I am the big boss!
Hakuna Matata! I AM THE BIG BOSS – ehe ko munorwadziwa nei?…
Welcome to Ngwena stronghold, Cdes!
Welcome to Ngwena stronghold! Here we speak no other gospel except for…
92 reasons Mahofa should not attend Zanu PF Conference
Mapombi has 92 good reasons for gogo Mahofa not to attend the…
Zimbabwe and her President!
So where are we going? Ndati ndivhunzewo zvangu ini Mapombi. Ndodavo kuziva…
Chinamasa the fake Bond Notes culprit
But tinyareiwo mhani hamusvodi makaita seiko? You have rigged the election and…
Well done Temba Mliswa
Kkk nesuwo vana Mapombi tinongotevera tirimumasure. We also follow politics, even if…
Zim and her stupid professor
Now I am not going to wait for any university to give…
Hello graduates, welcome to ‘Vendor-land’
Welcome to the world of vendors – ndoinonzi Vendorsland yamauya ino where…
You are offside Mr President
Mapombi is baffled! I was shocked to say the least, and still,…
Did I hear gogo Mahofa now on dialysis?
Kkkkkkk this government is a joke. A real joke! I mean Chinamasasa…