Anesushe Mamhute
CHIREDZI – Mozambican cops recently tipped off their Zimbabwean counterparts leading to the recovery of 16 head of cattle that had been rustled by criminals across the border.
The crime was exposed after a payment dispute emerged between the involved parties following the delivery of the stolen cattle.
Chiredzi magistrate Geraldine Mutsoto heard that Davison Matsilele (32), Ernest Malandela (24) and Shadreck Mahungo (58) stole 16 cattle belonging to Stembeni Manyonga of Plot 3 Mpapa in Triangle and drove them across the border for sell to Gabriel Fabio Jack of Guluzu in Mozambique.
Manyonga, however, reported her missing cattle at Triangle Police Station on January 4 and the police later received a tipoff that the beasts had been sold in Mozambique.
It was heard that Jack and Malandela appeared before Chicualacuala Magistrates Court in Mozambique on 4 January facing stock-theft charges and both suspects pleaded guilty but were released before judgment since the owner of the cattle was not yet known.
The complainant, with the assistance of Chikombedzi police, recovered her cattle from Mozambique.
Police also visited Chicualacuala Magistrates Court and got confirmation that Malandela and Jack had a case to answer pending the location of the complainant.
Triangle police later arrested Malandela in Chagaliwa village, Chikombedzi, while Matsilele, who was represented by Charles Vhudzi of Zimbodza and Associates, and Mahungo were arrested at Mpapa in Triangle.
The trio was remanded in custody waiting for The Chicualacuala Magistrates Court’s response to their case.
Gladmore Gwara prosecuted.local