…as best student obtains 12As
By Tatiana Mhararira
Nyashanu High school run by the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe (RCZ) celebrated stellar results as it scooped 92.77 percent in the recently released Ordinary level Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council November session results.
Out 166 candidates who registered five or more subjects 154 of them passed. 26 candidates had 5As and above.
133 candidates passed with 5 subjects and above including English while 95 learners passed 5 or more subjects including Mathematics and Science.
Munashe Karimazondo a girl candidate was the best learner with 12 As and Zubair Mutasa was the second highest candidate with 10As, 2Bs while the best teacher had 89As in History
All the subjects had more than 50 percent with the following subjects having scooped 90 percent and above Shona Language, Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Heritage Studies and Building .Subjects that had 100percent were Computer Science, Technical Graphics, Physical Education and Fashion Textile and Design.