Mapombi is really in cloud nine Cdes – ndiri mudenga rechinomwe chairo! Imagine, for the first time since I came to town in 2015, I managed to enter a hotel last Friday where I attended a discussion organised by the biggest newspaper in Masvingo province and the southern region, TellZim News. Some avid readers call it ZimTell, others call it TeleZim but the correct name is TellZim News.
Anyway, the real truth is I enjoyed a lifetime opportunity at Chevron Hotel and the discussion was very informative. Can you imagine iniwo zvangu Mapombi ndiripo pahotera ndakapfeka mamvemve angu iwaya. Kkkkkk but Jealousy Mawarire the spokesperson weZimPF anotoda shamhu chaiyo – hanzi Zanu PF yajaira zveintimidation and vote-buying manje in Mwenezi East it will be pound for pound kkkkk gore rino hamba ichasangana neane demo. Handei tione!
But Mapombi learnt something on Friday; that is, empty vessels do make a lot of noise. All along I used to argue when my fellow colleagues told me kuti Gushungo (G40) faction hapana zvinozivikanwa kwakazara madofo – ndakazozvionera pamhuno sefodya.
Last week, Mapombi urged Amasa Nhenjana kuti at least aende kuNight School, but I am afraid the number of G40 Cdes who should go to Night School is quite huge, including youths. Mapombi never thought youths as young as ana Talent Chivange can behave like Grade Zero pupils.
But we should pardon them because what can we expect from people who are being led by someone who is also struggling to finish his law degree studies? Kkkkkk ana Tyson mototemba kuti muri kuitira paUZ chokwadi dai ari mamwe mauniversity maigumira muzhira nekudofora. But kana muchida kuzoitawoka maMP motidzikamirawo vana Talent – dzungu hakusi kungwara!
People do not recognise your presence merely because you are making a lot of unnecessary noise. People acknowledge you if you are contributing meaningfully to the on-going discussions. Kukundwa nemufana Charles Munganasa kkkkkk vanhu vozoti Team Lacoste yakarongeka moramba?
Mapombi never thought even Enerst Mudavanhu is also a political clown too – no wonder why vaienda kundoimba kuParliament in 2008 varume vaya. Honestly you cannot expect anything serious from that man – shuwa murume mukuru kutopfeka svutu tema kuuya kuda kuzoita disrupt a very informative discussion? Haa tinyareiwo imi.
In fact Mapombi will never take ZimPF serious as long as it is led by people like this, never! Anyway, Mapombi will not waste time talking about people who are not so wise. Cde Jeppy Jaboon tisvikewo kuBikita South uko – Mapombi rarely dream but these days haaa kuda ihope dzemvura yadai kuwandisa.
It’s not a prophesy asi ihope idzi – your days as Zanu PF Masvingo provincial PC are numbered Cde Jaboon. You have been enjoying this frog-jump-kind of relationship in Zanu PF but believe you me, kumagumo kune nyaya. Kkkkkk anonzi ani gara zviya mukomana uye wamunofarira Cde Jaboon kuti aimbe karwuyo kaye kekuti ‘kuMagumo kune nyaya’? Mapombi is afraid that the song really matches your situation at the moment – kune nyaya kumagumo uko hehehehe-e nambuya vangu Mahofa ndorevesa kudai. Aizve nasekuru Hungwe ndotokupikira Jaboon; naChadzamira wakatora purazi raGoddard ndatopika kudai! Kune nyaya kumagumo uko!
You have been enjoying together with Cde Nhenjana but all of a sudden you left him in the cold iwe wotokanga zvako maputi nanaChadzamira. Kkkkk don’t forget this is the same Chadzamira wawakamboita rough ka uyu and he was suspended iwe uchisara. Chinokanganwa idemo Cde. This time vari kukurongera tingoringo chaiyo!
It would be very foolish of Team Lacoste to let you remain in the provincial executive after that has happened. Mapombi is very sure that after Nhenjana, the next victim is Cde Jaboon – ko mazvokuda mavanga enyora ka aya; mukarumwa nechokuchera mungachema here?
Mapombi always and will forever tell these G40 chaps that Masvingo hamuigone but eish, some of them are big-headed. But this time hehehehe hamba yasangana neane demo.
But tell me something here – mukatoti vanhu veG40 dzakatonyatsokuti kwesere? What the hell is this Dofora doing? I mean Dokora uyu wemandebvu uyu. What is he really trying to do with our education? Haa zvivanhu zvakadzidza kuCuba izvi so ka problem after problem.
Mapombi is not so much into religion but vana vedu vese vachapera kuita maMoslem chete.
Anyway, it’s almost lunch time guys let me go ndindokanga hangu maputi angu for lunch. But ratosvikaka zuva guru raMudhara – I mean 21st February Movement celebrations. This time tinenge tichidya nyama yenzou nemakeke tiriko kuMatopos ikoko or is it Rhodes Preparatory School grounds?
The CEO is turning 93 years old and vari kunzwa masimba ekupinda muzana kunge munhu uye ari kumhanya race. Kkkkkk but Sulumani Chimbetu so ka twumwe tunziyo twako utwu ka – uite mushe mufana iwe.
Anyway, Mapombi would like to congratulate and wish you the best at the occasion of your birthday. Ndinoti rambai muchingotonga vanhu shefu – both G40 and Team Lacoste rambai muchingovatonga. Don’t mind the poor economy, potholed roads, high unemployment rate or collapsing economy – tongai vanhu Gushungo.
But Mphoko dzinozombogumirwa zvinondibhowa ini kkkk hanzi Tsvangirai waida kuuraya Joshua Nkomo hahahaha the man is crazy. No, let me rephrase my statement – the man is not so wise. No wonder why he moves around donating chicks and incubators – the whole of VP hahahaha Command Agriculture better. Anyway mboko imboko!mapombi