By Brighton Chiseva
Analysts have questioned President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s silence on those pushing for the extension of his Presidential term limit, saying his failure to call them to order was exposing his insincerity on his earlier statements that he would adhere to the country’s constitution as far as his Presidency is concerned.
Mnangagwa has on certain platforms vehemently asserted that he would not want to extend his Presidential term and would follow the constitution, but his silence has been purported to be an unspoken message indicating interest in the extension of his rulership.
The age factor is also among the topical issues associated with the term limit extension discourse, with some saying him being in his 90s by 2030 will be similar to what former President Robert Mugabe tried to do, plunging the country into yet another leadership crisis.
Political commentator Rashweat Mukundu told TellZim News that the ‘ED 2030’ agenda was being forced on people by some people who had no political standing even in Zanu PF who were trying to protect their interests.
“ED 2030’ agenda is actually in trouble as it is being hoisted on the society by people with no political grounding in Zanu PF but hangers on who are concerned about losing their jobs and benefits.
“There is nothing tangible that this grouping has presented that makes this agenda any viable, this is a desperate attempt by a few to continue eating,” said Mukundu.
He went on to say that the reason why Mnangagwa was letting people continue shouting despite him saying he had no interests in continuing was that whatever the outcome will benefit him.
“Mnangagwa seeks to benefit from either side the debate shifts, to his credit he has stated that he will go after 2028, yet he, like all political leaders enjoy the praise and worship he is getting from the psycophants. If 2030 succeeds he will say I was forced by people to stay, if it collapses he will say I have always wanted to leave as a constitutionalist,” said Mukundu.
On January 21, 2025, religious group Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD) issued a statement denouncing calls to extend the Presidential Term Limit, urging Mnangagwa not to be tempted to take it up, since he had earlier made it clear that he would uphold the constitution.
“ZHOCD is concerned by the recent pronouncements by some Members of Parliament and political activists urging His Excellency the President of Zimbabwe Dr E.D. Mnangagwa to extend his term of his office beyond 2028. The ZHOCD prayerfully urges His Excellency to resist the calls and temptation by those calling for the extension of the Presidential term limit for the greater good of the country.
“The call to extend the Presidential Term Limit and postpone the 2028 elections is an invitation for the President to be a co-conspirator in overthrowing the Constitution of the country which the President is elected to uphold and defend,” read part of the statement.
In seemingly a counter-statement, Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Jenfan Muswere responded saying the Parliament and the ruling party had an obligation to make sure the proposal is fulfilled.
“The politically broad based call to extent the Presidential term of office beyond 2028 remains a rightful and unquestionable obligation for Parliament, the Party of Zimbabwe’s permanent national democratic revolution – Zanu PF and other legitimate political stakeholders to this matter.
“Parliamentarians from the cross sectional divide of political parties represent the views and interests of their electorate. Submissions by honourable members of parliament reflect the aspirations of those who voted the constituencies they were elected to serve,” read part of the statement.
Upon his assumption of office back in 2017, Mnangagwa was known to use the catchy phrase ‘vox populi, vox dei’, which is translated to ‘the voice of the people is the voice of God’, an ideology he is likely to use to push the 2030 agenda using referenda.
Recently at Mnangagwa’s Precabe Farm, opposition leader Sengezo Tshabangu seemingly endorsed the ‘ED 2030’ agenda, which sources said might have been a long-coming project since Tshabangu was instrumental in weakening the opposition.
Youth leader Learnmore Munhangu told TellZim News that hopes to thwart the proposal to extend the Presidential term limit now only lied on institutions tasked with the mandate to protect the Constitution, as well as young people if ever it goes to a referendum.
“We hope the responsible authorities and institutions tasked with protecting, promoting, and upholding the Constitution of Zimbabwe will do so, thereby safeguarding the democratic tenets and our interests.
“As young people, it’s our duty to defend our constitution and safeguard our future. We must not let individual interests tear it apart and jeopardize our prospects. Regardless of political affiliation, let’s look at the long-term implications. Those who oppose should also exercise their rights peacefully, demonstrating intellectual superiority through respectful debate and discussion,” said Munhangu
Political Scientist Dr Arthur Chikerema said even if the benchmark to extend the Presidential limit was unfinished projects, it was farfetched as there was nothing much to talk about on such projects to substantiate the need for the extension of Mnangagwa’s presidential term.
“What is really tangible to say at the moment that the President should be given the extension? Which projects can we have a benchmark and we tick his performance?
“We should look at who stands to benefit from the extension. Those pushing, including Tshabangu and his proxies are being spoiled, given money and big cars, while ordinary citizens and civil servants are wallowing in poverty,” said Dr Chikerema.
There are several voices within Zanu PF that are also against the resolution which was started by Masvingo Province before being endorsed at a Zanu PF national conference in Bulawayo last year.
The proponents of the idea are believed to be a faction aligned to Mnangagwa, allegedly opposing his deputy Constantino Chiwenga’s ascension to power.
Party leadership in different provinces are threatening to punish all those who are against the resolution and in Masvingo they have already started going to rural areas allegedly telling party members of the resolutions made at the Bulawayo conference, chief among them the Presidential term limit.