When Operation Restore Legacy happened in 2017, the orchestrators said it was all about removing criminals surrounding the president. That was the only time I ever agreed with a Zanu PF agenda because, indeed, there were criminals around the president. Funny enough though, there are always criminals surrounding the president at any given time, because these days zvatova normal kuti tikanzwa kuti nhingi wasungwa we ask each other kuti vaitanei mumusangano mavo imomo. Haungosungwizve kunzi waba, waponda or you’ve defrauded anyone, chero government yacho. Zvinhu zvacho zvitori nepattern, these days kurikusungwa those who are against the 2030 agenda, whether publicly or privately. You just know kuti idzo pane zvigunwe zvadzatsika idzooo. I laughed zvangu ndiri kuno kuChimusana when I saw Blessing Geza’s the list of charges, including crimes he probably committed achiombererwa maoko by the same people who now seek his arrest. It clearly shows that everyday, laws are being broken by these people. I used to wonder nemamwe malevels of loyalty some people have kumusangano, also bootlicking yacho, but now I see that it’s nothing else but fear of Chikurubi. Chimombe and Mpofu are wallowing in jail right now, and we know that if it was entirely dhiri gone wrong they would be out by now. Chitoripo chavakaita chete. But what I can assure you is everyone in Zanu PF is a criminal, nyaya dzozobuda hadzo kana muchinge mapesana. Look, Buyanga arikowo ikoko nevamwe, even though he used to be very powerful, aine financial muscle but akabata pasipo. I’m telling you ladies and gentlemen, hapana mutsvene, maskeleton arimumacloset evamwe arikutozora makeup waiting for the day of reckoning. Hunting down Geza is basically hunting down his handlers if he has any. Ndakambotaura paya kuti it’s a matter yekurova chidhoma kusvika mai vacho vadura. All those catch-and-release cases were part of the grand plan because wamboravidzwa gumbakumba riya regreen rekuPrisons chero vakati ngatiammende constitution every day you wouldn’t disagree. Zanu haipererwi. I wonder why all this while Geza was not being arrested for crimes he committed years ago, yet he was walking scot-free, even doing interviews pasina anomubvunza. I just hope neutralizing him takes more than just arresting this. Again, Zanu is reading from an old script. This is an old gimmick, and that is how you know the 2030 agenda is being opposed by some powerful sources within, dai zvisizvo vaingoti regai benzi rigwaute richanyarara. I told you last week paya kuti these people are afraid of war vets, pasina nguva havo, looking for Geza’s head on a platter. I am telling you guys, no one is not a criminal in Zanu PF, and vanenge vanotoita zvekuseta matraps so that their members commit crime yavanozovaitisa blackmail. Who knew that vanaJonso would leave Zimbabwe vachiita zvekutiza, in the process being traumatized zvekusazodazve kudzoka? VanaMuzembi ndiyani waiziva kuti they will become fugitives? I am telling you guys, hapana isiri criminal in Zanu PF, everyone has a case to answer. Just be in the wrong basket and find out how many criminal charges you have, anenge achitangira pafive zvichikwira, kkkk, nemamwe aunozozivira kuLaw and Order vambofunga zvavo vakomana. You will be charged with criminal offenses you didn’t even know existed, complete with evidence and witnesses. Power corrupts, so maybe team racho when they are committing these crimes vanenge vasitori aware that they are committing a crime, that is why vachizorasa muswe sometimes. Ndopaya patinozonzwa vemutemo voti ignorance of a law is not an excuse, wotonyura zvako zvakanakanaka kana vada. In November 2017 akavhurwa wani madockets aBaba Two, zvekuti if he did not escape to Mozambique dai zvakaita zvimwe. Bere kana roda kudya mwana waro rinoti wanhuhwa mbudzi ladies and gentlemen. Cdes in Zanu PF, who still value their freedom, just a word of advice, speaking against the 2030 agenda kupinda negejo muchurch, hapamihwe mihwe. Hama yangu Bootlicker-In-Chief, handizivi kuti ndoti ex bootlicker here Machakaire takanzwa ovhiringidzana nechirungu musi uno otaura zvanaukuwink ndikati chapinda chando apo. Regerai vakomana. Jesu akataura wani kuti mumba maBaba vangu muzere mhombwe nemakororo, same same nemaBaba Two, hatizozivi hedu kusiyana kwezvinouya mberi. Machakaire apolojersey is coming watch the space. I wonder if these people ever learn, copying the same script, the same letter which Chipanga read gore riya and later admitted kuti he was not the originator of the letter, akangoipiwawo. I know you all saw how Machakaire struggled to pronounce hoodwink aakutuara hake zvehuku kuti akangopiwawo kuti verenga.
I am told Chitova Mushayazano will soon give us rebranded ZiG notes. Mucharizora lipstick henyu dhongi but harimbokamwe mukaka. The problem is not the quality of the paper, it’s the currency. It is the economics, and what is backing that currency. It is the policies, and most importantly the discipline on government spending, but manje team racho rinenge richitoda zvetea nenyama zvinhu zvakaminama. And right now with the 2030 chorus getting louder and louder, there is no sense that you can tell people that are drunk with power, kupedza nguva. Even at those war vets rallies, vanenge vakabata njumba yemayuwesi vanaTendai Jari, distributing it to the poor masses because they know that’s real money. I’m not sure if those rallies will continue now that they have neutralized Cyclone Geza. Chero kwaMhamha uko where Geza said she is pocketing 60 mita anenge ari mayuwesi not mapepa anaMushayavanhu aya. Asi shuwa kumwe kuloota kwacho ka, 60 million yekutamba pada nenhodo. She may fake humility for all we care, but what I know is tinenge tichitoitiswa paya.
But guys, I think one thing the 2030 faction managed to do is to isolate Geza in order to silence the growing disgruntlements emaWar vets. That was one hell of a strategy because at first they called him a drunkard, hanzi naGarwe anenge musombodhiya, and when that didn’t work, seeing that it was becoming a ticking time bomb they had to call him a criminal. I hope Genarari Chandaizment does not fall into the same trap chinhu chisati chanyatsosimba, because remember, musangano wakasimba kumasero. Chati homu chareva Dr Ambi, akubaira zanhi ndewako. Baba Two gore riya had many supporters maLacoste, especially kuno kuMasvingo, vachitukwa vachinyarara zvavo. I heard Chief Hwenje achiimba at one of those gatherings aTungwarara kuti vaitukwa vachinyarara, kutopa zvavo Kedha manotes. I bet Genarari kutukwa kwavo varikukuona whenever his equal is left to act whenever the president goes out. Pane kutukwa uchinyarara kunokunda ikoko?
Anyway, let me go ndinokanga maputi angu zvangu for lunch, and mabanana ari kuora not mbichana, kunge economy yeZimbabwe. These days ndakachinja poshto because mmm, mazariro avakuita Mucheke munozonzwa kuti sahwira wenyu has been swept away akavata murwizi, ndigobaikana zvangu nekumwa zvikapu zvesewage inobva kumba kwaChiduwa, kkkk. Shuwa pamba petwo prominent politicians’ kuita dziva retsvina yevanhu kusvika pakutozikanwa muraini. The standards are on the ground I tell you ladies and gentlemen.
Everyone in Zanu PF a criminal

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