So much hype and speculation has characterised the 2022 first term calendar as parents still wonder as to when the schools will open for the academic year.
With almost every parent or guardian crying over the effects of the rhetoric ‘January disease’, a dark cloud continues to hang over when learners would go back to school as the responsible Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) let alone government continue to drag cold feet without a hint as to when schools will open.
How much damage will it do to the ordinary yet already struggling parents if government would just give a short notice as to why the opening scheduled for January 10 was just postponed with no prospective date being set for ‘Back to School’?
A lot of things ranging from purchasing new uniforms, stationery, paying school fees for their kids and announcing the date at short notice will not only be detrimental to the parents but also over-burdening them when they are battling to make ends meet.
A lot of speculation as to the reasons why government keeps mum on the opening of schools chief among them being non-completion of marking and thus delayed release of Grade 7 results while lock down measures to curtail the new Omicron variant of Covid-19 have been cited, but it is just not enough.
The onus is upon government to disseminate information so that there is clarification as to the clear position concerning the opening of schools which will enable adequate preparation from both parents and schools.
The delayed release of grade seven results has also left the fate of would be Form ones’ fate veiled in obscurity and the question about whether they will manage to catch up remains.
Whatever the case, government should relay information to the public so that they act from an informed point of view and spend wisely if they wish so than being taken by surprise at short notice.
Government should shed light on schools opening?

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