Ladies and gentlemen I hope you have bought enough socks and monkey hats for the chilling temperatures ariko mazuvano aya. Kuno kuChitima tirikuswera nacho chando, hazvinei kuti inguvai, and on that note I implore you fellow Zimbabweans to think of the less privileged in this season. I know hakuna asina hama inotambura, please remember those people, mugokomborerwa. Inga wani Johani wedu wechipiri takamuona achijaivha, kudya nokumwa nevekwake kwaMushayavanhu kwaGutu uko. We saw chembere dzomuChisheche dancing their feet away naChitova vadai kugarira bhanga renyika semondo, kkkkkk. It is good to celebrate with one’s kinsmen on such occasions, and under normal circumstances we should be applauding him for doing that, but haa, team racho kungotsvaga kuti titaure chete. He joined boys dzeSmoko and was busy preaching regionalism ipapo paevent yakaisvonaka, hee chazouyawo kwedu, chaimbove Manicaland; ko zvabvepi futi izvozvo? This kind of thinking is archaic, to say the least, and ndozvakatipa nhamo panguva yaMugabe izvozvo. Fanning regionalism and tribalism siirai imbwa Chitova, and itaivo semunhu ane exposure. It’s not like there was some race or competition of sorts that saw you landing that post. Makangotambawo nevari pamusoro and if anything, kungotaura taura pese pese nezvese zvese exposes your weaknesses more than anything else. Ko vanodhomokazve VaMushayamano. From there havo kuradio hanzi Zim dollar will remain in circulation, ini hezvo! Ko SI 60 of 2024 yatoexpire, or you want to emulate your principals who juggle the law like a ball? Ko iyo confusion nhaimi? I am just wondering kuti neconfusion itori nevanhu who we expect to be able to clarify these issues, ko vana mbuya vayekera vari kumamisha uko. Kahle kahle how many local currencies do we now have nhandi Mushayazano? Kwava kuigona economy naiyo discord iyoyi varume? Dai matipawo maserious please. I think the priority right now should be building confidence in the new currency, because Mapombi is told kumakombi uko they are hesitating kutambira maZiG, maybe tongoti kusamanzwisisa, which itself is a problem, but it just goes to show that work, the right kind of work needs to be done. Right things need to be said, otherwise it will be just another tale of new nonsense. In some shops, they are not even receiving ZiG as legal tender, ehe mashops iwo aya that you use kugeza mari arikuramba mari tsva, saka toti kudii? While the blitz against illegal forex dealers looks like a war you can win, black market chaiyo chaiyo needs to be exposed. Within Zanu ndomakagara black market yose kuti tende. Infact, we know that Mangundya aiita madhiri neFidelity, sezvatakaona paGold Mafia paya, so the tendency of doing things nemari yenyika zviri illegal munayo, but ndiyoka black market yamuri kuchema nayo, or murikunyepedzerai henyu. Those who are being arrested are the small fish like I said, because chaivo chaivo variko and they are untouchable. Tirikutongwa nembavha veduwe. My qualms however are with you John Mushayamano, dai yep yep mamboita shoma regarding the new currency because you are likely to break the quotable quotes record, kutodarika baba vetumagirazi vaya vekunyepa nezveexcess budget, eheee, ivavo vemadesigner frames emagirazi netuchirungu twekudiaspora vachingokanda havo zvimapolicy zvadai kuzvimbira nyika.
I recently saw DJ Bhisvo vakupfeka Brazilian, kkkkk. Ndoreva member yemari dzecovid zve iyi tezvara vaLevels Obadiah. Pakuvhara mapothole muroad, vari busy kuvharana zvavo mhanza mumasaloon. You would think those implicated in corruption will be languishing in poverty, jail or something of that sort, bva kutoita vambishi vachangoburwa. Ndakamboreva ini kuti this country is a big crime scene. VanaDelish Nguwaya kutopenya skin iyi, vanaMai Mupfumira ava ungazovada? Iya yamunoti ZACC is just a toothless bulldog, kunyengedzera nyika ndokwavakagona. And what cracks me up is how Zimbabweans have been programmed to be excitable, kunzwa kuti nhingi asungwa motorasa dembe, kuitiswa chaiko. And then vobva vakanda zvavo zvimadistracting project zvavo, hee nhingi aleakisa manudes, nhingi nanhingi vatukana pasocial media, iwo masocialites avo aya arikukushirwa mota naWicknell moti ravo nderei? Rimwe team racho macelebrity who received free cars from Dzambarafuta kana talent havana. Music yavo yacho kuita like you’re chewing sand, munoti varikupirwei mota? Kukurakashai musosho imomuka! Macyber troops aya kana musingazivi, and that’s when you see the majority of us tichizvimba makumbo kufambira tunyaya itwotu twemasocialites nemacelebrity enyu maregime enablers. Aizve, ko ini ndinoonera manje if you didn’t know, plus ndiri gentleman handivanzi. They weaponize your ignorance and apathy so that you don’t get to question their shenanigans, hanzi educated Christian nation. Muchipatiswa. If you think I am offside, check how clueless people are about common issues worth discussing, zvinoaffecta their lives. Gore riya takazonzwa vekwaGutu vanga vadeedzwa naDr Gire kuHarare uko vakutadza kuziva kuti Afriforum chii. Asika, kkkkk, Zanu yakachimaster chigame ichi, but torai henyu maAkwaya hama dzangu, ndimi madiiwo? I heard Dhunda said he is buying 100 more Aquas that will be distributed equally in all provinces. Ahh kutogara takageza, chinogona kuwira kwangu ndikaswera ndava kukupfumburirai huruva paChimusana apo. But kana mazogara, all the youthiez who are going to get those vehicles should thank that comedian Kandoro who made it possible, because on this latest episode of Wicknell’s mental health issues, he was responding to the comedian’s satire. Ndomaartist atinoda akadaro, kukumbirira nyika yose maAkwaya without writing paragraphs like vanaBhutisi neMaroja who were told kuti they don’t qualify. Ladies and gentlemen you will never tell me kuti nhamo yakanaka, because how does grown men being publicly humiliated like that sound normal to you?
Ko I heard that Change Champion in Chief vave social media influencer? Ehe mukatoenda kuYoutube munonosangana nechannel yavo ikoko, hanzi he has decided to take it a notch higher not kumirira majournalist who are losing interest in him because havacharirika zvavaimboita Advovo Nero. It’s good that he has finally answered his true call chaiyo yekusosho media because from long back vaingoratidza kuti vane future ikoko. It’s a good hustle at least. Kwasara vanaOstallos kuwanawo zvavo zvekuita. I heard he was blueticked kuZCTU uko, haa kusekana kwana kamba chokwadi. ZCTU yacho rangova zuru rakapinda nyoka, ungazoti ndiko kwakatangira vanaTsvangirai here kana zvadai. Uku on the other hand, Ostallos vanoita hondo yemuseve manje manje, especially if he keeps throwing tantrums and being bitter like what he is doing. VanaHwende naMdara Welsh vakatowana nzvimbo in the heart of Zanu, Mahere on the other hand ari kupedzera her energy kugym mazuvano, kana aneta she goes online to remind us kuti tiri kutongwa nembavha. As for Tshabangu, zvakatoendwa.
KwaChinorumba hey ukoo, please musazotisekesa nenyika please kuti vanhu veMasvingo vaya vatanga muchiba hove dzenyika. That project may in future benefit you, umwe musi kunoitwa rally mukanzi musuva gwaya, musuva gwaya, who knows? Zanu ine zvikiribidi iyi. Speaking of cooking, Mai has been in town cooking mifushwa yavo, vakati bikei bikei vombotenderera nemotorcade, zheve kudzivira nadzo siren. I’m just sad havana kutidanawo isu vanaMapombi nemamwe mavagabond mabiyangu tizodyawo zvinonaka, asi murombo munhu.
Let me go ndinokanga maputi angu zvangu for lunch, nekutsvaga mabanana anenge ari nani asina kuora. If you see Chivhayo tell him kuti when he throws his next tantrum that will result in him buying more Akwayas, Masvingo isazojutwawo pachirongwa, kuno tinavo vanaMandebvu and the likes, kkkk. If you happen to also see VaMphoko, tell him kuti we miss people like him who are willing to donate huVP to First Ladies, not vedu variko ava vatori nemaambition ekutogarapowo. Until next week, mboko imboko!
John 2 Verse Confusion
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