Mapombi is baffled. For a whole President to claim that Zimbabwe is the second developed country in Africa, behind South Africa, is shameful to say the least. This is ignorance at its highest order! And ignorance itself is a crisis and there is no defence to that.
Maybe it’s not ignorance after all but Mugabe might have mistaken Malaysia or Singapore, where he spend much of his time, for Zimbabwe. He probably needs someone just to remind him that there is indeed crisis in Zimbabwe; from cash crisis, poor roads, high unemployment, poor health facilities, corruption, political unrest and economic collapse in general.
The above mentioned sum up to a huge crisis in Zimbabwe therefore, Mugabe must rephrase his statement and acknowledge that there is a crisis in the country. But Mapombi sometimes think age is fast catching up on Mugabe and you all know kuti kana wakura hanganwa dzinowanda. Old people forget things easily. Kukanganwa chaiko kutofunga kuti uri muZimbabwe iwe uri Singapore kkkkkk chakaona hama hachisekwe varume.
But because the President always say he is still fit to run this country; we are tempted to think that to say there is no crisis in the country was a deliberate lie meant to convince the world that things are fine in Zimbabwe. Or maybe Mugabe is still living in the past paiziva Zimbabwe ichiri nyika izere uchi nemukaka chaiyo. Whatever the case may be, Mugabe’s ignorance will never be tolerated in an independent Zimbabwe.
Mapombi heard Mugabe flew to Singapore for medical check-up this week and one would be tempted to ask; ‘So the second most developed country in Africa does not have hospitals for the President to have medical check-ups here? Mugabe must stop abusing taxpayers’ money flying out of the country to seek medical attention. Ko rapwai munhozve nhai musharukwa inga makati we are the second most developed country in Africa wani. Ko zvino chaipa chii mukandorapwa paParirenyatwa apo kana kuuya kwedu kuno kuMasvingo General Hospital kkkkkkk mobva mashandisa road muchimboonawo ma dam-holes kwete ma potholes ari mumugwagwa mukuru wenyika.
Mapombi is very sure if given another opportunity to address the WEF conference Mugabe would say Zimbabwe is the second most underdeveloped country in Africa. He would also agree that there is a crisis in Zimbabwe. But Mugabe being the Mugabe we know, will stick to his point kuti zviri kufaya kuZimbabwe.
I think it’s a crisis on its own for the President to run away from the medical facilities of his own country which he claims to be the second most developed country in Africa. That is a crisis. Tendai Biti’s party in fact said Mugabe’s ignorance is itself a crisis chinova chokwadi chaicho. We are now faced with a serious crisis as a country and it is up to the electorate to solve or keep the crisis come 2018.
One of Zanu PF’s factions, Team Lacoste will agree with Mapombi that munyika muno maita disaster. Lacoste wants Mnangagwa to take over because vava kuona kuti hazvisisina maturo zvimwe zvava kuitiwa.
Aaah by the way, Mapombi would like to congratulate Ezra Chadzamira for winning the Masvingo provincial chairmanship over the weekend. Isu vana Mapombi mafigures hatizomazive hedu but ndakakonzwa kuti 29 000 chakadero against thousand kkkkkk. Asi neiko muchinyadzisa sekuru vaPresident zvakadaro?
The election was more than just a provincial election; Masvingo wanted to make a bold statement to Mugabe that it is now time up. Zanu PF Masvingo province is run by Team Lacoste and they have spoken kuti pamberi naMnangagwa. The message was very clear.
Mapombi heard Mnangagwa disguised nekuzovhura kaprivate ward paMasvingo General Hospital apa achida zvake kuzoonana neteam yake ahead of the election. I heard hakuna kurarwa that night kuchirongwa tingoringo.
Masvingo was sidelined for a long time in terms of development and it’s high time someone who will give priority to the ancient city takes over power from the 93-year-old leader and that person is none other than Mnangagwa.
Masvingo is saying Mr President keep your Kasukuwere and we will keep our Mnangagwa kkkkkkk mungatidii? Hapana and hapana kana zvamunombotiita because ndimi makazvitanga zvekuti maZezuru unconquerable. Hatichatye, Hatichada!
Anyway, it’s almost lunch time guys let me go ndindozvikangira zvangu maputi angu ndizvidyire. By the way I heard Mphoko akambotaurawo zvine musoro this time around which saw Chiwenga issuing a warning to our war veterans kuti kwanai. Kkkkkkk well done Mphoko keep it up. Don’t forget to donate some chicks to Masvingo widows and orphans. Mboko imboko!mapombi
Mugabe ignorance; a crisis indeed
TellZim News is the leading news organization in the Southern region. It provides candid, balanced and timely news from the communities. Keeping it real. Committed to tell Zimbabwe.
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