When you think you have seen it all, think that the only affiliate organization left is Mapombi 4ED though it will never come, then boom, Independent Candidates 4ED kkkk ini zvangu ini. Hanzisati ndamboona matakanana akadai, in Gogo Mahofa’s voice kkk. I miss that iron lady, she is the only one who openly challenged Mugabe ndakatarisa kwete zvana Mavhaire who always brag that they could challenge Mugabe. Nhaiwe Mavhaire, you challenged Mugabe zvikazodii. Gogo Mahofa told Mugabe point blank that Masvingo was not going to contribute even a one year old calf to Mugabe who had pledged 100 beats to the African Union and went on to order all provinces to submit 10. Chaiva chakaipa Chikoforo, MHSRIP. She said Mugabe was surrounded by thieves and went on to say Mugabe had failed the army should take over, I know you know what happened on November 17, can’t remember the year but I am sure mese muri kuiziva nyaya yacho. Ok, yeah back to Mutonho’s issue, yes he introduced the Independent candidates for ED, I am sure Maboke and company would have somewhere to join, coz kuita independent haa hakunyatsoita asks Vharazipi, hanzi it means hauna masoja, hauna mapurisa kkk. Apa I heard Mutonho and company all refused to join Kasukuwere kkkk. Allow me to talk about Tyson a bit before Mutonho
Yes I heard the mighty Tyson is a cat among pigeons, ibararamhanywa in Zanu PF kkk. Lets welcome him back, Welcome back Cde Kasukuwere. At least he now sees how bad the system he was part of is. I heard the boys have been beefed up at all point of entries in case he might sneak in the country. We are waiting for you the Mighty Saviour. Come and Serve the people of Zimbabwe kkk. let me assure you ladies and gentlemen, Kasukuwere will only be voted for by those who have been on the rope, ukaona Mutonho naMaboke with how they were disgruntled by their parties vachiramba kujoina it means chakaora. ; This is what Chadzamira was supposed to call Chafa Chisati Chatanga not Chamisa Chete Chete. As long as Tyson I wearing the Zanu Pf tagline, people will never be fooled twice like in 2018 and 18. Any association with Zanu PF means hapana change, ask me. Zanu PF is a strait jacket, you cannot transform it, it’s either you are in or out, simple. So please imi maDisgruntled Zanu go and support Kasukuwere wenyu isu hatiuyeko, ah handiuyeko, heard vamwe vari kuenda kkkk. However, ignore Tyson at your own peril, ini handipo. Remember ladies Tyson was the political commissar and his structures are still in place in Zanu PF, he may pull a shocker.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am sure you all saw how disorganized the Chamisa Chete Chete party is didn’t you? Double candidates, failure to field candidates in there wards and constituencies kkkk and a whole lot of independent candidates. Haa ini zvangu zvinondisembura. Gossip passing through Chitima market is Zanu PF has already bagged more than 50 wards and some constituencies, who are you going to blame manje kana zvadai? FAZ? Kkkk iyo yakabatana nacho, I wonder what the hell that organization, chimbori chii chaizvp is, I heard it’s Forever what, so does it mean Zanu will rule forever? Haa no mhani. On a serious note, political parties should not blame their failure on others. CCC kungodai hee Zanu PF infiltration, hee FAZ, ukuwo Zanu PF failing to manage the economy hanzi Chamisa akadira jecha, hee Biti called for sanctions, nxaa zvipere
Speaking of Tendai Biti, I heard more condolences, more cries about Biti’s loss and a few or no congrats to the winner in CCC. Imi Biti was good in parliament no doubt about that but he is not the only one capable, we have a lot of capable people in Zimbabwe who can take the government to task who do not have a chance to get to parliament because of the I know it all mentality. Mapombi is one of them, I see I can be a good parliamentary candidate because handivanze, I won’t be affected ne whipping system. But parliament ichabowa iyi, no Chinoz, no Biti mmm, dai makatora anaChibaya henyu ndovamwe vagarisawo. But I once told you kuti mukomaana ari kugadzira chinhu chake mukati hee Mapombi watanga now look.
I hear there are many angry Cdes kuCCC uko, yes it happens accept the outcome and move on with life, after all its representational, you can’t be angry for not being called to represent the country. Hanzi nemukomana all those who are angry with the process were after squandering state resources kkkk. Hanzi kuda kuchachura mugapu renyika kkkk, dai kutaura zviri funny kuriko kutonga Nyika, Chamisa would be president for life. I once heard that great talkers and orators are dictators, talk of Mugabe, talk of Hitler jus to mention a few kkkk. But it’s not always the case, dzedu idzi hadzigone kutaura and is also one of the worst dictators. In Africa we had and we still have maDictator manyama. Talk of Kagame, Magufuli, Gaddaffi, the economies are flouring even though they are dictators. That is what we want as Zimbabweans. Tine nzara chete nothing else, zvekuti hee maHuman rights hee what what, it’s just talk but what we want is food on the table, we need better roads, medication in clinics, and of cause to do away with corruption then lastly sanctions.
Enough of cheap politics, the government should just give this Razar Guy a farm, yes mupei munda mukomana, chero wenzimbe zvawo. At least we now have somewhere to put our focus on in as far as sports is concerned, zveSoccer chaizvo as a country hazvisi zvedu. Iyo nyaya yeZifa neERC iya yakazodiiko. Where is this clown Kamambo? Since Captain Fiasco was beaten in the Zanu Primaries, I know he won’t go independent saka he should rekindle his romance with Zifa. Yes when Fidza was at the helm zvinhu zvaitofamba. I think pama technocrats paya they should just be 6 then topa fidza ministry of sport, I think Kitsi was just good at swimming and nothing else, iko aiti kana apinda muduhwino aiita kunge asvikirwa neshave rambuya nehanda.
Speaking of Mbuya Nehanda, our spirit medium seem not to be happy with the bond note how can she let the money lose value like that ivo varipo zvavo, maybe dai vakangoisa vese nasekuru kaguvi pamwe his masculinity would help give weight to the Zim Dora kkk. Kana zvanetsa isai vese nana Lobengula nana Chaminuka ipo pamari yedu iite power. We can’t continue using US and Rand when we have our kkkk. Inga vana Washington Jefferson, Lincoln and Hamilton are on their notes and they still have power, not forgetting about Mandela who died recently apa. Pane akatsamwisa midzimu yenyika chete, I think it’s the November issue, mwedzi waMbudzi unoera veduwee. Hezvo vana Muzorewa vaakudawo kuita mapresidents kkk. But where are these people getting the 20ks for nomination? I now believe that most of them are Zanu projects. But of late I have heard whispers that Chamisa could be the Genarari’s project, kombonzi ndewa Trabablas and Tyson is the Genarari’s real project so ahh hameno but what I can tell you is kumagumo kune nyaya.
Anyway, before I go kunokanga hangu maputi angu for lunch, I heard Ndabaningi Sithole was conferred national hero at last and everyone is going to Chipinge for the launch of the manifesto. Vakati regai titange tafadza vadzimu tisati taenda kkkk. Ndizvo zvimwe zvinotipa munyama senyika, siyai vakafa vazorore kwete kumutsana nevakazorora, remember things got worse after the erection of Mbuya Nehanda statue. Anyway please kana mobva Chipinge bring me mafufu, ndanzwa nemabanana akaora and maputi, not mentioning of the cold weather mmm. It’s cold ladies and gentlemen and even varwere vepfungwa vari kuita vashoma, kana usiri serious nekupenga haa, you will take a sabbatical I tell you.
Before I go, if anyone manages to go to South Africa and meet this lady who interviewed Monica to stop it, how can she humiliate our minister like that, tell her that Zimbabwe is indeed a sovereign nation and we do as we please kkkk. Naiyewo Monica achinyanya, why did she go there, akadii kuita interview naReuben Barwe and his hwasikiti kkkk, nxaa Mboko Imboko!!!
Welcome back Tyson

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