Ladies and gentlemen I hope you are keeping safe and avoiding being arrested for being machange money, not 4ED of coz kkk. ko ruzhinji rweZimbabwe takatopara mhosva at one point or another ka because maths dzekuchinja mari ndodzakangozara mumusoro wemunhu wese. I once said this country is a big crime scene, but the bad part of it is if you have midzimu inorara pabasa unobva wabatwa woitwa example. We all heard Genarari Chandaizment giving a stern warning to money changers hanzi munokura maremara, kkkkk. Zimbabwe itongori warzone zvayo, ihelter-skelter dawn to dusk naYave oo. But I totally understand Genarari Kedha zvangu, if you are clueless pamwe pacho unotomboibatira shamhu economy kuti zviite some resemblance of normalcy, otherwise chokwadi tinochiziva hedu kuti team iri kufudza mbada iyi. Economy yacho ine misikanzwa iyi, haidi kuteerera. Nyangoiti kombai tirove, inogonzwa here? Ukuwo Johwani weChipiri is already shifting the blame to the World Bank, hanzi ndovakatikopesa book rezvestructured, gold backed what what, if it fails, blame them. Murikubabaikeikowo nhai Chitova Mushayazano? Ko miraika tione where it takes us before we start blaming anyone for anything. Ko tanga tava kutoblamer nguvai ipapa? Regai Tocky Vibes azoti zvakaoma veduwe. What if one day we wake up and the ZiG is actually working? I know ndinowanza kurota plus optimism semunhu anotambura stereki but miracles happen, zvinogona kuitika kuti God may one day decide to eliminate mbavha dzose dziri kuvhiringidza economy, totoona paya kuti inga zvimamonetary policy zviya zvataiti ndezvekupenga zvinotoshanda. Remember I prayed about that paEaster apa, kuti mbavha dai Mwari vadziranga. Also remember that the bible says munamato weakarurama une simba pakubata kwawo, itai henyu muone.
It feels very odd waking up tisingazive kuti rate riri pachii, and when we say rate Dr Chandaizment ukoo, we mean redu ratajaira not the one being enforced through police. Look here, I am not condoning what the black market does to the local currency, but I am just saying combating corruption will go a long way in making this new currency work. Have you ever sat down and wondered kuti who supplies these money changers with both the USD and the local currency? Mumastreet mandinombofamba umu ndinonzwa some names being dropped nevakomana, names of prominent people who use these money changers as their runners in their money heist. Those are the things you should question, not kuthreatena kuvhuna vanhu makumbo Dr Kedha, that is if you also do not have your hands mugaba redovi, which I highly doubt. If you say you do not know the real culprits then ini Mapombi ndiri mwana wembinga, nhema dzakatsvuka seropa. Kuhwanda nechigumwe. Threaten all you want, but unless you regulate mafambiro emari on street corners muri kungovukura. You will finish all the stationery at your offices drafting zvimaStatutory Instrument pachingova pasi. All you are doing is catching the small fish,kunge dzekwaCinorumba kkkk but this has become more of a chorus because muri zvingongongo, hohodza, misorobhangu, mharapatsetsetse plus futi you are greedy. I passed through area yepaOK apoo in Masvingo wati kuchena here kwapange pakaita. Ipo paya, thousands of dollars were made, crispy new notes exchanging hands, but tisataura hedu mazita. Truly vanhu kuita competition yekudhomoka about the new currency, and then you expect the nation to have confidence in it, munopenga chete. Zuro uno Kiritsopfaa Mutsvangwa was busy saying boss vake’s new name will be Mr Strong ZiG, nhasi Chandaizment kuZITF uko hanzi bond notes were a Rhodesian scheme that is why it failed. Time time tinomboitwa zvidhelele nevanhu ava. How do we take you serious pakadaro? Nekuside VaMushayamano busy kupomera World Bank, kuita makwikwi ekubvisa confidence muvanhu, ko kungonyarara nhai? Unongoona wega kuti aya mabasa asina kupera senge mamega deals atakanguri tagezera maoko asingauyi.
But Zanu inombosvotesa zvayo vakomana, hanzi naDelish Nguwaya uya wekubetserana naMama Okidhoki kuisa some of the Covid equipment paside for future use, hanzi maZimba you are ungrateful because most of the things we do we will be doing them for you. Ipapo kwaibvigwa iyo Geo Pomona yekuita bongozozo muHarare. This is when you see that we are on our own as a country, vadyi vawo mafuta enyika vanenge vakatotitsamwira kuti hatitende mafufu avanotipa, uku isu miromo yakachena nenzara. I especially find amusement in the running around that happens when the Royal Highness Baba Two wants to descend in an area, kumhanya mhanya kunoitwa. KuMashava gore riya magedhe akapaintiwa nekuCSC ndove yemombe yakadirwa mvura kuti inyorove vakuru vafare, and the funny part of it is that shasha dzinenge dzichingofadzana dzega nenhema hadzo, ini zvangu ini, kkkkk. I wonder how things are now paBuhera apo, I guess vakamboravirawo chirungu even though zhara is knocking on their doors now, vachirarama nenyii vomwa havo mvura yemumufuku.
I was hoping that by now, Zanu would have convinced or should I say instructed Wicknero to refurbish our hospital and other public entities that need attention sekupower supply uko, bva ehh. Tariro yemurombo unenge uchingoti maybe they will look at us neziso retsitsi, bva tinongovamo murima sezvitokwani, takananga kumiddle income economy by 2030, kuVision ikweyo. Now zvakutoshamisa to have water and electricity supply during the day, kutomaona magetsi we ask each other kuti is everything ok. Everyone now has anxiety whenever there is power for too long because you don’t know when next you will have it akaenda. It’s as if akagarisa you know you will have to pay for it in form of the so many hours of load shedding. I came across a report yekuti Tanzania, a country that used to have serious energy problems is now switching off generation in some places because they have excess. Nyika kuita magetsi kusvika pakumakonewa. If it’s not the usual propaganda familiar with these African leaders, haa chokwadi we are far behind. Kwedu vuno all we can do is to admire zvevamwe, while we endure our Banana Republic zvisina kana order. Hazvina kana structure zvinhu zvacho. I remember when a number of opinion leaders used to suggest that dai taita a loadshedding schedule, so that we plan accordingly, kuudza ani izvozvo? Munyika yeZanu hamuna izvozvo. No structure for anything whatsoever. Even the opposition yacho chose to rather die than to have any structure. Apa we were being promised kuita mbovha yemufaro naNero when he gets into power, zvakagova zvipi? Pakadaro ndopamunoexpecta mamiracles on the so called structured nyusenzi, regai timboona. I am no prophet nor prophet’s child but I tell you kuti as usual, huku ichangozvimwira mazai ayo yega zvayo. Mangundya and Mthuli know what I am talking about, because navo vaingopupawo furo zviri kuita vanaKiritsopfaa naDr Kedha izvozvi back in 2016. It’s a full house circus hama dzangu.
Ko mava kuba hove dzekwaPresident futi kuZaka uko? Let’s hope it is not an inside job because the circumstances stink to high heavens. Chete zveZanu nevanhu vayo tingazvigona here. These days maPresidential Scheme ungamapedza? Kune rimwe divi rural women have been promised roadrunner chickens for breeding, vanababa mbudzi nepaside. Ukuwo Mhamha naBabra Rwodzi kungodai vatoita chirongwa chekubika nyevhe ine dovi. Next time when you go to one of your programmes here in Masvingo musandisiyawo Mhamha I miss rudhe rune dovi, kuno kuChitima ndozviwanepi hangu?
Let me go ndinokanga maputi angu zvangu for lunch, these days arikunetsa kuwana because of poor harvests. As for rotten bananas these days ndaakumatya, otherwise ndingagadzira another river yemanyoka beside Mucheke zvikanetsa. Where is Dr Joyie Mujuru nhai, vekuwisa ndege muhondo? Vanyararisa. Ko hanzi VaMuzenda vakanyora mubhuku ravo kuti member yekusungwa ichida kudhuutsa chitima had been promised mari svinu ikazoreverwa neumwe wayo? Zvinhu zvacho so.ko pane akazomboonawo kuti our aircon Jobson Skhandela vakaenda nekupi?, yes airco chaiyo, ko yaingova nhava izere mhepozve kkkk. Zvanenge vaakutoitawo saMphoko kkk, Anyway, if you see my friend Mphoko tell him kuti mari yaakagara in a hotel for so long ngaachiunza chero maZiG tinotambira. Until next week, mboko imboko!!
The Structured Circus continues

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