Mapombi as you all know ladies and gentlemen is not an activist like the likes of ana Itai Dzamara who ended up disappearing and of late ana Makomborero. It’s not that I am afraid of disappearing; it’s just that I majored in telling the truth. Ndinonzi Mafirakureva and ndiri gentleman handivanze. I said this and I will continue saying it until vanosvotwa vasvotwa. The continued detention of Job Sikhala, Sithole and 12 others following the Nyatsime disturbances that ensued after the death of Moreblessing Ali is wrong. That is wrong and I will say it both pasi nekudenga. The issue here ladies and gentlemen is the politicization of the judicial system what law experts refer to as capture of system of course not river capture kkk. We claim to be civilised but we are still far from it when we detain opposition members for nothing while real criminals are walking freely. I hear they denied Nero to visit his comrades at Chikurubi Maximum prison, for the why? But I think it’s for their own good, Mfana uya haasi wekungorega achisvika pese pese anosiya atendeutsa vanhu maGuard Jeri ese akavhotera CCC come 2023 kkkk. Ane mudano mfana uya saka vasingadi asvike kuma perceived strongholds avo. But that is wrong ladies and gentlemen, you can’t deny a father access to his innocent son in jail while allowing others access to their murderers and rapist sons. That’s not fair kana ka1.
But president vakazombowanepi all those powers to determine who visits Chikurubi or not. Is that what the 2013 constitution say? Where is Mwonzora, iwe Dhagi huya pano utiudze kuti ndozvamakaisa mubumbiro renyika here naMangwana wako kuti kana vada kuona hama they sought clearance from the president? Speaking of Dhagi, Dhagi where are you kkk, my avid readers let me tell you about this useless man called Dhagi. He just caused by-elections by recalling people only to boycott the elections kkk. Kubikira vamwe mbodza iwe woiramba kkkk. But chaigodiiwo zvacho after getting Zeroes in the previous round. Baba Zero, I guess now he has exhausted all the tricks and Zanu PF is nowhere near to help zvayo. He was used and now dumped like a used condom. That’s Zanu Pf for you kana musingaizive ask Killer Zivhu. Ko constitutional law expert Prof Love, haaya varikuPOLAD maybe that’s why he is quiet.
Iwo maBy-elections ndakanzwa kuti Zanu PF tried all its tricks in the political book but vari kurohwa chete. Yeah by-elections serve as a litmus test for the final election. Yes the results are showing the possibilities for next year. The first truth is that the battle is between Zanu PF and CCC. Any sane person can now see that and it’s never too late to join either of the two parties. Imwe iParty yevanhu imwe Ndeyeropa so choose wisely ipapo kkkk. I think basing on the results, it’s high time we get rid of the useless Polad before it exhausts the Treasury for nothing. I hope these by-elections are a wakeup call for CCC that they should work hard as well as proving kuti Nero ane chaunga. However, Zanu PF is not sleeping, these wins should not make you complacent asi kana mati tingosiya varipo ivavo vatonge nyika ndeyavo we are just second class citizens kkk.
Did anyone see the preliminary results of the 2022 census? They show there is a lot of rural to urban migration yataidzidziswa naTeacher Mudefi kwaChiriMudombo uko. Life is hard for the rural folk and I am sure they now know kuti they have been bribed all along no one cares about bettering their lives.
As you all know Mapombi is a feminist though not a radical one, I only get radical when people hide the truth, haa ipapo ndinopenga chaiko. I know the people of Zimbabwe are divided over this lady who shocked Twimbos with her revelations dzaiita kunge asutswa nemweya waJohane achinyora zvakazarurwa kkkk. Mapombi is confused with sincerity of the presenter, her motive and the timing of the revelation. I don’t want to question her sanity for now, I am sure she is right upstairs. If she is ok then let’s look at the timing, Ladies and gentlemen, if we take brief look back to 2013, we had Baba Jukwa who became so popular revealing some intricate details of high profile meetings like what Susan is doing now. Everyone believed the chap and got carried away and it later dawned to the public that it was just a diversion ploy to divert attention of people. I am not saying Susan is the 2023 baba Jukwa or Mai Jukwa, all I am saying is let’s look at this with open minds kwete kutevera mhepo kunge shiri.
The anonymous Baba Jukwa character just vanished in thin air after voting, this time around it has a face, clever handiti? Munobvma chete. I think the rape issue if it’s true affected the lady’s mind. Riya ndorinonzi dhimoni rechihure riya, I think Apostle Kapandura should be called panyaya iyi. Sure kuita danga revarume here 32 vese wakaoma hako at 33 years and an average of a man each year you have been on planet earth. I feel pity for Susan for all she alleges to have went through, but I guess something is not right on the whole issue. Why targeting only men from the same pool, isn’t this a trick kuti last minute mozonzwa kuti ndakarara naMwonzora, Chamisa, naBiti, naSikhala kkkk. But maCITIZENS akaoma futi, I saw her picture with Nero but no one commented on it kkk, nyararai henyu but mark my words hezvino ndiripano.
Anyway thumps up to you Susan, gara wakati vanga riri kurutivi rupi pana Garwe kkk asi une zvivindi zvekutozoongorora pakubatwa chibharo here? Chete ndiwe wakadyiwa kkkk inini was not there, famba Susan famba, time iri kutofambabwo takananga kundofa hedu kkk. As a mother, guru rakachichita pandakanzwa wochema while addressing thousands of followers. Chine mafollowers wena kudarika team iri MuPolad kkk, I have more questions than answers to your story Suzie. Not dismissing the fact that young girls have fallen prey to these political vultures. I just hope mutemo will be applied without favour mwana awane zororo. I just wonder the timing of the revelation and Baba Jukwa set a bad precedence by misleading us and diverted our attention for the benefit of the same Zanu PF so now isu tinoonera hatichamhanyi kungobvuma.
Ko saka ukama hwe Garwe naMudha hwaiva hwepabarika rako here? But you are a well-seasoned campaigner in these bedroom affairs it’s only that Beijing haina kuzoti kuitwe ministry otherwise you would be the minister deputized by Sexmorehardy Duggish kkkk. Ko iye akashaikwa seiko pa32 kkk. Hanzi Musanhi akarara akapfeka jean asika Susan Mwari ave newe unotombofungawo ndivana baba vevamwe vanhu here vaunodaro? Anyway ateya mariva murutsva haachatyi kusviba magadziko so goes the saying. I didn’t believe the whole narration until you broke down. I just began to think the abuse could been real that is kana usiri drama Queen saMai Muchuchuti vepaward 4. So how will the docket with Queensland police be processed or Interpol are called to task in this matter. But apo naThemba Mliswa zviya zvekuti zviuya hazvidondani zvakaramba zvakatodondana apo hey. Zvipfuti pamuromo kwese yaaa that was a perfect match yoo or that one made in heaven.
Mthuvi naPanonetsa are at it again, I knew they would not run out of ideas ummm. Vakauya neimwe plan yekukokotedza zvimaUSA zviya zvikuradzwa pasi pePillow neSefa dzemudzimba vachipa maGold Coin. Haaa maybe it’s ignorance, but I am still failing to get the logic of buying the tokens for US$ 1 800 or more or the logic behind keeping possession of the tokens. Ko zvikamuka zvichinzi hazvichashandi kkkk. Tengai mega ini handipo. It’s just that I have been sceptical of quite a number of reforms pronounced by the terrible duo to such an extent that even if they come up with something meaningful, I always doubt it.
Before I go zvangu kunokanaga maputi angu for lunch, let me hasten to say ZIFA,SRC and all those involved please sit down and talk, kana matalks aramba then motaurirana, this ban should be lifted. Handidi kupikiswa ndatopedza so. Mboko IMboko!!!
Is Susan another Baba Jukwa scam?
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