Chava chemutengure
vhiri rengoro hoo hiye hoo hiyee, mukadzi wemutyairi haashaye dovi, hoo hiyee
hoo hiyee. Anotora girisi okungira hoo hiyee hoo hiyee. Anoti kukambura rimwe
ozora, hoo hiye hoo hiyee, chemutenguree! I am back ladies and gentlemen. These
days I am madly in love with Mukanya’s music and I hope the music is in love
with me too. Music is my only love. Who, after all, would love a homeless woman
with ragged clothes, stinky armpits, unkempt hair and cracked heels? Nobody! So
music is the love of my life and these days it’s Mukanya alone who is playing
in my mind. Aka kambo kanonzi Chemutengure ndinokanzwa kachiimbwa kana nguva
yeStudio 7 yava kutanga ndakagara zvangu muma plastic kuno kuChitima uku.
Somebody has a small radio in a shack next to mine and it’s always on high
volume kuitira kuti isuwo tisina radio tihwevo zvinotaurwa. Iwo maradio station
akadai kuuya awa. Tozipigwa zvedu. Kwahi kwava nema community radio? Ichokwadi
here? Kana iwo ma TV station matsva atakahwa kuti ari kuuya? Why has none of
them started broadcasting several months after the licences were awarded? Kkk zviri
kuremera vatenzi. Broadcasting isn’t a joke ladies and gentlemen. It’s a
capital and skills intensive business. It seems very few of the licences
winners will be able to get on air. That is why even isusu vana Mapombi vasina
zvavanoziva tiri kudanidzira kuti we want genuine media reforms to allow our
people resident in the diaspora to invest in broadcasting. We could also allow some
limited foreign direct investment in the media industry. Ko isu hatina zve mari
yacho nezvikwanisiro zvacho. Zvikaramba zvakadai chinenge chichingori
chamutengure vhiri rengoro nekusingaperi amen. Even if those new TV stations
are to start broadcasting today, they would be boring as hell. More boring than
ZBC kkkk. Ko content yacho inonakidza vanoiwanepi? Zvoda mari ka izvi. Mari
chaiyo seya Passion Java kkkk. Kana kuti munenge motopa henyu vana Queen Bee
vema cartels, yes those ones have the money to fund content-creation. Otherwise
you would be watching nothing there but old Rambo films that are free of any
copyright protection. Vedu vapfana vana
Taivavashe nana Banda nanaMunganasa nana Baba Rah paCharles Austin Theatre apa
are very talented and can make good films but their efforts will be exploited
for no payment. Zvakaoma! By the way what happened to the fight for control of
Charles Austin Theatre? But I think council have some point there, kwahi yava
kuitwa brothel kkk. Doug Hill should be turning in his grave. Ahh handisina
ndadaro, ende handidi kutaura mazita evanhu. Pandaimba Chemutengure ndanga
ndisingatauri zvepa Charles Austin Theatre ini. I meant the drama in the
country’s judiciary system kkkk. Haa drama chairo. Zvichingobvawo naThief
Justice vasingadi kubva pachigaro kkk. Akaoma Marava ohh I mean Malava. Haa
Mugabe nhaka yawakatiparira yekurambira pazvigaro iyi ka! I won’t pity you even
if they dig up your dry bones for rituals or whatever. I salute Chidyausiku for
leaving without any drama. Wise people say a good dancer knows when to leave
the stage. But it’s not Malava who is to blame here; it’s that overzealous yet
incompetent Zx2. How I used to envy that name Ziyambi before Zx2 messed it up.
I used to know of very good lawyers and other prominent people who went by that
name; such people as Justice Vernanda Ziyambi and Florence Ziyambi. More honorable
and intelligent people those ones. Now the name is derided because of a
not-so-sharp minister who pushes illegal amendments to impress ED but without
doing enough groundwork to make sure the foundation is solid. Now it’s all imploding
right in his face and it’s embarrassing his boss big time kkk. Changova
chemutengure vhiri rengoro! Kwahi nevamwe vandakahwa vachishora… kwahi Zx2
munhu wezve regime change and is working with G40 remnants to spoil ED’s
electoral chances in 2023 kkkk. President vakati 2030 vanenge vachipo asi Zx2
is working flat out to throw spanners in the works and sabotage the campaign
using his G40-Gamatox captured judiciary. I think I believe that theory because
Zx2, after his defeat at the High Court, went even as far as plagiarizing
Jonathan Moyo’s legendary words to criticize the judgment: ‘A night court, by
night judges and night lawyers’. Yes the judiciary is captured, but not by the
people alleged by Zx2. The Thief Justice debacle is purely a result of
incompetence on the part of Zx2 & Co and it is time they are shown the exit
door. He failed to do his job and all those outbursts were just an expression
of a man who is embarrassed at his own failure of judgement; a shameful act of
blame shifting. A failed man sees ghosts and conspiracies everywhere kkk kana
nemumvuri wake chaiwo zvenge zvangova zvidhoma zvoga-zvoga. Ko iyo tsvimbo
yandiri kuhwa kuti Mugabe akavigwa nayo naimi vanhu? Kwahi naZivhu yakapiwa
Kasukuwere kkkk. Asi Zivhu so kaa, haa murume ane freedom of speech uya. Zuro
ndizuro kwhai sarai imi makapisa Beiz yangu muchidya sadza nepolony ini
ndomboenda kuEurope kuno vhakacha. Sadza nepolony imagine. Kutuka isu vana
Mapombi vanomwa tii nemaputi ka uku? Bhasopu Zivhu. And he could not even spell
‘Benz’ correctly, hanzi ‘Beiz’. Reminds me of one Donald Trump who once wrote
Covfefe that nobody, including himself, knew what it meant. Is it even true
that the Beiz was burnt or it’s just his usual attention-seeking gimmicks to
tell the world that he has good cars?
Zivhu and Java same WhatsApp group! Ko former Registrar General Mudede
hanzi vari kupinda mudare nenyaya yeumbavha kkkk. Haaa team yaMugabe so ka,
haina kana integrity. A whole former registrar aitinyima mapassport paMakombe
apo. Kwatonhora uku, regai ndinokanga hangu mauti angu ndizvidhlire. Mabanana
haasi kuora nenyaya yechando chakwidza hamba mumuti ichi. Ndotofunga zvangu dai
former VP Mboko vachiri pachigaro pamwe vaindipawo zvavo incubator dzavaipa
vanhu ndikadziya. Kkkk asi zvimwe zvinhu sooka, a giant VP kupa vanhu mishina
yekuchochonyesa zvitiyo sure. Kkkk sure,
haa Mboko imboko!