Ladies and gentlemen, Mapombi is dismayed and disheartened by the events of this past week. I shuddered seeing a man dressed in civilian clothes brandishing a riffle of such calibre in broad daylight and in full watch of citizens abducting the country’s youngest Member of Parliament Ngadziore. Veduwe kana ndimiwo, pamwe pacho munongoti zvenyu pane arikukuroyai senyika but murikuzviroya mega. Namai vangu kudai muri kuzvinokora tsoka moga moga zvenyu asi hamuzvioni. Whoever ordered or orchestrated that abduction should be answerable to so many questions. Neniwo Mapombi nehama dzangu dzekwaChirimudombo tine mibvunzo yakawanda. I played so many scenarios in my mind trying to analyse kuti ndiani chaizvo angava akaita chinhu ichi if it is not the usual culprits. Some of my questions were answered by critically looking at former Mabvuku-Tafara MP Chidhakwa’s own scenario, but then again the question remains; why? I then concluded kuti aiwazve, the Patriotic Act vanhu chaivo who it is supposed to target ndivava vari kuita zvinhu izvi, because the world is watching. Let’s say for example, those this country considers to be adversaries are watching, don’t you think they watch with glee as you continue having these abductions of not just ordinary citizens, but high profile people like lawmakers and opinion leaders? Kamfana kadiki diki kudaro has made it into Parly, something vanhu vane medulla oblangata should be celebrating, but what do you do? Kukumura mwana hembe kumunyora nyora nemboma muviri wose, nyadzi makaisepi chaizvo? Shuwa, in all sanity, a person is snatched from the streets in broad daylight while the world is watching, to prove what exactly? And then you see mabiyangu Linda nemwana waDhagi busy kuita discredit such a serious issue.Ende huye bodo shuwa. Munozoti Mapombi anotaurisa but zvimwe zvacho tinyareiwo. Ini hangu ndiri jentrumen handivanzi, and I think Berita waDhagi is just bitter kuti ‘ra ra ra’ yakatadza kubura nhanzvu, kkkkk, zvimwe zvatinomboitirwa muno munyika so zvinosetsa. So you thought waitozonzi First Child here nhai Berita kutopihwawo maportfolio sevana vevamwe zvatirikuona? 2030 vanenge vachipo ava, and your father by then kunenge kwatova kudhara ikoko. I doubt anyone will be remembering that kwaimbova naTogi Mwonzora.
Masvingo city muchabaikana nematsvana emamayor, kkkkkk. Kungodai matova naMayor mutsva, and very soon tinenge taana mudhara wedu Mberi muMayor’s chambers. Long time coming but haa zvazongoendwa. Mapombi is really hopeful kuti zvichaita saizvozvo because mudhara uya looks like he is the only level headed pane rimwe team rese. MaChristmas ati dyiwei hawo but what can we do, ane bhonzo ane nyama. ZveImposition zviya zvekungodzimikira vanhu will work against the party Mayor akazogumisira abva kuZanu ine macouncilor maviri oga. Heya, chizungairai muchidaro. Hezvino ndiri pano. Deno matoisa henyu Mai Chikwangwani pahudeputy mayor weee, pamwe the gender card might rescue you, chero hazvo mazano achiri mashoma paya. But I think with time uye kumbopiswa piswa nevakomana vemedia, vanenge vangwara manje manje. Mai Dorca vakahuita wani vudeputy Mayor vakainda Germany vakamiririra kanzuru, vachingoti ‘Minisparati’ varimo muBerlin nemuKernen. Mai Dorca bhinya raPastor Mundondo, kkkk seka hako Mapombi. I heard Roki chiri kufara zvisingambobviri at the prospects of returning to town house, vakomana power inonaka veduwe. Hapana asingadi kudya and vanhu vacho havaguti. Had Chirairo not declared that haachaiti zvepolitics I think he would have been a better candidate for that ward 2 if Shantiel does not return, but it looks like vanhu veward 2 are stuck with Roki, kkkk, mati madii. On a serious note though, I think dai zvemaelections zvachipera tafocuser neservice delivery, because a lot is happening in the vicinity that requires attention. Mvura yakunaya iyi we need a proper drainage system, fungaiwo shamwari dzangu dzinorara mumapavement and those pavements will be flooded because of poor drainage. Panoda kugadziriswa ipapo.
Ko how far Henrietta uko? I laughed when I heard that she had been remanded in custody ndikati haa, nyika yedu is either one of these two things: either a huge crime scene or a big circus because zvimwe zvinhu zvacho unotozvishaya. The Gold Mafia craze came and went, names were dropped and people were implicated but nhasi ndopotozonzwa nywee nywee, Rushwaya asungwa. Imika, mutiitire mushe. Even matare acho kana ndimiwo. Uyuwo muimbi wedu wembiri wedzechitendero Ivy nemurume wake vosungwazve hanzi they forged papers ekupracticer hugweta. Ladies and gentlemen, some of the things that happen in our country zvinopedza power. What does all this mess say about our institutions’ credibility? If people can get away with things like that, ndokutizve nyika yangove bheke raTizirai, unowana zvese imomo—unogona kungowana dzvinyu rakatsamira sadza rakaomeswa kana majuru ari musalad cream, kkkkk. I know izvozvi munenge makutoti Mapombi anenge ava kuita zvemadrugs, no no no, I don’t play with such serious issues. Ndingoriwo kuteerera malyrics ezviri kupisa these days, the likes of Hurungwere naBaba Harare vekuona bhawa rakadhakwa gore riya. Did you guys know kuti Father Capital City is our own Masvingo boy, wepaBikita apa? I think you all see that in the way he puts people in their places, kunyanya Java. It boggles my mind how that clown got such close proximity to power zvekudaro to the extend yekufamba achivhundutsira vanhu that authorities will deal with them. Yes, we all know what the authorities are capable of, but in the battle of words between ajigija Passion naMutarisi I think what made Mutarisi angry is the person who delivered the message, if ever there was any message. Kutongovhundutsirwa naPassion pachako kunotosvota, and kunopa hasha no matter how credible it may be. VeChiredzi ndovanhu kwavo vakamublueticka gore riya, ko Lowveld inombozvida here zvemadrama, kkkkk. My heart is pained when I see people who are actually contributing to the country’s GDP being victimized nemaclowns like Java. We are talking about one company yekuti if there were going to be senyika huyai kumacompetitions ezvishandwa tinoburitsawo Nash without shame. To speak about powercuts and loadshedding imhosva here, especially for someone running such a big business? Is Zimbabwe really open for business, kana kuti nderimwewo business that you mean, not business business. You see young people supporting nonsense, yet very few, if any at all has ever had a payslip. No wonder why some people are finding it difficult to survive when they move overseas because working in functional systems is too difficult for you, ko mozvizivirepi imi makakurira mukungwavha? Manje uko things are functional hakuna zvekudhiza, ndopotozoona vana Uncle vakuita mavideos vachichema on social media. One thing Zanu has done is to destroy any kind of functionality in this country and everyone has normalized the abnormal. The entitlement our leaders has is bred in that disfunctionality, that’s why they behave like bulls in a China shop. Everyday our ears are abused about the Harare-Beitbridge road hanzi Masvingo necarpet, iyo isati yapera iyoyo. It also saddens me that we have been losing influential people in that road over the past month. China ngaichingodira mari zvipere, handiti paramende makavakirwa, airport makavakirwa, ngavachingovaka mugwagwa nenjanji ka mafriends enyu from the East. At least povho may be distracted from seeing kutombora tombora pese pese kwavari kuita looking for our precious minerals isu vanyai tichitambura.
Mazuvano Nero chirikutonhoregwa SADC yakarasa chinyaya chake. But seriously, what did we all expect? These regional bodies are useless and are there to protect the interests of the status quo, kwete kuita babysit zvinyaya zvenyu izvi. Kuya ndiko kunonzi kufudzisa bere mbudzi. Hanzi Nero pazhe, chinyaya chako ichi hachina basa endai munogarisana zvakanaka ikoko, makorokoto hako iwe ED, ndiye hwava. Hameno pamwe Nero’s saving grace will be Valerio kana apinda in the coming few years because he seems level headed, but zveZanu here, hazvina guarantee.
Anyway, let me go kunokanga maputi angu zvangu for lunch, ko mazuvano tichambovata here kuChitima kuno, kuda kukotsira kudai bulldozer rauya kuzoputsa misika in the dead of the night, zvakaoma hazvo tese tangova varoyi. Mabanana azere mazuvano ndoita ekushara ndichirasha akaora. Handingaendezve ndisina kubvunza where my dear leader Mphoko is, varipiko nhai? Kkkkkk. Mboko imboko!
Abductors are the ones not patriotic
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