Like always Mapombi would like to remind the nation of her allegiance to fellow women though practically emphasising and driving home the point with clarity that I am not a radical feminist nor am I an activist to that effect. Recent events in ongoing campaigns in run up to the March 26 by-elections have provoked my thoughts following the harassment along gender lines after Zanu PF ward 7 aspiring candidate Prosper Dohwai belittled LEAD’s Everjoy Chidindi by claiming that women have no qualities to lead. Zuro ndizuro zvaiva naMai Muchuchuti.
Ko nhai Dohwai, kupihwa mukana paplatform means you have to sell your ideas as to how you intend to take the ward forward as their representative not to attack a competitor. Those from the ‘revorutionary party’ should have schooled you sekuru, kodzero dzemadzimai dziri kungoparidzirwa shoko pasi rose amusati mambosanganawo nazvo here kwenyu kwamunorova hakata uko?
Moda kushoresa varume varikungozviitira mabasa avo nekurarama zvakanaka namadzimai sei? Tichiripo ipapo haa ward 7 yakanyanya iyi. I heard Richard Musekiwa talking of himself spearheading a number of projects before the axe of Douglas Togarasei Mwonzora came on his neck. I heard you saying you were behind the construction of the bridge that spans over Mucheke River to Rujeko A, Covid-19 isolation centre and road rehabilitation notably Ingwe drive. Inga maishanda chose.
But yaaa the only people who knew the future of their kid are the parents who aptly named their boy Togarasei as he is living up to his name. Zvakaoma zvaDhagi kani, kunyange iye mufi Tsvangirai should be impressed nemoto unaDhagi. It’s just that government is not sincere because they should have stopped Dhagi kare. The chaos he is creating all over the country is no longer tolerable, wotoona tax payers’ money ichitopiwa mbwende yakadaro kkkk haungaendi kuhondo dzokera kumba haaa. Ko ipo paMutare apo kkkk zvakaoma hanzi vanga vakasanobata chimuti vaFarai Bhiza vakapera mweya mushure mekudashurwa musarudzo dzekutsiva Mayor weguta reMutare. Hanzi kuita mbona mbona chibatabishi nemaambulance kuzara VaBhiza varohwa nezveusiku paelection,kkkkkk. Moitaneiko mupolitics umo nhaimi,kkkkk. Semunhukadzi, hey, guru rarira kuti kuruuuu iwo moyo wekubereka uchipisa. Tough luck Bhiza, you will get used to it zvekudyiwa izvi. Takatombovatawo nadzo shangu pana 2008, 2013, na2018 apa. I heard the councilors did him a number vadya zvavo chemuhomwe ndokusplitta vote, asi munhu so. Vanhu zvizukuru zvaJudas naYave. Nyika dzinorema idzi hama dzangu, unosvasvangwa wakambaisvinura sedemba. Bvunzai Kurauone hanzi huku dzanga dzatoundurwa kuward 4 uko rimwe gore wanikwe Maboke watiza nechinhu, kkkkk. Motosimba hana VaBhiza.
Tiripo panyaya yegender ipapo, Dhagi Dhagi Chete Chete once again reversed the gains that had been made paKwekwe apa through recalling female councilors, and tanga tatovewo nafemale mayor hameno mayoress ikoko, and Dhagi busted the bubble. Since then, haa I realized Mkoma Togi hates women, hezvo Khupe wongorova poto nekuda kwake Dhagi. A lot of people told me kuti all these opposition outfits have habits they will never drop and that includes gender discrimination ndichizviramba. Ndakazozvionera pachena. At least kuRujeko they did the right thing vakazoita by-election Getrude Chuma akasara mugame, zvozongopedzeranawo naMusekiwa ikoko. Kkkkkkkk, hameno zvinobuda here nekuti Mambo Dhavhita Majoni vakambobudisiswa misodzi naye 2018 and he ended up pleading mbashto. Ahhh ini zvangu ini, kkkkkk. Kudyiwa kusvika wati munhu akaromba kkkkkkkk, mapoliticians munondikutura ini. But pafeya mukanzuru medu makudawo madzimai. Mai Maridza is lonely in there and vanodawo vamwe vechidzimai kuti zviringane, not just being relegated to kuseconder mamotion chete. Vakadzi mabiyangu muripiko? KuWard 4 Mai Muchuchuti tongonzwa kuti Kura vakamuonesa chokuona kusvika avamaka. Ikozvino voshungurudza shirikadzi yevanhu, imi, are you not afraid of Mwari weshirikadzi nenherera? Munoitonga sei nyika muchitambudza shirikadzi nhandi? Svodai mhani. Shameless you are! Chete chandakaona handizivi kuti inhamo, kupenga or kusarongeka, kune vamwe vanhu vari so overzealous mukusupporter misangano iyi zvekuti even the voice of reason in their minds will be dead kufa kuti fi fi. How do you raise your hand against a woman, mai veumwe munhu to beat her up over politics? How did whoever wrestled chibag chaMai Muchuchuti from her on nomination court day evade justice from the party, if the party is genuinely concerned about women’s issues? Imi, are you even seized with women’s cause or kungoti as long as we get into power? Muchatidhuva semudumbu imi, I mean imi vanhu veChenyu Chete Chete, ehe ichocho. Avawo Sekuru Dohwai veZanu PF sika sika naChidindi kusvika ZEC yapindira, vanhu vacho same same gudo nemunhu. Kana Sisi Linda Masarira vopenga moti kwahi hee vanopenga imi muchishungurudza candidate yekuparty kwavo. Hatizvidii, hatizvidii, hatizvidiiii! Mhamha Okidhoki vanouya vakakumhanyisai apo, iya! Iye mazuvano she’s a bit too quiet, we just saw her picture musi weVale vana Baba vakatevedzera pozi yaObama naMichy wake, kkkkkk, hameno zvazvaingoveri so, hahahaha, kamwe kakungoshaya shine so.
I wish Zimbabwe Patriotic Front Chivi South candidate Faith Chuma all the best zvokwadi because she promised to pay school fees for orphaned and vulnerable children. She also promised to build bridges maChivi South mose umu. Zvakanaka wani. Nhaka veChivi South vachambagarika zvokwadi, nekuti ini Mapombi zvekusimudzirwa kwemadzimai ndozvandodanwa ndichiti hwee. Uku Zivhu wakambosiyawo ati oo oo. I just hope that other party notorious for victimizing opponents does not give her problems towards by-elections. Ko mangozara machauvinists ka mumaparty acho ose, imwe yacho yangofanana neimwe yacho, zvinhu zvacho so, huye bodo. Women are totally capable kupolitics, kana muchida bvunzai VaMundondo vakapinzwa mumabed kuGenerari uko naMai Dorca paWard 1 apa rimwe gore, kkkkkk. Kuita fever Mai Dorca vatiza nechinhu zvikapusa, iyavozve. Vatete vangu Chikoforo vakangopagara paBenjamin Burombo apa after she became a minister. A whole minister wedunhu reMasvingo makangoti vavava. But I would want to believe kuti that woman (may her soul rest in peace) went to hell and back for her to get that high up because maitiro evamwe varume mumapato umu haa, ibasa chairo.
Ko I heard kuti musangano mutsva is having a star rally? Dhagi Dhagi has gone down to halls akatoona kuti zvemaground izvi zvina vene vazvo, because ndakazonzwa dzakuti aiwa, the angle at which the picture was taken ndoisiyo, vanhu vanga vari kuma5000, imi baba imi mutinyare mazvihwa,kkkkkk. Just go kunoitira marally enyu mudining kumba kwenyu, or come kuchitima ndikuratidzei chimukoto chekuitira rally yenyu, not trying to spin it because zvimwe zvacho zvosvodesa. Chete Dhagi akamedza nyadzi akadzakisira nejomupii remvura, his shenanigans speak for themselves. Police please don’t embarrass this sovereign country and start beating up opposition supporters zvamurimi. Let them exercise their rights, and on this I also want to warn even the overzealous Zanu supporters who may feel compelled to act like animals. We know that musangano unohwinira kumacell but on this one imi vekumacerro imbozvidzoraiwo, bhora rotambwa ferere ferere. If they do not have relevance, ko just leave them ka tione, morega kudzingirira mhepo. Infact kutovavictimizer kutovawedzera relevance because if you just ignore them, they will talk themselves into obscurity, vakagoti yep yep vanoigona,kkkkkk. Wakambokaona Ostallos kachitaura iwe, unotemwa musoro nemavhoko ananasuccincty hameno ikoko nanachiccanery, seka hako Mapombi wee. Hatizvihwi isu.
Anyway, regai ndinokanga maputi angu for lunch zvangu, bva mabanana akaora ndahwa nawo. But before I go, what was Biti on about, attacking artists kudaro? Coming from you VaBiti I think it was just too low of you, makarashika paya. Better kungonyarara henyu sezvaiita former VP vedu Mphoko vekugara pahotera on taxpayers’ money for years. Mboko imboko!
Politicians please stop victimizing women opponents
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