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Patience Muzhingi
ZVISHAVANE – Mupape Irrigation Scheme came first at the Zvishavane
District Field Irrigation Schemes Day held in Mazhihwa area last week.
District Field Irrigation Schemes Day held in Mazhihwa area last week.
The competitions are done every
year as a way of promoting hard work and greater productivity among farmers on different
irrigation schemes in the district.
year as a way of promoting hard work and greater productivity among farmers on different
irrigation schemes in the district.
Mupape competed against
Bhanokubhano, Hwedzedze, Mabwematema and Danga irrigation schemes where it came
first and won several prizes.
Bhanokubhano, Hwedzedze, Mabwematema and Danga irrigation schemes where it came
first and won several prizes.
The irrigation scheme won $200
from Agritex, several bottles of Ecotorex spray chemical used on maize plants
from Coopers, 10kg maize seed and 5kg bean seed from Seed-Co.
from Agritex, several bottles of Ecotorex spray chemical used on maize plants
from Coopers, 10kg maize seed and 5kg bean seed from Seed-Co.
Mupape Irrigation Scheme
extension officer, Terrence Gumbochuma received $100 while his assistant Owen
Chikava got $100 as well.
extension officer, Terrence Gumbochuma received $100 while his assistant Owen
Chikava got $100 as well.
The other irrigation schemes that
did well are Mabwematema which came second and Danga at third position, each of
them receiving $150 in cash.
did well are Mabwematema which came second and Danga at third position, each of
them receiving $150 in cash.
Speaking at the event, Shadreck
Charumbira said government was promoting irrigation schemes as a way of adapting
to disruptive climate change.
Charumbira said government was promoting irrigation schemes as a way of adapting
to disruptive climate change.
“The government is looking
forward to irrigation schemes for food security in light of climate change,”
said Charumbira.
forward to irrigation schemes for food security in light of climate change,”
said Charumbira.
The two-hectare Mupape Irrigation
Scheme was established by Lutheran Developmental Services in 1992, drawing its
water from Mupape Dam which is very close by.
Scheme was established by Lutheran Developmental Services in 1992, drawing its
water from Mupape Dam which is very close by.
Farmers grow cash crops like tomatoes
and onions for supply to big retail shops like Ok Zimbabwe but they are looking
for more markets as existing clients cannot take everything.
and onions for supply to big retail shops like Ok Zimbabwe but they are looking
for more markets as existing clients cannot take everything.
Chief Mazvihwa and Runde Rural
District Council Ward 18 councillor, Talent Muhwandarikwa also attended the
District Council Ward 18 councillor, Talent Muhwandarikwa also attended the