo. Spreading the gospel of rigging won’t help. It only makes things worse; yes things will be worse because that gospel discourage new voters. Who do you think want to go and vote for rigged elections. Tell me ndiani anoda kuvhotera mahara sure. If elections are rigged let’s not vote, let’s allow Dougie and ED to form another GNU and suspend elections till 2045 kkkkk. Don’t misquote me zvenyu handina kumboti vanoda kuita GNU ini.
Ko Simon Khaya Moyo aripi maCdes, ndochimwe chisingadi kusiya chigaro chibababa chiya, sure Zanu kungoramba ngori nana Acting Spokesperson because Khaya doesn’t want to leave office. We know you are sick short man, take your time and rest. But Zanu so, it continues to recycle the dead wood, vana Bimha vange vachiko sure, I heard kuti he is now the acting spokesperson kkk. Recycling iri muZanu tikaiita with the waste we will make money and live in a clean environment.
But Guys Tokwe Mukosi atiuraya neChando, mmmm kungopisa 2 days, the following kotonaya, I feel pity for some guys who sleep in the pavements medu mutown umu who were happy that winter is gone todziirwa. Izvi zvaakutoda CDE Mphoko with his incubtors maybe tingadzirwa. If anyone sees Mphoko please tell him to bring a few incubators paMasvingo chando charurara, mboko Imboko.
Chamisa need votes not retweets

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