The late Colonel (Rtd) Kudzai Mbudzi once said a fool at 40 is a fool indeed. Mapombi is trying to think what kind of a fool Mutsvangwa has become considering that he is now way way above 40 years. He must be a very fool indeed. Chris thinks being verbose means you are intelligent but Mapombi knows that hapana chinozivikanwa kana one. Munhu akadzingwa kuita Presidential Advisor zvokwadi kkkkkkk. The moment he opens up his mouth wotoziva kuti yatova disaster.
Why blaming Mugabe for the current power crisis? Mugabe waitonga ega here? Where were you when Mugabe was in charge? Were you not ambassadors, MPs and Government Ministers? Why didn’t you come up with policies that addressed power issues? Mutsvangwa must stop insulting our intelligence by saying the current power crisis is because of Mugabe. Tikwanire Chris. We are not your kids, and your propaganda is too cheap. Try something better.
Mapombi now understands why Mutsvangwa was dfired from advising the President – the guy is too shallow and the propaganda is too cheap. He has mastered few English words that he uses to try and convince people. Only the Chinese can fall for that ndivo vasingatozive chirungu. Mutsvangwa is the worst spokesperson Zanu PF ever had. The guy is arrogant yet he knows very little. His speeches are infested with hatred and clearly lacks leadership skills. Mugabe waitomunzwira tsitsi kumuita ambassador otherwise hapana zvinozikanwa.
We all know the real reasons why we are not having these crazy loadshedding schedules – misplaced priorities by the so called second republic kwete zvekuti Mugabe pwetere pwetere. Nonsense! The issue of power crisis is a serious issue but a whole ruling party spokesperson decided to make a dry joke saying the challenge is as a result of Mugabe. Haaa imika, imika tikwanirei hatisi pwere isu. Ko kungoti tazvikonewa munobvei?
So the current economic crisis is as a result of Mugabe again? Failure to pay civil servants a decent wage is because of Mugabe? If you cant solve the problems that Mugabe created then why are you in office? Why did you force Mugabe out of office if you had no clue how to solve the challenges. Mapombi thought Mugabe was forced out because you guys wanted to solve the problems we were facing as a nation. Its close to a decade now asi chabuda hapana asi wangoti zirume ziguru kungwarira kungotaura zvisina mature. People of Zimbabwe want to know what policies and measures are you putting in place as government and the ruling party so that these power cuts are dealt with once and forever.
Even the energy minister Soda Zhemu is a joke. Kkkkkkkk haaaa that guy ka zvakaoma chaiko hanzi we had pumper harvest yeWinter wheat so as a result we used lots of water from Kariba which then affected the water levels and subsequent closure of the powerhouse at Kariba. What nonsense. Bumper harvest yeWheat yatinoudzwa iri kupi? Were all the winter wheat farmers using water from Kariba? Kkkkkkk kupata hakuna wakura chokwadi. But kupata hatirambidzi asi munhu ngaapatire kumba kwake, or stop thinking that everyone is a fool. We are not fools Cde Zhemu, and we will never be. So be warned – tirikuda magetsi munyika and we want to see Zim exporting energy in 2023 like you promised.
Anyway, enough of these two not so intelligent Cdes. There lies are too cheap vanotoda kutodzidziswa nana Mutuvi zvibaba zvekunyepa. Mthuli can lie with a straight face zvekuti kana usina kuchenjere u will believe him kuti zvinhu zvava kutonaka. Kkkkkk that guy Mwari ave naye. It’s almost lunch time guys let me go ndindokanga zvangu maputi angu for lunch. Even on Christmas day ndichangodya maputi and some rotten bananas zvangu zvinenge zvatoita. I cannot afford to buy even a loaf of bread kana mabhanzi zvawo thanks to Zanu PF. These Cdes have destroyed this country vachitinyepera kuti iri kuvakwa nevene vayo nyika. By the way vene vayo vari kuivaka vambori kupiko because it seems many people are wondering kuti vari kuivaka vari kupi. We are not seeing any meaningful development except for the Masvingo Harare road iyoyi zvino today mugwagwa here isu? We want food on our tables everyday kwete zvekuti kana tava kuchema nzara motiti ko mugwagwa watakagadzira hamumuoni kkkkkkkkk mudhorobha mavhoti enyu anongoshota mugwagwa wenyu uripo uyoyi ndotokuudzai. Muchazviona henyuzve. Anyway, let me go and have maputi angu and rotten bananas for lunch otherwise ndinozonzi ndinotaurisa hangu. But before I go, Makorokoto Bishop Zvogbo ndakanzwa kuti you were ordained over the weekend. I heard there were more Zanu PF supporters than your church members at the ordination? Iiiih nhasi ndichataurisa zvangu haaa but zvine basa rei chero mukaita Bishop wevanhu Zana zvakangonaka wani. Mapombi would like just to remind you about the 10 commandments – usapomba, usaba, usa… ndibatsirewo vehama ndava kukanganwa imwe mirairo ine gumi ini. But iyoyo inoda kubatisiswa Bishop. Makorokoto Bishop Zvogbo, Mwari ngavakutungamirirei mubasa rekufudza mweya yevatendi. Asi musazotsvinyiraka vatendi kkkkkkkkkkkkkk Dai Mwari vatikomborera. Merry Christmas my fellow Zimbabweans. I wish you a prosperous 2023. May the Good Lord Bless you all.
Chris Mutsvangwa a shameless liar!

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