Ladies and gentlemen, first of all let me as a soccer fanatic pass my condolence and solidarity message to the ‘Citizens’ not those led by Nero but Spanish tactician Pep Guardiola. Haaa Real Madrid inenge yakaromberawo UEFA champions league, ko sei ichipona neHwakumukwaku kkkk, that is part of the beautiful game. Anyway Rodyrigo wakaita basa kusvika Benzema ati ‘Vakomana ndiri baba venyu’. Ko ini kutovata hangu kuno kuchitima ndichiti Man City yapinda zvekare muFinal yeUefa nyambisirwa pakazoitika mamwe maDevelopments kutomuka kuchinzi yakabuda yooooo.
Let me express my bitterness at the level of political bullying towards female politicians, a matter that I have always denounced be it on the local front or international arena. How can a neighbor north of the Zambezi have the guts dzekutsiura vana vevamwe vake vane misikanzwa? Zvichireva here kuti vese vakadzi vari paZambia vane ganda remvura rakaimbwa na the Late Tongai Moyo or Kalimbwe is just trying to gyrate into an uncontrollable gusto by failing to respect the diplomatic and cordial relations the two neighbors share?
Let me express my disappointment on the ruling party of Zambia referring to our female presidential candidate as a ‘flight-by-night Zimbabwean politician’ at a time most governments across the globe are advocating for the emancipation of women in politics. Why is it that on a number of occasions, sisi Linda has been instructed to seriously take it to the shower before coming to the public, kkkk dai kuri kuSoccer tichiti it’s a straight red card ka which condemns one to an early shower. But still my question remains ‘Why would Linda try to correct matters which she feels would have gone wrong across the Zambezi when Zimbabwe has got a number of issues that need to be addressed? That is now landing her in trouble as some people are relentlessly unleashing their verbal venom towards her. Anyway kana zvirizvo zviripo let me hasten to say pour presidential hopeful with that little following should prioritize bathing issues before vaona danda riri muziso reuyo ari kure naro. Before I venture into other issues, let me take this opportunity to ask if there is anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of my ward 4 candidate for Masvingo, sisi Thoko. Kkkk Tabe Mwari ave newe kuParadhiso kungodya aunti vangu vachibva vatoita disappear here amana?
Kkkkkk ko ipo paMurehwa apo mbudzi dzemisoro mitsvuku dzakabva Wenera dzatora chimuti ayaaas. Ko iro dhiramhu remaDrama muZimbabwe risingazari chero ukadira rakaita seiko ummmm. The events that unfolded in Murehwa at our own government critic and journalist-cum-journalist Hopewell Chin’ono’s homestead puzzled me. Ko heya ana Ostalos Siziba vatoriwo vafudzi vakarurama nhai kkkkk. But that is part of the political dramas that have characterized the Zimbabwean political landscape. How would ruling Zanu PF youths threaten to raid the journo’s home and take his goats which he imported from South Africa under the false pretense that he got them through government empowerment programmes. Kkkkkk ndakatozoona kuti iye Kandishaya imbwende yamandiriri nekuti vakomana veCCC pavakangosvika paGround akabva atosiya mission yake haaa igwara zveshuwa. Anyway maybe he is law abiding since there was a court order barring him from proceeding with that ‘impossible mission’.
Turning to the issues affecting people on a daily basis, eish this Zupco which has remained incapacitated to render service to incapacitated commuters while at the same time the police is chipping in waging a war against Mushika-shika haaa Zimbos we are caught between a rock and hard place, Mwari ndivo vanoziva havo. How can a concerned government allow monopoly to an already-struggling parastatal if they are considerate of the plight of commuters? Ko iyo company yakakura kudaro inotadza neiko kuzvimirira muBusiness to such an extent that they rope in private operators to operate under their franchise.
Kkkkk ko Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa hanzi vakazviita kupfekawo cap of knowledge haaayas Zimbabwe is blessed akomana with learned First ladies. From Dr Amai aka Grace Marufu now the current first lady of the New Dispensation has taken to the auditorium with Manyeruke’s Makorokoto song accompanying her academic achievement. Kkkkkkkk ko ma Indina’s vaichinzwa here chiShona coz ndanzwa kut Degree rakaitirwa kuIndia. Yaaa God blessed this nation, ko kune dzimwe nyika hapanaka kwatinombonzwa kuti vana Amai vadzidza sevekuno kwedu. Hanzi she was awarded an honorary doctorate nezuro (April 05), doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Honoris Causa) degree at University in Gurugram Haryana, India in recognition of her philanthropic works. Kkkkkkkk ko kudzidzisa vanhu kubika sipo kana kufamba vachigovera zvinhu zvatengwa mari dzenyika nedonzvo rekutsvakira murume wavo rutsigiro zvakupisa maDegree zvakare. Chete Zimbabwe is always full of surprise packages and this is one of such packagings. Kkkkk I vow to enroll at Hebert Chitepo Law School nearer to my residence kuno kuChitima ndoita block hangu pamwe ndingamukawo rimwe zuva ndava Advocate kkkk gweta zveshuwa. I cannot be left behind vamwe vachipiwa maAcademic titles ndakati vavava kuno kuChitima. Ko vaimboita zvidzidzo zveiko mai, just hope that the doctorate is not similar to that of Grace which is now creating trouble for the academic board at University of Zimbabwe (UZ). Kuti haisi vavariro yekudzikisira reputation yema Academic institutions aya here? Apowo ana mai Mujuru, God Bress Pumura are also Doctors.
Just heard kuti iherere herere paBikita apo hanzi chakachaya shuwa. Our own toothless anti-graft watchdog ZACC hanzi they descended on the Rural District Council premises for some hearings following the outcry over the purchasing and privatizing of six GD6 Toyota Hilux vehicles for council’s Head of Departments. Just hope ZACC is developing the teeth so that at one point it will grind out results and combat corruption that seems to have settled well in most if not all public institutions. Apawo nekurutivi ndangonzwa neguhwa kuti chikomana chebhutsu dzekwasisi Auxillia chatiwo Ministry yacho ichapindira and carry out some investigations to establish the truth behind the matter. Just hope sanity will prevail and service delivery gets priority at all councils. Ko zvino zvamunosiya nyaya dzeRefuse collection, road maintenance and water supply munenge muchisiira anikowo. Asika tipeiwo maserious imi vatungamiriri veKanzuru edu kunowo kuchitima ndanzwa nyaya ye545 madrum eBitumen akadhuurwa council yeMasvingo necompany isangatozikanwi nezvayo kana painowanikwa. Guys, haaa ko pedu paChiredzi apo haaaa Fossil Contracting itai mushe nekuziva kuti mari yeruzhinji haiitwe dambe nayo sezvamurikuita izvi. Mirai mahumbwe or kana makadarikira chikamu ichi pakuyaruka dzokerai mega mosiya mari dzevagari dzomoita dambe nadzo. Hee hanzi Lion Drive yakanzi iitwe redo apa ndaifunga kuti zvinongoitwa pamaAssignments muzvidzidzo nyambisirwa chero neku road maintenance zvirikowo. Why would a serious company play with our monies?
Seriously those people awarding tenders should make sure they award such to serious people instead of wasting funds be they devolution or internal funds, there is need to stop fooling the public around. Saka zvokwadi road ingati ichingovhurirwa kuvatyairi nemichovha, haipedzi kana week yakutoita kunge chimunda chepfumvudza makomba tekeshere haaa ko iyo material yenyu munoitorepi kusingasvikwe nanaBitumen world or pamwe maEngineer enyu anodzidza kuzvikoro zvakasiyana nevamwe. This other day I just decided to join other citizens in commemorating Independence only to discover that the road leading to Mucheke stadium was also poorly done by the same contractor Tensor. Haaa pull up your socks zuro ndizuro makaita mwedzi mitatu makavhara Calvin Majange ku Runyararo West uko, haaa is it poor workmanship or how would you get the tenders with such poor pieces of work. Dai iri old dispensation pamwe VaMphoko vangadai vakaona zvekuita navanhu veMasvingo. Asi varipiko VaMphoko nhai? Mboko imboko!
Hands off Linda Masarira please!

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