Mayor Hubert Fidze
Nyasha Marumbi
MASVINGO – City of Masvingo has partnered Masvingo Polytechnic to launch a property survey as a means to clear the way for improved service delivery for residents
Objectives of the survey centre on enumerating all property in town, to document all properties and to make recommendations on improving service delivery.
In his speech at the launch of the survey on Thursday last week, City of Masvingo Mayor Hubert Fidze said the partnership between the city council and the polytechnic will help to improve service delivery.
“My council has decided to carry out a property survey for the whole city. In a bid to improve service delivery, urban local authorities are carrying out peer reviews to assess each other on the quality of services being consumed by residents. These services vary from provision of water, liquid waste management, refuse collection, housing delivery, e.t.c.
“For my council to offer efficient service delivery, it requires accurate data but available data on the ground is either incomplete or outdated and this has justified the carrying out of this survey,” said Fidze.
In order to achieve the objective of improved service delivery, Fidze said, council should tap into the expertise that exists at Masvingo Polytechnic.
Masvingo Polytechnic principal Evans Musara said the college was in full support of the partnership and will work to ensure it success.
“I also want to assure you that the team has all the requisite competencies and experience to see to it that this project is done to the satisfaction of our partner and all other stakeholders in this project,” said Musara.
He also urged all residents of Masvingo to co-operate with the enumerators who will be visiting their properties by providing all the information requested.local