Ladies and gentlemen, Pachitima pari kutonhora, the temperatures are dropping to minus zero at night and I feel for the homeless who sleep in bridges and those underprivileged who have no blankets to cover them during the night. I urge all those who have extra blankets kana some old clothes to give to the less privileged. Yes there is no harm in giving, torai ese amakaunganidza pamusoro pemawadrobe enyu mupe vanotambura. Remember things are getting tough everyday with prices of things going up and you wonder why they can’t just drop like what the temperatures are doing.
While we are busy pondering on how the bread prices are going up, our leaders in the government which is said to be better than heaven are busy selling us to China. Kkkk this cult called Zanu PF ma1, delivering us from one coloniser and selling us to the other. Nyika yoinda namaChina takapeta maoko. I used to hear people passing-by kuChitima saying these friends from the East have a hidden agenda while our leaders have a soft spot for their guerrilla friends and just thought its rumours but now mazvionerawo. A whole president flying choppers to Bikita with the Genarari disturbing his honeymoon only to sell our land to the Chinese. But ED ane zvivindi, kana kunyara wena. He admitted in front of the people that the whites are clever than us and they know our country better than us that’s why they continue fight to control us but now the Chinese have the upper hand. Hanzi Debeers looted diamonds while we were laughing at them for exporting soil kkk. The Chinese are doing the same. We changed the face only but the system is the same, they are looting, perhaps more than Debeers. The Chinese are taking something haasi madota, wake up and smell the coffee Scarfmore. Makapiweiko naMao Tse Tung? nxaaa mhani.
Mapombi is really worried about the situation in our hospitals, the nurses have downed tools and Scarfmore seem not to care. We are again forced to go to the Chinese vezvimaHerbs. Do we really have a minister of health in this country? basa rake nderei, someone should school me there. He should be working to ensure the welfare of health workers is addressed but instead he allow police to harass them for demanding what is theirs. But Chinyika chinoka, ma1 chaiwo, the one who is getting peanuts is busy chasing the one getting groundnut to go back to work kkk. Hanzi vari kuhora nzungu vari buzy kudzingirira vanotohora Beans. How can the police force someone who earns better than them to go to work when the strike seeks to improve even their salary.
Ladies and gentlemen the issue of poor salaries and this hyper-inflation need to be seriously addressed before the whole civil service succumb to stroke ‘yaRate neSalary’ the new killer disease. The concerns of these hospital personnel who braved the whole Covid-19 dangers attending to infected people need recognition and appreciation for their services under those risky conditions. But rambai makadzvanya ana mukoti, pamberi nemi kkkk.
On a more serious note, mukomana weShangu anoda kubatirwa pedo asati aindirira sezvakaita Chombo. This July Moyo guy should just be arrested. Iko what is it with the Moyo guys, we have July, Jonathan and we had Sibusiso. Misoro yavo haitore mushe chete vanhu ivava. July is becoming more powerful than Scarfmore and General Ampi combined. The ministry local government is cursed I think, the most corrupt find a safe haven in local government and create fortune empires at the expense masses. Kubva kuna Tyson ingori corruption chete. I thought having grey hair signifies wisdom but mmm July naChombo are the worst. I though July’s shenanigans will end with the Pomona saga but he is proving kuti haatorina nyadzi dzacho. I am beginning to think it’s true he want to be a president, infact, he has power similar to that of the president that’s why he is doing all this pasina zvaanoitwa zvake. Akaregererwa panyaya yeShangu paya and he has become more vigilant, ED beware.
Where is the country’s Attorney General, where is ZACC, when all this nonsense is taking place? The Second Republic claims to be anti-corruption chiefs but alas. July aakujairira povho manje and is getting out of hand ANA General P.V Sibanda makatarisa. Chero vamwe muchiti vakafa havadembwi, haaa Uncle Bob dai varipo ummm zvaisazvika kwese uku. Chombo would steal but not zviri pachena like this. The New Dispensation has failed. Forcing councils to buy fire tenders at US$ 462 000 kumwe achiita maUS20K. Iwe White head yako imarii ipapo? Munhu wepi asingasvodi kuti vanhu varikushaya mvura yekumwa yakachena. Fire tenders are needed but as we speak, they are not a priority especially to Rural District Councils. Force them to buy road equipment and improve water provisions kwete zvemoto. Many urban authorities have the fire tenders but havana enough refuse compactors. MCC is struggling to finish the trunk sewer and start the water augmentation project yet moda vatenge mota yemoto, that’s nonsense. Ok let’s say you want them to buy those, then why inflating the prices.
Another Moyo guy of the Tsholotsho Declaration ya2004 seems to be home sick and is always trying to seek relevance by posting nonsense. Kkkk Jonso, hands-off CCC imboita zveikoko, remember the CCC guys you are dissing are the ones with keys to your coming home.
Vanhu vangwara, the Baba Jukwa style won’t work this time around You won’t be able to distract people from pursuing bread and butter issues by talking of CCC congress, since when did you become a lecturer of democracy after orchestrating repression through vana AIPPA hatikanganwi Jonso. Gara zvako in exile wakatonhorerwa pawakabata pakakwana so shut up.
This government never cease to amaze, Kos aka Jamba naSikhala vafanana here voiswa maLeg irons or mhosva dzavo dzafanana? What is it with this guy called Sikhla, I think he is now a threat to the ruling party than Nero himself, they always want to put him behind bars. In Bikita paya he was arrested for an almost similar offence only to be acquitted later. Iyezvino mukati tamuwanira pekumubata kkkk moshamisa munombotyeiko paari. Inciting violence what when real thieves and murders are walking free.
On that note, can someone give us a comprehensive report of what really transpired on the Ali murder now that Jamba is in police custody. The theories are too many and we cannot make head or tail. I don’t want to talk more about this because ndingatozochema misodzi.
Before I go kunokanga maputi angu for lunch, pane akazonzwawo about the results of the samples of the Mucheke River which killed aquatic life paya? Tipeiwo maserious imi. Manje kana maresults emvura achinonoka kudai kuzoti emaElections, 2023 tichaonerera zvedu. Let me warn the Citizens to be very careful Zanu PF is not sleeping, they are busy preparing for 2023 I am not sure what they are really doing but I know they are cooking something.
Please kana maNurse mapedza strike tell me I want to lead another one at July’s doorstep, he should resign. Its better to call Mboko timupe that post, after all he was wrongly fired kkkk. Iye aripiko nemaIncubators kkkk. Mboko Imboko!!!!.
July Moyo now powerful than the president
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