Ladies and gentlemen, with this heatwave I hope you are taking care of the vulnerable muchivapawo mvura yekunwa. These days Masvingo City Council irikuzama kuunza mvura mumalocation umu although the bills are giving people sleepless nights. Let’s hope we get rains soon tiwane yekunwa because it will become a disaster. Ingatongosara yongonwiwa nevene vega isu vanyai tichitambura. This drought has proven that chero mukapanana mbeu muchinyima vamwe, Mwari ndiye muenzanisi, kkkkk. Rimaika mubairire fertilizer yamainyima vamwe tione. Climate inombozvida here zvevanhu vane dzungu. Hanzi naED kuMushagashe svasvanga yena masabhuku, macouncilor nevamwe vose who unfairly distribute inputs, bva vanogohwa here? Ukuwo Zesa nekuside, all of a sudden we are deep within a power crisis, no warning, no communication, just vibes. Zesa ndiBaba venyu vakomana, you know how some fathers behave, havabvunzwi kuti ko sei fees yangu isina kubhadharwa or sei tirikudya nemaveggie January to December idzo dzichiuya dzakadhakwa paden every day. If you ask him dzinongosticka zvadzo, ndokunge dzisina kuita hasha. Do not act as if you do not see Zesa cars criss-crossing, dzichitipfumburira guruva here at Chitima as if pane zvikuru zvirikuitwa. I once said in Zimbabwe the real dilemma is on training yourself to not being used to anything because zvinomuka zvakachinja. Planning in Zimbabwe inongoitwa nevene because isu vana Mapombi tinongotamba iri kurira. You may wake up uchitonzi where you built your house is unauthorized state land zvotodhakwa. Ask those who had built in Peri-Urban and growth Points, they will tell you how good the government of Zimbabwe is. Zanu ichapera riinikowo tizorore nhaimi?
Speaking of state land and evictions, can someone please tell Obert Moses Mpofu to quit whatever he is smoking or drinking? Mukati haasi aakuwanza Kambucha imi? I think we need a commission to probe into this guy because he is abusing drugs. How can he say the President was not aware of the evictions? How can he say Zanu PF is not involved? Does he want to tell us that our own Minister Chadzamira aidhomoka when he said the land belong to the President? Ok let’s say he was, what about ivo Vene Mbune, he said all the land belong to him, so who has the audacity and temerity to evict people from Trabablas’s land. Asi haisisiri Ngwena here, maybe wava mupurwa havo dambiro rematsvinyu. Mpofu should just shut up and ponder on how his party will convince the people who were affected to vote for them come 2028 because vakachera tukomba paruware vakapfira kuti they will never vote for Zanu PF nyangwe kunaye masese. Makaita own goal baba, pembe yakatorira there is no reverse, people have already seen what Zanu PF is made of. If what you said is true iwe Mpofu then we expect to see those orchestrated the programme being locked up and if you do bring the keys to me ndichengete coz vakarwadzisa vanhu. Muuye nekuno Mutore Minister and his secretary Pazvakavambwa they are the major culprits in Masvingo. But ukawana time Mpofu ukwane, idya mari yawakaba unyerere. Shit yemunhu ,nxaaa.
You all thought ndinodhomoka when I told you that in Zimbabwe, those you vote for their sole aim is to have access to the feeding trough, nothing more nothing less. Akazowedzerwa here maallowance amaichemera kuna Minister Chitando nhai Councilor Muchokwa? Kkkkk, hanzi mukasatiwedzera ndopatinozoita huori, as if threatening us isu macitizens necorruption. I hear they are received or are receiving allowances emameeting eruling party iwo maopposition councillors enyu iwaya. Zuro ndizuro maMP akadya ma$40k pakangova pasi, kutoita kubatirana to loot citizens’ pockets knowing all too well how struggling the majority of us are. These people do not care about us. Hanzi naWacko Jacko that is all I wanna say, that they do not really care about us. Kudhara when I was listening to his music ndaishaya kuti dzairevei, but now I understand. If they had conscience, like people who got into power promising change and having the will of the people at heart vaitofanirwa kuita whistle blow on the abuse of council funds, bva kudya kwakati kuuya uku, huye bodo. They do not have integrity these people. At least Zanu toiziva hedu namabasa ayo, hard as it is to accept but inotongoloota. What breaks my heart, and I know, so many other hearts is that team reopposition rinenge rakatosvinurira maallowance iwaya. Regai vanaJoji vachizovaseka havo because haa vanosvodesa vanhu ava. You see why I am still mad at Mahere for resigning from Parliament? NaMarkham wacho, if they were still in there the story would have been different because we know kuti they have some resources vaizokurudzirawo integrity, zvino ehhh. Pride too much at the expense of the electorate that put you there. Itongori Aloota Continua, like now, no one can reign in on them, ko handiti mukuru webato akatiza. Ahhh, ko makorokotozve nhai VaTshabangu. Ko dai makangotauraka kuti maingodawo kuitwa swear in saSenator I think mukomana could have heard you ozokupaiwo pana 2028 apo, you would have spared us all the drama and resources emaby-election. So ndoyaiva nyaya yacho all along, nxaa. On a lighter note, I saw Senator TshaNyongolo just got in and started fighting his own goblins and ghosts, zvitukwani zvemarecalls zvatotanga asati ambotura befu, kkkkk. Ko leadership and power come nekurara wakavhura one zisoka, because now you no longer have the privilege to go about as you please muchiita senge makatenga Mwari. Now you will get to experience real politics, unaided by anyone, zviya zvakaitika kuna Mdara-a, ra-a, ra-a…. Unotoseka shuwa because if you do not laugh you will cry. Vanyararisa VaMwonzora veduwe. Mr Cup takangozovaona paya vachikopesa Jobson Sikandela book redofo paya vakapfeka Book 4 yeMaths dzekusaonera politics, ndobva zvatopera. Imbodzokai kani vakomana munakidzise zvinhu. Madzokero ndoonetsa because now anything associated with you changova nehutengesi. Zvikagoti Nero’s supporters behave like cultists, you will be bullied into oblivion. Hamuna kuona Democlash yakaitika kufuneral? maDrama ega ega zvawo. But makanyadzisa zvenyu paya regai ndizvitaure wether you like it or not. But Zanu chiwororo boys dzangu, to dismantle an opposition kusvika munhu ega ega asara akabata chipenga chake, which just goes to show that these people do not know how to build a strong party. Kana ndatuka, sorry, and nemiwo izvozvo zvamanditukawo. Ini ndiri gentleman handivanzi. Go tell them vanaMai Kore nanaHwende, plus Biti naMdara Welsh that hanzi naMapombi you are hypocrites and cowards. They definitely should have done better but nhasi I don’t want kudzika dzika navo ndakavabvirira kudhara kana vane nzeve dzekunzwa vakatonzwa.
Ko murikuitana sei kunational broadcaster uko nhai? Sisi Ade vakapenga wena. She aired all the dirty laundry outside kuti yacha yacha zuva rakacheka nyika. Kuita kudya marasha. Anyway, play nice together, ndomashoko yangu ekupedzisira. Paya when you “allegedly” go into each each’s inboxes kunokumbira rudo munenge muchimbotembei chaizvo at your level? Hazvidi mhani. You did not get those ministerial posts to look for the love of your life. Tisataura hedu mazita. I always say mumacorridors of power umo munovhurwa hombe. You think Ama2k vanozarura huru, hamusati mariziva team redu maBorn Before Computers maBBC aya imi.
Ko totika nemakorokoto ekubvisirwa amwe masanctions. Please note that I said amwe because vene neteam ravo vachipo, sekuziva kwenyu 2030 vanenge vachipo, we do not know pai exactly but zvaikozvino pamasanctions vachipo havo. We were getting tired with the sanctions being blamed for everything, nemasoja akapihwa directive kunzi kombai tirove, zvotonzi masanctions. Chero aba macovid funds, zvotonzi masanctions. Now that they have been relaxed, wait and see Gold Mafia continuing to do what they do best. It reminds of mombe yaiva kumba kwedu kwaChirimudombo. That cow, even if you open danga, it would always jump through an opening pasiri padoor, apa that cow was very troublesome. Yaiba muminda dzevanhu. Handisi kuti chii kana kuti chii but we all know the characteristics of those who have such collective instincts, tisataura mazita. You were told in black and white kuti regai mahuman rights abuses zvinhu zvifambe, but that will be the last thing you will do. KuAmerica kunonakidza kuya, bvunzai Mutsvangwa namadam vake nemwana wavo Neville uya wekutengesa internet isingabvumidzwe yeStarlink, kkkkk.
Anyway let me go ndinokanga maputi angu for lunch. Nenzara iriko iyi gore rino I will have to learn to diet ndongorova maputi once daily, manheru ndorova rotten bananas. Ane nharo ngaauye kuno kuchitima wether uri Zanu or dzimwe dzacho, mese muri mbava.But if you see VaMphoko tell him to reconsider the zvitiyo project pamwe tingararama. Aluta Continua, Alooter Continua Mboko imboko!
Opposition, Zanu: Aloota Continua
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