When we grew up kwedu kwaChirimudombo back then zveMujolo kwanga kusina, stress dzemujolo dzaiva shoma unlike what we see ama2k doing mazuvano kkk. Nowadays hapachina zvekutsvaka chaita musoro uteme., kutongoziva kuti Mjolo nothing else. Right if you know Mjolo, just imagine this guy or girl waunoda kudarika chero mai vako then obva akuramba. You have a serious heart break and headache at once. You struggle with the heartbreak for long. Waakuda kunopora woona message yakanzi Hie kkkk. Unombofunga kuti hakusi kuda kuzondirova paper 2 yeheart break here kkkk. This is the current situation Zimbabweans are facing. Many are in a dilemma right now because of small boy Nelson Chamisa. He promised people heaven on earth before elections saying there was no way Zanu PF was going to win 2023 elections. I remember one of the famous statements, Hanzi isu patiri kupinda apa taakumbochinjana nevari joni, vari joni vombouyawo kuzotsvaka Mabasa kuno ndava nyika inenge yagadzirwa inenge yanaka, yadirwa huchi. By bye nhamo bye bye Zimbabwe warangarirwa, mbovha yemufaro yasvika, munhikwi wemufaro wapinda mumba mako kkkk. Asi Neroka, usadaro. I think you all know takazoita mbovha yenhamo nemunhikwi wenzara. As if that was not enough, he went on to fail to defend the vote as promised and dumped his party the famous CCC. I think you all agree with me kuti people had a heart break. Vazhinji joined or rather supported the blue movement simply because there was no better choice. Mwonzora? Linda Masarira? Madhuku or Zanu? That was a difficult choice so people continued supporting him, tange taakutonakirwa nemabible verses and some skits. We all saw him wearing gemenzi kuZion paGutu apo and we were content with that. Now nekuti kwanzi Africa day he is now saying hie.
Please Nero, leave us alone, we have suffered enough, we heard the SADC issue countless times and we can all see how the regime is preparing for SADC chairmanship so pinning hopes on it will be a waste of time and emotions. Zvinotoda vane mafuneral policy ari up to date and paid in US$ because neZig zvinogona kunetsa. So just like any other Zimbabwean, the 2023 election was done and dusted, but alas, mukomana achiri kungochemera maZappy ake. Vakomana vari kumusoro uko dai mangopa Mwana Mazappy ake noise yaita shoma and as he promised hanzi mukangondipa munhu wese mbovha yemufaro, munhikwi wemufaro mumba kkk. Hanzi hazvisarudzi, munhu wese so ndoshaya kuti why vasingadi kumupa. If they doubt ko kungomupa for 100 days tikamboonawo zvitsva veduwee. Chete zvakada kufanana, both parties don’t reform. In 2017 we said here comes the new thing tikazoona kuti zvakafanana. Then we celebrated the formation of CCC but where are we now. Vision 2030 ndendichipo kkkk. Isu tatokanganwa nezveSADC Mukomana is calling the club, hanzi we cannot talk of 2028 before resolving the 2023 dispute.
Do people really know why there was first and second Chimurenga? My layman thinking is that it was simply because diplomacy had failed. Kutaurirana kwakaramba and the only option was to put out fire with fire. Isu tichapisa makandiwa kumusha uko kwaiva kuvesa moto kunobva mhepo wondovesa umwe kwairi kuenda, wodzima zvako pawatangira worega zvosangana, painosangana unobva wadzima nekuti panenge pasisina chekupisa. This is the only strategy that can save Zimbabwe, kudzima moto nemoto. Zvino the so called leaders of the struggle are now saying Zimbabwe is too beautiful for that, what nonsense! What is beautiful about Zimbabwe? Civil servants are earning peanuts whilst vene vachizvidyira and we call that beautiful. Roads are full of potholes, Hamas is better than Zim as it stands.Zimbabwe is a war torn country chero musina kumboita hondo. Have you travelled from Bulawayo wakananga Hwange? I have never been there but I hear the road is full of dish holes zvekuti you will think grenades and bombs were dropped along the way. Ukraine is far much better than Zimbabwe yet you hear someone saying Zim is too beautiful. Mukati mukomana haadaro aakusvuta mbanje imi? Young man, please quit whatever you are smoking before you get addicted, remember we have a lot of anti-drug abuse campaigns in the country. I think this is not the right time to make statements dzisina substance, I know you have a lot of blind followers just like kuZanu PF but my advice is siya vanhu vapore mushe.
Mutuvi naMushayamazano recently launched a new currency which is very scarce. Banks do not have the Zig and kuno kuchitima hatirizive yet someone is saying Zimbabwe is too beautiful. Right now Zimbabwe is hosting football home matches outside, lucky this time varipedyo, kuSouth Africa they will have support from vana mukoma vakaenda kunoshava not zviya zvekuRwanda. However, all this points that Zimbabwe is not beautiful at all. What is beautiful ipapa? Chete gwara harina mbonje, I think you can all see the scars that Sikandela has. Hanzi chibhuru chinooneka nemivare kkk. The small boy is too smart which does not work in Zimbabwe, paakutoda zvivindi zvaMRT apa, he was brave enough to take the bull by its horns no matter the consequences.
Sometimes I agree with Sikandela though ane kamwe kaDzungu so, I think you all saw how he wanted to be the icon, the Mandela of Zimbabwe. But the two combined would make a strong team, Job vachiita maprotests Chamisa achiita peaceful negotiations as well throwing bible verses here and there. Chamisa should sit down and think again before coming back to the people. He should remember that Zanu PF does not need him at the moment. It’s actually Zimbabwe that has or had hopes on him. He wasted a chance and I think he has lost the bargaining chip. Maybe anacho regai timboona asi handifungi sekudaro. Kkkk nhasi zvangu nemaNerorists, I know varakashi vari kufara but don’t get too excited. Mapombi is a gentlemen, handivanzi, I will say it as it is, whether mozvida or hamudi ndonzi Mafira Kureva handiite zvemagroup.
The only thing putting smiles on people’s faces is the issue of government licensing Starlink. I hope even destitutes like us will be able to have access to the internet. Ndikawana cellphone ndichatangawo kugoogler kuti how long does it take to complete Chimusana Bridge as well as the main Mucheke Bridge. I think that information will be of great importance to people of Masvingo because there is little progress zvekuti zvaaakutobhowa to hope that one day we will wake up tava nebridge nyuwani. Speed up the pace guys or we’ll get into the rainy season pasina chaitwa, nxaa. Wonzwa umwe achiti Zimbabwe is too beautiful, unotsamwa sure. However, I heard the Starlink deal rine vene as usual and Weakness Chivharo is the front runner again like you all saw recently.
Im happy I saw team Ostallos, our next Chamisa and our shortest serving and youngest Mayor in Masvingo Shantiel wekwa Chiwara in South Africa observing elections. I think they’ll copy some practices as we gear up towards 2028. I am sure they have seen FAZ yeikoko at work. However, ndanzwa kuti every party had its own FAZ or Heritage saka fair deal. So the best advice to Mukomana if he still harbors presidential aspirations is to start working now, kutoshanda chaiko not posting verses on X and promising miracles to the electorate. Kutogadzirawo yake FAZ for 2028, chete muno vakomana vacho abuse state resources saka munogona kurohwa patable penyu neporisi kkk. Anyway, mava vanhu vakuru mongoonawo zvekuita. KuMzansi I see Zanu PF yeikoko winning chero zvikashaya mutsindo. At least the playing field is a bit level. Zviri nani but mberi kunoenda uko ndaona zvapera. They are being coached on best practices to rig from this side.
Ko pane akazombonzwa kuti cde Mandiita wefodya Chimene vakazopinda neipi here? I last heard her saying she had been asked to come back home by HE who is leading the best government iri better than yekudenga. Seka zvako mapombi. Mandi warova kubva waita saVP Mphoko kudaro. Ko Runaida wekutsvaira makuva kwaGutu gore riya akazodiiwo kkkk. Zvandoona ini. I think she was cursed that year. Unganotsvaira makuva evanhu vausina ukama navo nekuda mavotes makambozvionepi izvozvo. Mboko imboko.
What is beautiful about Zimbabwe nhai Nero?

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