Ladies and gentlemen winter is upon us, and like I always encourage you, wanawo waunopa chekufuga chero chakamboshanda, especially the less privileged like me because humanity requires us to do so. I know zvangu kuti we live in a country where the leadership seems like it has thrown away all humanity, but imimi vamwe vese muri team rangu and all we have is each other. Munotondisuwaka all week kuti musikana dai ambotaura something, and for sure, handiregi, plus futi ndiri gentlemen handivanzi. Vaya vakandimakira kutaura chokwadi mati madii, especially kuZanu uko ndofunga if they see me vanenge vachitoda kukanda maoko on sight, kkkkk. Inga imimi wani you act as if muhurumende there is a department that is working 24/7 to strategize how they can make Zimbabweans’ lives more difficult, munobvunzwa nani? Ngatingotii umwe neumwe ngaagare achiita yaanga achingoita, chero zvayo povo iriyo yakanyura pazvibodzwa. This country for the ordinary man rimbairi bhasikiti raTizirai, you can just wake up wakutonzi you no longer have a place to stay, bvunzai zvakaitika gore richitanga panaBhuka apo. Ukuwo Mthuli hakasi kumira nawo matax, zvobatanawo nehama yake Johwani Mushayamano ikoko, paMutare apo mabond notes hanzi vachiri kutambira, probably because of what he said a few weeks back on radio. Confusion yacho huye bodo. Chinozongondinakidza musangano wekuyera uyu is how its members use the state apparatus to fight factional wars—hamuoneri zvenyu but I always tell you kuti kana bere rafunga kudya mwana waro rinoti anhuhwa mbudzi. Takangomuona wani baby boy waMhamha Monie achiremerwa nemafuta ayo nyika achinetseka kukwira mugumbakumba rekujeri, kkkkk. Seka hako Mapombi. Maguard jere manje they don’t care, I heard madam officer shouting hanzi huya ubatsirwe kukwira mumota neumwe wako akasimba sewe. If anything, the one thing Zanu has managed to make as punitive as possible ndiko kuya seri, and hakuna member. I actually think keeping majere like dungeons is very deliberate, kuitira vaya vanorasa muswe ivo vakambobatwa zvigunwe zviri mugaba redovi. What’s amusing me about this whole story yaNeville though is how everyone got the message yekuti it is persecution against the Mutsvangwas. Kuba kusvika kubata mbavha kwava kushandiswa to persecute enemies. You would think it is a Mafia kind of situation, reminiscent of those countries that are controlled nemaEl chakadaro, Don chakazoti. Eljazeera yakazongoti Gold Mafia ikabva yazvipedza. Tiri kutongwa nembavha hama dzangu. For me it is the disrespect and arrogance exhibited by these people. Mthuli saying war vets should help in the promotion of ZiG has to be the highest level of mockery to these men and women who fought for this country’s independence. I mean, 44 years later and they should still be defending nonsense, saka vakatamburirei nhai? It is the entitlement that gets me, because for starters, nhai Mutuvi, what makes you think you have a right to give mawar vet the duty to clean up your mess? Varume munotsvinya imi. Pensioners are getting peanuts monthly, apa their whole lives they were contributing kunana NSSA uko, all for nothing, yet ndivo vaiva zvimbwido nemijibha muhondo. On the other hand, ZiG racho varikunyimwa kumabank hanzi munozonorizadza mumastreets, saka rakagadzirirwei chaizvo? I don’t get the logic yekuti civil servants cannot get cash from their banks because the government is afraid they will take it to the streets. Please, if there is someone close boys dzeSmoko to Johwani 2 and Mthuli, can you please tell them to stop whatever they are smoking because what kind of nonsense is that? In an economy where almost everyone is a vendor, and only limited number has POS machines, hamuoniwo here kuti Department of Utsinye renyu is going overboard? Not everything is found in those shops you are holding ransom, and you know it. Why then are you calling it a multi-currency economy when you know that you are going to be selective about which currency buys where also nekudzvinyirira vanhu? What you are doing kungodira stress muvanhu, but believe me you, muZimba haapererwi, and sooner or later they will find a way to fool your so called fool proof currency. Musatamba nevanhu vanogwesha pasi perazor wire nekuswimmer in a crocodile infested river vachienda Joni uko to look for greener pastures. When it all starts to develop cracks muchashaya pekutanga kunama, because you cannot fool all the people all the time. Instead of making life easier for people, all you are doing is to make people hate the coming of the ZiG, and yes, I agree that sacrifices have to be made, but ko sei maausterity measures enyu acho iwayo only affecting isu the ordinary people? Nyarai mhani varume imi. Iyezvino Zanu is busy hijacking the ZiG hype, hanzi go explain to chembere kumusha what the ZiG means uye varitambire. Varitambirire kuhope here nhai Mavhenyengwa nemafriends ako uko? Sometimes I think these Zanu people think like everything should be command; this command, that command. Majority of people who go to work havasati vatomboribata ZiG racho, yet you want chembere kumusha to accept chitukwani chavasingazivi, process dzenyu dzinosvodesa varume imi. Fuel chaiyo cannot be bought nezimari renyu irori, kumapassport uko people are paying chikwereti of the company that designed the electronic passport. MuZimbabwe vanotokuwanira chete chikwereti chako chaunobhadhara even when you are not the one who borrowed. Nemagreen bomber avamowo muchirongwa chekuparidza Zigi; imi, kuita Jesu here Mwanakomana waMwari anonzi nebhaibheri achazouya? Where is the ZiG? It’s just funny how some young people in their right frame of mind, vakakura vachichengetwa nemari dzemisika are supporting this nonsense. You people deserve Zanu. Ndopika naJenroll Monica Mutsvangwa kudai, makadya benzi chete imi. But politics aside, Monie akafitira kuva aiva sister vechurch zvekudaro. Did you guys see her singing MuKristu usanete kurufu kwaReverend Jenroll? Ndoaiva machurch girls chete aya, probably she was changed naKiritsopfa those days aainzi aiba zvipfeko zvemukati kuya kuya kkkkkk. Plus we always see them jiving together kumafaro. I just think zvangu there is someone in Kiri and Monie’s circles who does not like them, who always leaks those videos and pictures, like that one picture they were wearing zvekubeach, chembere idzo dziya. Or they are the ones doing that to themselves, because limelight inodiwawoka ipo paya.